Daxu's pupils in the subspace suddenly enlarged, and he couldn't understand why the flute sounded. It thought that it had completely absorbed the girl's soul, which was absolutely impossible.

On the ground, Matsumoto Ranju pulled Shota and asked, "Can you hear where it came from?"

Shota stopped and shouted, feeling quietly with his heart in the strong wind swept up by Captain Hitsugaya's powerful Reiatsu, then reached out and pointed to the sky to identify the direction of the flute.


"Captain!" Matsumoto Ranju called from below.

Captain Hitsugaya looked down at the direction Shota pointed, and with the blade pointed, an ice dragon sprang from the blade, shattering the sky ahead.

The next moment, in the warp that was smashed by the ice dragon, Da Xu finally appeared.

"I found you." Seeing the Daxu that appeared, Captain Hitsugaya twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice.

"You guys actually..." Da Xu pulled out the Soul Chopping Saber at his waist, released a red spiritual pressure, and said fiercely, "I can't forgive! I can't forgive it!"

Then released the huge Soul Chopping Blade, "Run through the vertical and horizontal, centipede monster!"

After Da Xu's Soul Chopping Blade was released, a centipede-like tail grew from its back, and the steel claws at the front of its arms were sharper.

"Go!" Captain Hitsugaya didn't hesitate at all, and stabbed his sword like a big phantom.

Due to the fact that Captain Hitsugaya had almost exhausted his spiritual pressure in order to force Daxu out, this collision did not cause any damage to Daxu.

"Is that the way you are? Kid?"

"Damn... Has the Reiatsu been released too much..." After the meeting, Captain Hitsugaya made a low voice.

Dodging a big virtual attack from the centipede's tail, Captain Hitsugaya clenched the handle of the knife and wanted to solve the battle in one go!

"Dragon fell apart!" Relying on the ice wings on his back, Captain Hitsugaya quickly flew towards Daxu, and then stabbed straight with his sword!

Da Xu didn't show weakness, the centipede's tail behind him opened a gap, like a big mouth of blood, and went forward.

Afterwards, the two collided again in the air, forming a white light. When they separated, Captain Hitsugaya seemed to have exhausted his strength.

Da Xu turned around behind him seemingly unscathed, and let out a loud laugh: "My hard skin is not lost to Shiren."

Captain Hitsugaya cut, "You dare to say it, look carefully."

Daxu's pupils instantly dilated, and only then did he realize that the tail of the centipede behind him had been frozen into ice cubes. With the words of Captain Hitsugaya, the tail suddenly shattered into powder along with the ice cubes.

Suddenly injured, Da Xu fell directly from the sky into the lake.

On the river bank, Captain Hitsugaya's strongest Reiki was also frozen into ice, "Stop! My feet!" Daxu wanted to escape from the ice's bondage, but he couldn't use his strength at all.

"Matsumoto! Get to know him!" Captain Hitsugaya shouted from above.

"Yes!" Matsumoto Ranju pulled out the Soul Chopping Sword and held it between himself and Shota, "Shota, hold the sword."

Shota nodded, and stepped forward and Matsumoto Ranju to hold the hilt of the Soul Chopping Sword.

"It's up to you to save Xiaowei." Afterwards, Matsumoto Ranju took Shota and jumped up, slashing over like Daxu.

"How could I be like you..." When Da Xu tried to use his last strength, the flute sound suddenly came from the sky again. ...

Chapter [-] Kendo Club

"It's stopped, now!"

"Ah!" In Shota's shouting, Matsumoto Ranku and Shota jointly grabbed the Soul Chopping Sword and stabbed Daxu's head directly.

Completely wiped out, the big void disappeared in the air, and after turning into ashes, countless souls turned into blue smoke and floated into the sky. Under the setting sun and the ice crystals of Captain Hitsugaya, it was like a beautiful picture on paper. .

"It's the souls that were eaten by the broken face..."

At this moment, the Oku clones who were fighting with Madarame, Ayasegawa Yukin, and Asani Renji also turned into dust in the air.

After calming down, Shota hurriedly ran into the mud in front of him and kept digging. After a while, he dug out a shell-shaped bagpipe from the depths of the mud.

Looking at his sister Xiaowei's favorite toy, every time it blew in his ear, he would be sarcastic, saying that it was like noise.

Now seeing this bagpipe full of memories again, Shota held it tightly, and tears flowed out again.

"Miss Ranju..." Shota stood up with bagpipes in hand, and said softly, "Xiaowei went to Soul Soul Realm, right, she will be reborn..."

"Yes." Matsumoto Ranju nodded heavily with a slight smile, and said, "Yes, I promise you."

Hearing Matsumoto Ranki's answer, Shota seemed to smile back, staring at the bagpipes in his hands, and then looking up at the sky.

"Then... I have to, hurry up and catch up with Xiao Wei." Holding the bagpipes, he walked towards Matsumoto Ranju.

Matsumoto Ranju smiled understandingly and walked towards Shota.


"It's so sad...Miss Ranju."

Matsumoto Ranju squatted down and hugged Shota tightly in his arms. As Captain Hitsugaya receded, the ice crystals slowly melted in the setting sun.

Matsumoto Ranju gently pressed the hilt of the Soul Chopping Sword to Shota's head, and Shota eventually transformed into a butterfly, slowly drifting into the sky as the ice crystals dissipated.

The next day, the day of Kakuza-cho No. [-] High School.

Asano Mizuho, ​​as usual, went to the Kendo club of the No. [-] High School in Karaza-cho, to which she belongs, before the class.

After entering the gate, the first thing that catches the eye are various injured club members sitting on stools.

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