A translucent, hemispherical cover suddenly covered Cornelia. The next moment, she suddenly realized that things around her had changed, and people had appeared on a roof.

Cornelia's expression tightened, and she quickly grasped Feng Yin's blade.

"It's you."

She saw a man in a black cloak standing in front of her.


It was indeed a woman, Cornelia was convinced.

"who are you?"

"I'm..." She opened her mouth, just about to say something, but suddenly found that her feet began to blur and disappear, like air-dried rocks, blowing gently and turning into dust, "Um , didn't I cover my face? Why should I disappear......

this sound...

Cornelia was also shocked. Of course, the vision that happened in front of her was more indescribable than the voice that was almost identical to hers.

"Are you..."

"I'm such an idiot. It's so bad. How should I explain it to Xiao Su when I go back?"

The cloaked woman seemed to be in a hurry. Seeing that her lower body was rapidly turning into nothingness, she quickly raised her head and said quickly: "Don't give the clock, that is the stupidest decision in your life, give chocolate, anything is fine. , don't send things like clocks, or you will regret it!"

Send... a clock?

Cornelia blinked, for a moment just now, she really wanted to give something like a clock.

Why does this woman know?

"what are you talking about?"

"Time is running out, but you must listen to me. He must like chocolate. He never takes chocolate from girls, so it's no problem. Giving clocks is taboo, remember, remember!"

Cornelia couldn't figure out the situation for a while, it could even be said to be inexplicable.

"You, are you okay? Your body..."

She said hesitantly, because the other party only had one head left.

Judging from the slightly exposed face, this person looks very similar to himself.

"I'm not good, but you have to be careful, your sword intent is still weak... your... future... ten million..."

Gradually, the sound became blurred.

"Who are you? Are you me? Where are you from?"

"I'm from 15..."

The latter words are completely inaudible.

Cornelia stared blankly at the other party's disappearance, and was silent for a long time.

"My future me?!"

Apart from this thought circling in my mind, there was only one more sentence.

"Give chocolate."


Iceland, no, once Iceland, now Summer Island.

The temperature is as high as [-] to [-] degrees Celsius, and the hot air that fills the entire island will not disperse for a long time. However, the surrounding area is still cold, forming a rather strange climate.

"...Understand? What I just said, if you are wise, you should do it."

"...Are you sure you're telling the truth?"

Weak Doflamingo, his face uncertain.

The mysterious man chuckled, but the next moment, his smile froze.

"What are you doing, this idiot has violated the taboo!"...

Chapter [-]: The Method of Awakening

"What are you doing, this idiot, actually violated the taboo!"

The mysterious man cursed inwardly, his angry eyebrows raised.

"I insisted on coming here, but I broke the taboo in just one day. When I go back, I must educate her!"

Naturally, Doflamingo didn't know what the other party was saying, but he was keenly aware that the person in front of him seemed to be distracted.

Not the kind of momentary distraction in the battle, but for some reason, the long distraction of thinking about another thing.


Doflamingo's instinct told him that this was an opportunity.

Reason, however, prevented him from making further moves.

He had a hunch that although the other party was distracted, if he suddenly attacked, nine times out of ten, he would be injured again.

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