"Enough is enough, I said, I'm just doing it once. Whether you can understand it or not is up to you."

Unable to stand the noise of the other party, Su Yi had to surrender.

"Okay, I can definitely understand, you said." Caesar excitedly took out the notebook and pen he carried with him, ready to record what Su Yi said.

He didn't have any superfluous thoughts, he was just curious about the truth. As for whether Su Yi could have this scientific literacy, it was not in his scope of consideration.

Seeing him look like a good baby, Su Yi is really speechless. After all, he is also an amazing scientist. In the face of unknown knowledge, he behaves like a diligent student.

"Let's talk as we walk." Su Yi sighed, reluctantly sorted out his knowledge, and briefly described the development process of optics before and after, "The wave-particle duality of light, in simple terms, light is both a wave and a Particles!"

"How is this possible!?" Caesar refused to accept it for the first time, and said angrily: "If you can't produce enough evidence, even if you are a major, I can't forgive you!"

"Shut up, you idiot." Su Yi snorted coldly, too lazy to explain to him, and then said, "I'll just say the conclusion, why this is so, don't ask me."

Of course, there is still a word left unsaid, to ask, to ask the real scientist of Blue Star, if he is really dissatisfied, ask Einstein.

"...So, I think that, for the average value of time, light behaves as a wave, and for an instant value of time, the light behaves as a particle."

"Wait, wait, major, honorable major, your jumping ability is too big, can you start from the beginning, and a little bit earlier, why light has particle nature, this has not been proved in the scientific community."

Caesar's face was tense, and a small book had been filled with more than a dozen pages.

The two of them also walked out of the cafeteria unknowingly and had already reached the school gate.

Su Yi suddenly realized that he really shouldn't talk about wave-particle duality.

Originally, this theory, at least three hundred years ahead of this era, was suddenly thrown out, not only to explain the theory, but also to explain the recognition that supports this theoretical foundation, and even has to move forward.

It's like explaining that 3 times 3 equals 9, and at the same time you have to explain what 3 is and what multiplication is.

It would be fine if he was a real physicist, but unfortunately Su Yi is only half-baked, he only knows the conclusion, and it is really impossible to understand how to derive it.

"Stop, stop, you want to know, go and study it yourself, what's the point of asking me?" In desperation, Su Yi had to speak sarcastically, "I know a lot of things, if I asked you just now, what is gravity? , are you going to chase after me and ask Shitiaojie again?"

"No, gravitation, I know, it's the gravitational force of the planet under our feet. Between two massive objects, from one center point to another center point, there is a mutual force between each other. This is how people and planets are, and planets and It's the same between houses."

Caesar seemed to regain his confidence and said firmly.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "Where is your universe?"


"Where are the stars in the sky?"


Caesar's eyes darkened, not understanding what Su Yi was talking about.

"Let me explain to you again, you can think of the universe as a huge sheet, and the planet under our feet is the mass body placed on this sheet, which will cause the surrounding air to collapse, gravitational force, It is also caused by this collapse. In comparison, the limitations of gravity are too great. This simulation experiment is very simple, you can figure it out for yourself, well, I'm very busy, don't follow me. "

"Wait, Major, can you tell me more, I still have a lot to ask you about."

Caesar's eyes lit up, as if he had opened the door to a new world, and the whole person was in a state of excitement.

Seeing that Su Yi was about to leave, he quickly followed.

"Fuck off, if you really want to know, come to Chambord Archipelago to find me." Su Yi waved his hand, moved his body, and instantly ran a distance of dozens of meters.

"Haha..." Caesar took a breath and gave up to continue chasing, but his expression was still excited, looking at the small book in his hand, muttering: "If these can be proved by enough experiments, it will be scientific It is not a dream for me to surpass Baker Punk! To this end, I need to be an assistant to Major Su Yi, yes, the major's knowledge is as bottomless as the starry night sky!"

His excitement was beyond words.

Suddenly, a shout came from behind.

"Dr. Caesar, where have you gone, we have been looking for you for a long time."

Caesar turned around and saw that it was someone from the school. He immediately coughed and said, "I suddenly remembered that I have a paper to write, goodbye."

"Wait, Doctor, about that lab..."

"No time to."

Caesar waved his hand and left impatiently.

The school officials looked at each other and thought that something had happened to Caesar in the school.

However, apart from Su Yi, no one knew that Caesar was stimulated, and the theoretical knowledge that Su Yi casually said was obscure to him.

"I must be the major's assistant! I even worship him as a teacher!"


Half a month later, a paper was published in the journal Science of the Navy.

The title of the paper is "A little speculation about light, namely the wave-particle duality of light".

This paper, in just over half a month, caused an uproar as scientific journals spread throughout the scientific community.

For a time, Caesar's reputation was greatly shaken, and there was another name mentioned by countless scientists.

Dr.Yi! ...

Chapter [-] Dr.yi

The Great Airway Organ Island, the future kingdom of Balkimore.

This future country, known as "the country where genius is born", is also the hometown and birthplace of Baker Punk, a scientist of the Naval Science Force.

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