"Shota, wait for me!" Matsumoto Ranju stepped forward and pressed Shota's shoulder, scolding: "It's very dangerous here, go back."

"I don't want it!" Shota showed a strong refusal, and then walked deep into the park.

"Shota, leave the matter of looking for Xiaowei to us." Matsumoto Ranju persuaded behind him.

"That won't work!" Shota turned back and said loudly, "I have to protect Xiao Wei myself!"

Then he turned and ran into the depths of the park. He came to the place where Daxu was eliminated yesterday, and found Xiao Wei on a swing. Wei was alone with his head down to block the swing.

"Yi..." Shota hurriedly ran to Wei, "Yi, what are you doing?"

Stopping the swinging swing, Wei said softly, "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to come to this park."

At this time, Matsumoto Ranju also followed.

"Brother." Yui put his head close to Shota's ear and said, "If my brother is here, it won't matter. I'm not afraid of anything."

The swing gradually swayed with Yui's toes again, but Shota showed a sad expression and held on to the iron frame beside him.


Matsumoto Ranju stood there, quietly watching the two brothers and sisters, maintaining a proper distance.

After that, silence fell, and in the night only the sound of the iron chain when the swing was shaking was the only sound.

"I ran away..." Shota's hand holding the iron frame of the swing gradually loosened, he let out a breath, and said slowly.

Matsumoto Ranju took a step closer and asked, "What?"

He squeezed the iron frame hard, and then Shota relaxed and made a sound from his throat, saying the truth he didn't want to say.

"I left the little one here... I escaped alone!" He raised his voice in vain, as if the last words he could say came from his heart. At this time, the only swing was not shaking, and he was sitting on the swing. Yui lowered her head, not making any response.

Letting out a breath, the whole person seemed to have changed into a new life.

"After the accident that day." Shota said with his head lowered, "We were separated from our parents. Xiaowei and I were very uneasy. We spent the whole day looking for their whereabouts."

Yui's toes tapped on the ground, but it didn't shake the swing, and Matsumoto Ranki approached, listening to Shota's words.

"However, no matter how hard we searched, there was no news. We were sleeping in the park that day, and when we woke up, we found that Wei was no longer around. I started looking for Wei again, until I found that the monster was beside Wei, and I was frightened. His whole body was trembling, and ignoring Wei's cry for help, he escaped by himself..."

Shota's eyes already had tears, she clenched her fists hard, and seemed to say with all her strength: "When I came back to my senses, I was already far away from the park, Xiao Wei, because I ran away, By that guy..."

Wiping tears with his sleeves, "I'm so bad." Then, under the cover of his sleeves, he sobbed.

"Next." Matsumoto Ranju asked him softly, "What did you do?"

Wiping away the tears, Shota took his arm from his face, and then said, "I regretted it very much, took up my courage, and went back to the park, but Xiao Wei was gone, and then the guy appeared again, and then Miss Ranju shot. saved me……"

Matsumoto Ranju was listening quietly.

"I... I clearly abandoned Xiao Wei, but Xiao Wei also said that she wanted me to protect her..."

Matsumoto Ranju put his hand lightly on Shota's shoulder, squatted down, and said, "It's very painful, Shota."

"Miss Ranju..." Shota looked at Matsumoto Ranju's gentle face, tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes, and he felt that he had already faced this form without face.

"Don't cry." Matsumoto Ranju Ti Shota wiped away her tears and said softly, "Although I don't know the details, in short, Xiaowei was saved, and you two meet again. It's not too late, you have to protect Xiaowei well. ."

After wiping away a handful of tears, Shota finally stopped crying, nodded heavily and said, "En!"

At this moment, Matsumoto Ranju's cell phone rang suddenly, took it out of his trouser pocket, and put it to his ear to answer.

"Matsumoto? It's me." Captain Hitsugaya called. "Although I was tracking Bromian, it escaped again."

"Captain, where are you now?" Matsumoto Ranju asked.

"I'm protecting the attacked soul. Although I asked him if he knew something, he couldn't even speak because he was too scared. In short, I'll go back first."

"Understood, let's go back then."

"I see, about the assembly..." Captain Hitsugaya's voice suddenly interrupted, and then the sound of the phone falling to the ground sounded.

"team leader?" ……

Chapter [-] Launching an Investigation

On the side of Captain Hitsugaya, when he was talking to Ranju Matsumoto, the soul of the middle-aged man who was trembling just behind him suddenly turned into a phantom, and he punched him like Captain Hitsugaya.

Feeling the movement behind him, Captain Hitsugaya threw away the phone in a hurry, took a step back, pulled out the Soul Chopping Sword, gritted his teeth and looked at Da Xu in front of him.

"Is this guy saying...has transformed into a human soul? Is this a way to hide himself and secretly attack other souls?"

While Captain Hitsugaya was thinking on the spot, Da Xu immediately rushed towards him, but he was cut off by Captain Hitsugaya who suddenly stood up in mid-air.

After that, it transformed into the shape of a humanoid soul again, and ran out like a deep street. Captain Hitsugaya also hurriedly followed behind and chased after him. On the next street, he lost the figure of Da Xu.

Then he jumped to a high place to observe, but couldn't even track the Reiatsu.

"Captain Hitsugaya." At this time, Ayasegawa Yukino appeared beside him.

"Ayase River."

"Miss Ranju came in contact to say... Are you alright."

Captain Hitsugaya shook his head and said, "Things are getting troublesome."

"En?" Ayasegawa Yuki didn't understand anything about the troublesome thing.

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