Because of this magic circle, the Sanctuary of St. George has also become a more manic and unrestrained magic rune, like a disc, appearing in front of Index, and the range seems to be as large as the entire room.

After Su Yi saw this magic rune, he was stunned. Does this mean to destroy the whole room?

Destroying the intruder by destroying the entire room is indeed the most suitable attack method, but if the room is destroyed, it is likely to affect the people in the living room.

And it's a hassle to renovate the house.

Su Yi glanced around, and finally looked at the window. He thought about how to make his house so that the people in the living room could survive. ...

Chapter [-] The Lies of the Church

Although magic looks scary, it takes a certain amount of time to use it.When Su Yi moved, Index also began to move towards Su Yi, she turned to Su Yi, and when Su Yi jumped out of the window, she gave a heavy blow at the same time.

It was an attack like a railgun.

Su Yi didn't know how to describe it, but the power, the accuracy and the strength of the straight line reminded Su Yi of Misaka Mikoto's Railgun.

The "super-electromagnetic gun" that attacked Su Yi through the window did not attack Su Yi, but it also made Su Yi feel the aftermath.After seeing this scene, Shirai Kuroko quickly used teleportation to bring Su Yi to the ground.

Of course, this was not the end, and Index floated out of the window.

As long as the target of the invasion is determined, Index will not stop if she doesn't solve the person in front of her, and pursues Su Yi fiercely.

In her "concept", Su Yi is an intruder and needs to be responsible for the destroyed first and third enchantment.

"Wait what's going on...?!"

Kanzakihuochi was stunned when he saw this scene.She has never seen Index like this, Kanzaki Huochi has been with Index for several years, and Index is showing a completely different side at this time.

"Hey, is this magic... Is Index using magic?!"

There is also Stiyl who does not believe in the things in front of him. As Stiyl said, Index has told Su Yi from the beginning that he cannot use magic.

A person with [-] forbidden magic books in his brain would be in hell if he could use magic.The church will not allow this to happen.

But they forgot an important point. '

The word "can't use magic" doesn't mean that Index really can't use magic, but it means that Index doesn't know that she can use magic.

Just like the concept that the church instilled into Index, they also instilled this concept into Stiyl and Kanzaki Huochi, they all thought that Index could not use magic, but it was not.

"You haven't figured it out yet, the church deceived you!"

Su Yi shouted at Kanzaki Huochi.

"Whether Index can't use magic, or [-]% of her brain's memory is occupied by [-] forbidden magical books, and she has to update her memory every year, it's all a lie of the church. , After all, how are [-]% and [-]% calculated? Can the [-]% storage space of the human brain really not be able to store a year's worth of memories? Do you really think Have you been?"

Kanzaki Huochi and Stiyl were stunned by Su Yi's words. They really hadn't thought about these contents. Because they were believers of the church, they didn't calculate whether what the church said was logical or not.

At this moment, when Su Yi mentioned it, Shenzhan Huochi and Stier looked at the scene in front of them with a bewildered expression.

Index flew out of the room, instead of attacking immediately, she hovered in mid-air, and began to speak again in her emotionless voice.

"The site has been changed, and the site planning and calculation are now carried out."

"The number of intruders and helpers has increased. Through the knowledge of [-] magic books, they still do not change their combat methods. They will use [Saint George Sanctuary] to destroy the opponent."

After the mechanical words, Index attacked Su Yi again.

The attack range and attack strength of St. George Sanctuary are very powerful. Su Yi decided that it would be better to approach Index first.He started to move towards Index's side.

Although Index was suspended in mid-air, it did not prevent Su Yi from finding a place that she couldn't take care of and restraining her. After all, Index only had one attack surface.

Su Yi started to move behind Index.

Stiyl and Kanzaki Huochi were stunned by everything in front of them. As for Shirai Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto, most of them can tell that their mission has been completed, and they do not need to fight with Kanzaki Huochi or Stiyl. .

Even so, the situation is still not very optimistic.

Kuroko Shirai and Mikoto Misaka knew they needed help.

"Don't stare, although I don't know what's going on on your side, but from Su Yi's introduction, it can be seen that your church is not a good thing. Let such a small girl bear [-] books. Forbidden magical books, even if you don't tell you the real situation of the bottom actors, it's normal."

Before leaving, Kuroko Shirai said this to Stiyl and Kanzaki Huochi.

She knew she was right and had to be right.

Then Shirai Kuroko teleported to Su Yi's side and moved Su Yi into the air.

Su Yi can't fly, but it's not bad to be moved into the air, it can be regarded as flying, which gives him a chance to get close to Index.

Su Yi put his hand on the iron jewelry on his body and rushed towards Index.If possible, Su Yi can approach Index and subdue Index first.

After Index is subdued, let's see if Stiyl and Kanzaki Huochi are really like what they said. They care about Index very much. They should use their knowledge to put them together. Those magic traces in Index's mind were removed.

Just like they say.

Everything was going the way Su Yi thought.

When Su Yi approached Index, he realized that things were not so simple.

Index's "Saint George Sanctuary" was not as simple as Su Yi thought, and soon Su Yi let the back defense of Saint George Sanctuary stare at it.Index didn't seem to think about it, so she attacked Su Yi, who rushed towards her.

Fortunately, Su Yi reacted fast enough to avoid being concentrated by Index's attack. ...

Chapter [-] The Sanctuary of St. George

Sanctuary of St. George.

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