He can feel that his will is constantly strengthening, and the bottleneck of domineering he has encountered before seems to have begun to loosen.

This made him more and more immersed in cultivation. It can be said that he put aside everything and was indifferent to what happened in the outside world.

And at times like this, the Holy Land, Mary Joa.

This city, located just above the entrance of the Great Airway Hangxin World, is the residence of the Tianlong people.

At the same time, the world government is also located here.

On this day, a tall building in the center of the city, the Academy of World Government.

In the high-level conference hall, Caesar, a famous scientist in the scientific community recently, was invited by the Academy of Sciences to participate in this lecture.

Under the stage, there are hundreds of scientists from all over the world, from various countries.

Baker Punk, who is also a naval science unit, also sat in the first row and listened to Caesar's speech quietly.

"...light is both particle-like and wave-like. How to prove it? In my previous paper, I have given a specific experimental demonstration method. Here, I am not going to repeat it again. And an example paper is published , After more than a month, someone must have successfully experimented."

Having said that, Caesar's eyes stayed on the short-haired man in the first row of seats, "For example, my colleague, Dr. Baker Punk."

Being named in this way, Baker Punk also had to get up and nodded with a smile: "The fact is the same as what Dr. Kaiser said, I did conduct the experiment, and the conclusions I came to are consistent with the description in the paper. But this experiment requires I think that in addition to my hands, only Dr. Kaiser has it in the world."

Caesar reluctantly put on a smile. In fact, he did not have any experimental instruments to observe the particle nature of light.

Damn Baker Punk, it was really verified!

Caesar was indignant, and immediately interrupted the other party to continue, saying: "Regarding the wave-particle duality of light, I want to stop here first. This time the Academy of Sciences invited me over, and I intend to talk about another more important scientific discovery."

more important!

Everyone here is a little shocked. There are even more important scientific discoveries?

"...Everyone can look up and see that persistently luminous celestial body, the star we named the sun. Yes, this time, I'm going to talk about the sun."

Caesar stood in the sky and looked at the mountains and small mountains. For the first time, he discovered that he was so outstanding and was the pinnacle of contemporary scientists.

Shaking his head and putting aside his superfluous fantasies, Caesar slowly said the belly draft he had prepared earlier in the morning.

"I want to challenge the geocentric theory. I think the sun is the center, and our planet revolves around the sun! What I want to say is the heliocentric theory!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall shook.

It is incomprehensible to people who are not in this era.

What will the denial of geocentric theory mean?

That's a cult, heresy, a damned person. Maybe it will not have such a big impact on the world government, but for other countries in the world, especially some religious countries, it will be a major blow straight to the heart.

"Dr. Caesar, what are you talking about!?"

Immediately, a man in his fifties stood up angrily and shouted accusations.

Seeing this, Caesar snickered.

He doesn't care what heliocentric or geocentric theory is, what he wants is riots!

The messier the better, it's better to crash into the World Government Building!

"A bunch of idiots!" After pondering for a while, Caesar put on a mocking face and said, "Most of you should know this, but no one will say why? A bunch of cowards! I am the great scientist Caesar. Courant, what I said is the truth. You are not convinced. You have the ability to come up with a scientific discovery that can be compared with the wave-particle duality of light! What? No? Ha, you look like you want to eat me alive, but you are not convinced. Okay, go to the World Government to make trouble!"

Caesar's foul language continued, completely igniting the commotion that could have been suppressed.

In a short time, there was a riot in the conference hall, and even the soldiers guarding outside rushed in.

Baker Punk sat in his place, his face a little gloomy.

"What is he planning?!"...

Chapter 9 cp[-]

Hosted by the World Academy of Governments, the biennial scientific symposium invites hundreds of prestigious scientists from all over the world to participate.

However, this time, an unprecedented major event occurred.

M. Kaiser Courant, abandoned the scientific discovery that has caused worldwide discussion recently - the wave-particle duality of light, and instead mentioned a taboo "heliocentric theory" that should not be mentioned.

There was a commotion at the scene, and a large number of soldiers guarding outside the building poured into the conference hall, only to find that the conference hall that should have been solemn was now full of quarrels.

"Hoo lo lo... Let's make the atmosphere warmer!"

Seeing a lot of people roaring at him, Caesar didn't show any nervousness at all, instead he chuckled in a low voice, and snapped his fingers slightly with his palm hidden in his big sleeve.


With a slight snap of his fingers, it seemed to be a switch of a certain device. The next moment, the ceiling of the hall, the large chandelier exploded.

boom! !

The entire conference room vibrated slightly, and then, the large chandelier and the rubble painted on the wall fell together.

The hall became more and more riotous, screams sounded, and directly below the chandelier, a group of elderly scientists quickly evacuated outwards.

"Hey, come, come again, make me a little messier!"

Caesar laughed, and snapped his fingers two by two. With this slight sound that only he could hear, two more explosions suddenly occurred in the corner of the hall.

"It's time to dodge, it's not fun to be caught. Boo lol lol..."

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