It's just... What I didn't expect was that it was not the researchers who stopped Su Yi, but the Misaka sisters.

"I can't let you sabotage the experiment—Misaka said seriously."

" just have to wait and I'll get you out of this damn test..."

Su Yi said.

"Sisters are designed to complete the experiment, and even if you 'save' it doesn't mean anything - Misaka explained."

doesn't make any sense.

Since the rescued people have said so, what else can Su Yi say.


When Kamijou Touma broke in just now, why didn't they chase after them? If they really didn't care about their own life or death at all, they just wanted to become an experimental animal and fulfill their own value.

It was impossible for the Sisters to turn a blind eye to Kamijou Touma.

Then there is only one obvious reason.

They don't want to die!

That's right, sisters don't want to die!They just had to follow the lab's instructions.

Because this is the whole meaning of their life, they can't go against it, but they have their own ideas because they don't want to die.

There are more than [-] ways to die. If they can share their memories, they will actually share their feelings. They will feel numbness or fear of death. Su Yi thinks that sisters will not feel the same.'s true that I'm starting to get bored.

"here we go."

Ma Yuan looked at the place where the experimental site was located, and it seemed that someone had already used superpowers to fight superpowers.

But only Su Yi and Misaka Mikoto know that something is wrong here.

Because it is indeed a battle of superpowers, but it is not a battle between superpowers, because...obviously, superpowers are not "fighting", but simply one party is using superpowers, and the other party is using this superpower. Just offset.

This is the ability of Kamijou Touma, an incompetent (lv0).

People who have developed superpowers can never die without success.

"You can't stop us."

The staff in the research room looked at those lightning bolts and said with a smile.

"No, I don't need to stop you,"

Su Yi smiled back, and at this time the staff of the institute realized that something was wrong.

Then they found out, what was wrong, something was wrong with those lightning bolts.

"Did you actually send anyone else in! Why would you still..."

The staff of the research institute said in surprise, and then they seemed to know something and looked at the sisters.

The sisters didn't speak, just looked at the lightning bolt over there, as if they were watching something, but the sisters' watching was not a simple "watching".

They are in touch.

Through a fixed radio wave between sisters, they communicate with each other. ...

Chapter [-] Obstruction

Seeing the situation of the Misaka sisters, even the staff of the research institute probably knew what happened.

This connection made the members of the institute start to panic.They shouted loudly to the Misaka sisters, hoping to get them out of the "connection".

"Hey! You have to know what you were born for!"

"We are sisters - Misaka replied."

One of Misaka's sisters looked at the researchers, and they looked at the researcher with their emotionally deficient eyes due to mass production, and it seemed that he began to panic.

"Sisters, a military mass-produced clone created from the railgun of Academy City's psychic (lv5) - Misaka Mikoto - Misaka replied."

"The whole purpose is to make Accelerator evolve into a person of absolute ability by fighting Accelerator - Misaka continued to explain."

"We, sisters, were born for the better development of science. We don't have life, we just need to fight - Misaka replied."


Immediately afterwards, the Misaka sisters, who were answering the researcher's question, suddenly stopped and looked at the researcher in front of them.

Being watched by more than a dozen identical people, the researcher felt a pressure from the bottom of his heart, but he managed to overcome this pressure and looked back at the sisters.

"Tell me, our maker. Why does Misaka have to die?"

After this sentence, there is no sentence ending with "What is Miss Misaka doing?".

Su Yi knew that this was Misaka's own will.

Although they have shown a very strong self-will before, this time is different.Because this time the self-will is in their own more instinctive self-will.

Even though there are hundreds of sisters connected to each other at this time.

Even if they all know, all their thoughts will be known by other sisters and passed on.But they came up with ideas of their own will, and then at a certain moment, the ideas converged into a thought.

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