"Purpose? Ah, I do have something to tell you, but before that, I'll beat you to death."

The chilling words in his mouth are chilling.

Doflamingo's body was tensed like a spring. He concentrated his whole life and was convinced of the tenacity of his will. No matter what kind of attack he was attacked, he could dodge and fight back at the first time.

Although the opponent is strong, he will not sit still.

However, just didn't see it clearly.

For half an instant, Doflamingo was startled to realize that the mysterious person who was speaking to him from a distance had approached him.

Looking at the face wrapped in the black mist, Doflamingo's consciousness was in a trance. It took a full second before he realized the pain in his abdomen.

Looking down, what he saw was a black palm, inserted straight into his abdomen, hurting his internal organs.


The complexion was distorted, and the pain was conveyed to the brain. Doflamingo's mouth overflowed with a large amount of blood, and his consciousness became more and more chaotic.

"Don't struggle, no matter how much you struggle, there is no way to cross the gap between you and me, called the level gap."

Gently pulling out his palm, the mysterious man calmly looked at Doflamingo, who couldn't afford to kneel, "That's it for greetings. Next, let's talk about what I have to say..."


The first half of the Great Route, an island.

On this island, there is a slightly special kingdom.

The country is rich in swordsmen, and dojos are very popular in this country, just like churches in religious countries.

Cornelia's warship, docked in the country's port city.

Her ships have completed patrols and search tasks in the nearby waters, and the recording of paintings on nautical drawings and ocean currents has also ended.

After she was ready to replenish some supplies here, she headed to the Chambord Islands.

"You guys go to replenish the supplies, I'll leave."

After giving instructions to the executive officer on her ship, Cornelia stepped off the ship.

She remembered what she said, she was going to buy a gift, to give Su Yi a little surprise.

"What's a good present?"

As she walked towards the downtown area, Cornelia couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Giving gifts is not in line with her character, and she has never done anything similar since she was a child.

Walking in the downtown area, Cornelia was not in a hurry and looked around for a while.

The shops are dripping and the streets are very lively. Compared with the average city, it looks very prosperous.

As she was walking, Cornelia noticed the commotion behind her. She just turned around to look, and a figure had already passed by her side.

The speed is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has passed through the gap between people and disappeared into the distance.

Although it was only a brief moment, as a swordsman, Cornelia still saw a little of this person.

Judging from her stature, she is probably a woman similar to her.

He was wearing a black cloak, covering most of his face, except for the chin part that could be seen vaguely.

In doubt, a voice came from behind.

"Don't go!"

The shouting person is a male.

Compared to the previous ones, the man was not so fast, blocked by the crowd.

"Run so fast!"

Seemingly unwilling, the man did not give up, even though he could no longer see the other person in his field of vision.

"Huh? He is..."

Cornelia's eyes flashed with surprise, and she suddenly reached out to block the other party's path.

"You are Julokil Mihawk."

Being stopped and called by his name, Mihawk had to stop and look at Cornelia instead.

"you know me?"

"Of course I know, the famous swordsman in recent years, Hawkeye Mihawk."

Cornelia's eyes fell behind Mihawk, and on his back, there was a peculiar long sword.

When it is carried on the body, the hilt of the sword exceeds the head, and its sword collar is a cross, and the whole of the sword is black.

"This is one of the supreme sharp knives, Black Blade Night!" Cornelia said in surprise.

There are only twelve of the supreme swords in the world, and any one of them is rare.

Hearing this, Mihawk also looked at Cornelia's waist, the silver-white scabbard, the slender sword, and the style of a Western sword.

"Feng Yin!?" Mihawk was startled and couldn't help but look at Cornelia a few more times and said, "No, something's wrong, why? It's impossible, how can there be two in the world... Who are you? ?"

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