"Don't underestimate me!" After that, he drew the knife again and knocked the real Asanjing Renji into the air, and then used his fingers to hold the Shewei Maru of the Tibetans on the other side with his backhand.

"Although it looks the same on the outside, the difference in Reiatsu is obvious." Padoras kicked the Tibetan out with a punch. ...

Chapter [-]: Jinghuashuiyue, Aizen returns


Seeing the Tibetans being punched away by Padoras, Lilin jumped up and wanted to be punched by Padoras from behind, but was easily thrown aside by Padoras.

Afterwards, Lilyn's illusion disappeared, and the scene returned to the vicinity of the Urahara store.

"Deceive me with this kind of boring illusion, die!" Padoras slashed at the fallen two people in the sky, and the spiritual pressure turned into a blade and flew out, but was suddenly jumped out by the bar. Take out something like a shield to catch it.

"Be smart!" Padoras fell to the ground, and then he drew his knife twice, and two more blade-shaped Reiatsu, "Let's see how long you can last."

Zhiba couldn't hold on any longer and fell down.

"It's the last blow!" As he was about to draw the knife for the last time, when he gave the last blow, his pupils suddenly dilated, and Asanii Renji's Shewei Maru suddenly drew from the side.

Padoras jumped into the sky again in desperation.

Hanging upside down in the sky, looking at Renji Asanjing, Padoras said in a deep voice, "It seems that it doesn't make sense to you, so let's try it, level two."

The next moment, as Padoras, who was hanging upside down in the sky, drew his knife more quickly and slashed.A stronger and faster Reiatsu turned into a substantial blade and struck down from above.

"This is just the beginning..."

At this moment, in the empty night palace, the room of Aizenwu Yousuke, that is, the room where Padolas took the Bengyu just now, but different from that time, the lights in this room are now all turned on, plus The white tiles on the ground are a little dazzling.

"Su Yi"'s body fell quietly at the door of the room.

Aizen Yousuke walked into the room and put his hand on "Su Yi"'s body lightly.

"Break it, Kyoka Shuiyue." Then the "corpse" turned into a soul-killing knife that transformed into Aizuke Yousuke, Kyoka Shuiyue.

Everything just now, including what Padoras and his two subordinates saw, and Su Yi's death by their swords, were all illusions created by Aizen Uesuke using the mirror.

Inserting the Soul Chopping Sword into the scabbard, Aizento Yousuke slowly walked to the white seat in the center of the room and sat down, closed his eyes and pondered, as if he was not worried about the unbroken jade being taken away.

"It's really troublesome to do things, Captain Aizen." At this time, Ichimaru Gin also appeared at the door of the room.

"Silver?" Aizento Yusuke opened his eyes and looked at Ichimaru Gin, who was leaning against the door.

Ichimaru Yin turned sideways and said with his indifferent attitude: "Even if those guys gather to try to do bad things, they actually make them think they killed Su Yi and deliberately let them take the Bengyu." Ichimaru Yin slowly walked into the right of Aizenwu "Even if it doesn't take so much trouble, you can kill those guys right away. What's your plan?"

Aizenwu Yousuke put his hand on his face and said, "Su Yi has other things to do."

"Since that's the case, just tell me and I can handle it."

"If you do that, will you be bored soon?"


The corner of Aizen's mouth moved, revealing a slight smile of two millimeters.

In this world, Padoras landed on the ground, and the Urahara store had been destroyed by his second blade.

Wu Yu stood in front of the dilapidated door and used a bandage-wrapped accumulator cannon to send out a spiritual pressure, hitting Padoras. dissipated in front of him.

"What are you doing, Xiaoyu." Hanagarashi said loudly, jumped up, and smashed Padoras' forehead with an oversized baseball bat from top to bottom, "Jinta home run!"

Before he could reach him, he was ejected by Padoras' Reiatsu.

"When will the person who knows how to use Bengyu come back!" Padoras already looked impatient, "I'm getting tired of waiting."

"You'll probably be back when you die." A Sanjing Renji crawled out of the center of the collapsed house and picked up Shewei Maru, "You pretentious bastard."


"Have some white rice, are you alright?"


Although the scars on Renji Asanjing's body are obvious, but he didn't die under his own blade, Padoras was still surprised, so he said in a deep voice: "Very good, but I think it's useless no matter how much you struggle. "

Asanei Renji walked up to Hanakari Jinta and Xiaoyu and said, "You guys go pick up Mr. Urahara."

"But..." Although Hanagari Jinta usually said she couldn't get along with Asanjing Renji, she still cared about him very much in times of crisis, especially at this time, she really didn't want to leave him alone.

"Stop talking! Go!"


"I understand." Wu Yu nodded, stood up, and helped Jinta Hanakari who was beside her, "Jita, let's go."

"Damn..." Mrs. Hanagari had to stand up, nodded, and said loudly, "Don't die, eat rice!"

Then followed Wu Yu and ran out to the other side of the street.

Padoras looked at the back of the two leaving, and said indifferently: "It's really helpful to pick him up specially, but until then, can you hold on?"

Leaning over again and holding the handle of the knife, "Come on, next is No. [-]"

"It's long-winded." A Sanjing Renji was uncharacteristically, holding Shewei Maru on his shoulder and said, "Upgrade little by little, what a stingy guy."

Padoras did not draw his knife, but stood up and stared at Renji Asanjing.

Asanjing Renji continued: "If you pretend to be calm now, you will cry without tears later."

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