"Why are you asking this, but according to the truth, he should have devoted himself to the study of alchemy. After he has the magical knowledge of the church, he can study alchemy. If he has not devoted himself to the study for three years, he will not be able to achieve it. The result so far.”

When Stier said this, he suddenly understood what Su Yi was talking about.

"Indeed, if that's the case, it's understandable."

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about!"

Only Kamijou Touma, who was excluded, could not help but protest when he saw Stiyl and Su Yi chatting so happily.

"It's Oreos Isard. If he hasn't been in contact with the outside world for three years, he probably doesn't know what happened to Index, so he will become an enemy."

Su Yi's explanation made Kamijou Touma understand what the situation was like.

However, if it was just because of Index, Kamijou Touma had a feeling that they and Aureos Isard would get along for some reason.

Hopefully it's not an illusion.

"You are here."

When the door opened, standing in front of them was Oreos Isard with green hair, and on the altar behind him was Index, as for the altar Standing behind was Jishen Qiusha.

The radio magician was standing behind the altar at this time.

Is this the opponent you are going to face this time?Su Yi looked at the alchemist in front of him and thought about it. In any case, from the angle of his muscles, the other party didn't look like a good player who could fight. He looked similar to Stier, but he looked very powerful and actually fought meleely. Very weak.

"Hey, were you thinking of something strange just now?"

Seemingly noticing Su Yi's gaze, Steele asked.

"not at all."

Su Yi said with a smile, then he took a step forward, and at this moment, he saw Aureos Isard take out a gold needle from his pocket.

The golden needle Su Yi remembered that he had seen it once when he lost his memory at the beginning. Aureos Isard inserted the golden needle into his neck, and then the whole world started running according to what he said.

Can't let him succeed again!

Su Yi thought so, and started the battle plan B.

"That's Index?"

Su Yi asked.

"Yes, this is Index, and everything I do is for her."

Just when Oreos Isard said that, another familiar voice came from behind Su Yi.

"Everything is ready, Oreos Isard, the vampires will come here according to the smell of Jishen Qiusha, so your plan can be realized."

The person who spoke was Su Ying.

Su Ying was behind Su Yi at this time, she walked into this room with a blank look in her eyes, and then stood beside the altar.

"Hey, what are you doing to my sister!"

Su Yi glanced at Steele and pretended to be worried.

"Sister? I really can't tell that you are brother and sister. But don't worry, I won't hurt her, she is very important to my plan."

Aureos Isard smiled and looked at Index.

"As long as she is here, any accident can be solved later, so you don't have to worry."

Chapter [-] Vampires

Oreos Isard looked at Su Yi with a smile. He put down the needle in his hand, and did not seem to regard Su Yi or Stiyl as his enemies.

He told Su Yi of his plan.

There is a reason why Jishen Ayusha is called a vampire slayer, because Jishen Ayusha will attract vampires, but in order to protect people with this "character", this world will naturally give her the ability to kill vampires.

That's where the vampire slayer comes in.

And what Aureos Isard wanted to do was to let vampires come to this place and turn Index into a vampire.

In Oreos Isard's concept, Index has to forget her past events every year in order to survive, which is like Index's fate, her destiny as a human being.This is also the same as Su Yi and Steele's conjecture.

But the only difference is that neither Su Yi nor Stiyl thought that Oreos Isard would be so fanatical. He concluded that Index had to endure this because of her human status. son's fate.In other words, if Index was not a human being, this fate would not have to be accepted.

Vampire Slayer is his lifesaver.

He's going to turn Index into a vampire!

"Stop making trouble, okay! You sacrificed so many people at Misawa Juku in the beginning, but now you have to sacrifice Index!"

After hearing those words, Kamijou Touma, who had been with Index the whole time, went berserk in an instant.

"So what, even if this girl knew her destiny, she endured the pain and told me that she would never forget me. Of course, this means that she doesn't want to forget. Do you have the heart to refuse this little girl's request? ?"

Aureos Isard's words made Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft hahaha, I can understand that after you have been isolated from the outside world for three years to study alchemy, you don't know much about the current situation, but I still need to tell you that your favorite little girl is most worried about this one. The little girl has actually walked out of her own destiny."

Su Yi's words made Aureos Isaad a little confused. He looked at Styr, who also shrugged and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it wasn't me or Shenzhan Huochi who caused this in the end, but the two people in front of you."

"You mean them?!"

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