Su Yi turned around and came to the third floor.

On the third floor, the number of magic skills is much less, and there are six and seven times as many magic skills.

The value of these magical skills is amazing.Generally speaking, they are high-ranking deities or gods, cultivated for their powers.

Again, there are no secrets and magical techniques in this layer.

Su Yi's goal is not a magical skill.He shook his head and Su Yi came to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor of the collection is less, but it is eight-seventh of the magic skills, and there are only dozens of them.

"Great God!"

Suddenly, Su Yi's eyes lit up, and finally saw a magical trick.

This miraculous magic, known as the Great God of God, is also the magical method of the king's deity.This is a mystical point of view, not an ice god, cultivated with great powers more powerful than ice and ice.

"Finally has magical powers!"

Su Yi was so happy, he looked at it one by one.Next, he saw more than a dozen of Wang Shen's magical skills, and he was able to cultivate the power of Wang Pin, each with its own sense of mystery.

However, the redemption points are very high, and at least, one thousand points are required, and the high point, five thousand points are required.

One thousand points, but the equivalent of ten million gods.

If that big god, you need three thousand points.

"The value is so high that even if I use all the crystals, I can't exchange some!"

Su Yi sighed.

After watching for a while, Su Yi was not in a hurry to shoot, he looked towards the fifth floor.

On the fourth floor, there are kings and gods, what kind of treasures will appear on the fifth floor?

Will there be divine magic?

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and then stepped on the fifth floor.

"Nine skills, mysterious!"

The fifth layer of magic skills is less, only more than ten, and the points redeemed for each step are very high, which is amazing. 300 points!

The cheapest of the nine divine powers requires 300 points, which is equivalent to 000 billion gods.

Don't say true god, even god, it's not easy to come up with so many crystals.

Su Yi took a sigh of relief, so many points, he could only look at it.

Then, Su Yi saw a few secret tricks.

"Great, great!"

At first glance, Su Yi sighed, his eyes were hot.

Mystery is different from magic.

This mystery has all kinds of mysteries.Once the cultivation is successful, it will last a lifetime and improve as the practitioner progresses.

For example, some secret technologies, once planted, once erupted, the combat power will be multiplied, which is somewhat similar to the word war.

However, the discourse of war is more mysterious.

Some of the mysteries after practice will produce various effects, and the power is even more amazing than magic.

However, there is too little mystery, and the cultivation conditions of many wizards are very harsh, so few people practice wizards.

On the fifth floor, there are several mysteries, but few introductions, just a few pens.

However, the price tag made Su Yi breathless.

One of the cheapest mystics needs to be redeemed for 100 points.The most expensive secret technology is actually marked with 000 million points.

Su Yi was completely speechless.

Initially, he made a lot of money this time and thought he had become a millionaire.Now he finds that he is still a poor man.

"Unfortunately, there is no magic!"

Su-yi watched all this and didn't see the miraculous work of the divine product.Some sadly shook their heads.

Volume 289 Magic Forbidden Book Catalog [-] Vortex

The magical method of the divine god is the divine power of Emperor Xuanzong.Only a few people are eligible to practice.Not normal here.

"Or redeem a few of Wang Pinshen's skills first!"

Su Yi thought.

God's skills, he has "Nine Layers of Red Gold Armor" and "Three Strikes to Destroy the World", which is not enough for the time being, and does not need to be exchanged for anything else.

As for those secret skills, Su Yi was very hot, but the price was too expensive.He can't afford it, he can only give up.

However, he doesn't have enough points physically.First, he has to exchange some points, and then come here to exchange the magical skills of the king.

Su Yi left the Tibetan Classic Hall and came to the place where the points were exchanged. He directly took out 1.5 million Shen Jing, exchanged 1.5 points, and came to Tibetan Classics again.

"This "Golden Dragon God Art" has this part of "Da Sun God Art"."

Su Yi took a fancy to two magical techniques.

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