"The original source of power has only been awakened by 80%!" Jin Yuan snorted.

The youthful power of the yellow robe was filled.Jin Yuan saw the awakening of Huang Pao's youthful power, which was about 80% of the awakening.

"Even if both of them were able to pass, I was awakened by 80% power!"

The young man in the yellow robe was cold and loud, he stepped forward and walked into the gate of heaven.

However, when he walked through the gate, his face was dignified.

Although he said that the difficulty of Tianmen was reduced, in his heart, he did not dare to relax, and he was fully prepared to guard.

When he stepped halfway through the gate of heaven, he was the same as Su Yi, and his figure was fixed.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the young man in yellow robe.If the young people in yellow robes can pass through Tianmen, it means that the difficulty of Tianmen is indeed reduced.

In the blink of an eye, it took two minutes.

Suddenly, the young man in the yellow robe trembled.

"how about this?"

In the hearts of the people, they are also trembling.

Then, the young man in the yellow robe screamed, his body seemed to be hit by a wild monster, flew out of the gate of heaven, squatted on the ground, vomited blood, and suffocated.

Everyone saw that the young man in the yellow robe had a crack and blood was flowing out.

In the eyes of the young yellow robe, everyone was terrified.When he's almost a little bit, he'll fall.

Obviously, the yellow-robed youth failed!

Failure was terrible, and I left myself almost forever.

"The difficulty of Tianmen has not weakened at all!"

someone whispered.

This sentence brought everyone's attention back to Su Yi and Qiuyue.

The difficulty of Tianmen did not decrease, Su Yi and Qiuyue walked for five minutes each, which showed the horror of the two talents.

Especially when Jin Xing, Jin Yuan and other Tianjiao passed through the Tianmen, when they looked at Su Yi, they were murderous and dignified.

"You, please enter Xingyue Ancient City, this child Su Yi must die in Xingyue Ancient City!" At this time, several Tianjiao of Qin family secretly gave other Tianjiao a voice.

He is a singer who has a good relationship with the Qin family.

"Don't worry, as long as we meet in Xingyue Ancient City, we won't let him live!"

The families responded to Tianjiao.

"it is good?"

At this moment, Su Yi seemed to have some feelings, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Qin Tianjiao.

Just now, he felt a lot of murder and fell on him.

"It seems that in addition to the Jin family, the Qin family, and the arrogance of other families, my life and death!"

Su Yi smiled coldly.

If you want to kill him, you must be ready to be killed by him!

Then, someone chooses to enter the gate.

"Autumn, let's go!"

After Su Yi watched it for a while, there was nothing to pay attention to.La Qiuyue's little hand walked to the front of the passage.

"Okay, let's go!"

"The owner basically shoots and then there's nothing to see and it doesn't mean anything to watch people climb up the dog gate!"


When Su Yi and Qiuyue left, the others couldn't sit still, they all set off towards the passage.

In the passage, it is not the ancient city of Xingyue, but a light door.

"The traffic gate, it seems that this is the gateway to the interior of Xingyue Ancient City!"

Su Yi smiled, and then walked into the lamp gate with Qiuyue.

Later, others walked into the door of light and disappeared.

After most people entered the light door, the people outside also left.

Someone blushed, crawled through the dog's door, and ran frantically through the light door.

Volume 307 Catalogue of Forbidden Magical Books [-] Walking Difficulty

After most of the time, everyone was in the lighted door, and there was only one white man outside.

"The talents of the four kings are gathered together. This time, I hope you don't lose too much. I hope they can gain something!"

Bailey whispered, sitting on her lap.

He has to wait here for ten years.

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