The remaining veterans, as well as Xuan Lin, although they wanted to start, but most of the veterans did not agree to take action, they had no choice.

Time flies so fast, five days have passed.

The land of Suyi!

"Brother Luo Ming, I have discovered that Hengjia, He's family, and Da Luo Tianzong are all on the screen!"

"Also, with the great power of the screen master, almost everyone has returned to the headquarters behind the scenes and seems to be on guard!"

Bubbles conveyed some news to Lu Ming.

In the past few days, Bubble and Dandan, the news of going out to explore the screen, finally got the harvest.

Su Yi came to the ancient city of Wan.Needless to say, both groups of Reaper's killers failed.

LuMing's prowess stunned fans, and it was natural for the Master Summoner to handle the screen.

"It's time, Curtain House, Heng Family, His Family, Daluo Tianzong, today, destroy!"

Su Yi opened his mouth coldly, then strode towards the screen.

Su Yi's actions naturally aroused the vigilance of those who care about Su Yi.

"Where did Su Yi go?"

"The body is murderous, is it necessary to kill this mysterious family, is it impossible?"

"No, this direction is not a mysterious family!"

In the dark, many people talk about it and follow Su Yi secretly.

Soon, in front, the mountains rise high, the temples are numerous, and at first glance, the curtains come home.

Volume 263 Magic Forbidden Book Catalogue [-] Supplement


Su Yi suddenly took a step, and in the sky, endless forces gathered together to form a huge foot, covering the sky, and walked towards the curtain's headquarters.The foot of the mountain swayed under the gigantic feet.

Su Yi actually wanted to give it to the master?

All the followers were stunned and shocked.

The power of the Muguan is a little stronger than that of the Xuan family.

"It's very fast, I guess I'm going to go online!"

Su Yi sneered, and then burst out in one breath.


Su Yi's breath was like a wild beast, with blood boiling and terrifying to the extreme.

A terrifying atmosphere, like a tsunami in the mountains, was crushed in the Heng family's infinite temple.

The rest of the Heng family, who could withstand these pressures, were all shocked on the ground, just like facing the gods.

"Who is that? A terrible atmosphere!"

"This is Su Yi, Su Yi!"

"What? Su Yi, can't he be an emperor? It's so breathless, it's so unpredictable!"

"I'm worried that Su Yi has become the emperor, it's incredible!"

During this time, some people found out what was going on here and they were shocked to talk about it.

Obviously, Su Yi has a good practice, it is difficult for him to return to the Heng family.

The news spread at a hurricane-like pace.In the Emperor City, countless figures flew to the Heng family.

Near Heng's house, time is surrounded by airtightness.

"Strange, why is there no one in Hengjia?"

"In the Heng family, there is no strong atmosphere. They are all weak. The Heng family knows that Su Yi is here, and the masters of the Heng family have retired?"

"It's very possible!"

"It looks like the Heinz family will be destroyed today!"

Many speculate and then get excited.

Hengjia and Hejia are the two most powerful forces in the Emperor City.There are emperors sitting in the city, they are arrogant, and other forces must look in their faces.

It's really going to be destroyed now, it's just a big heart.

"Everyone in Hengjia listen, from now on, the Heng family belongs to me, wait, leave all, give you an hour, don't leave, kill the innocent!"

At this time, Su Yi opened, and the voice spread all over the corner.

Everything is weak, and Su Yi is still disdainful.

Because there are too many of these weak, hundreds of thousands, millions.

Su Yi is not a killer, and he will not kill these weak people.

Kill, kill the most powerful group of people.

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