Next, Urahara Kisuke told Ishida Yuryu about the kidnapping of Inoue Orihime.

"Inoue-san was kidnapped by Bromian?" Ishida Yulong was a little surprised. He didn't leave the training room at all these days, so he didn't know anything about the outside world.

Urahara Kisuke helped hold the brim of his hat and said, "Actually, she was kidnapped by the broken faces who were ordered by Aizen Yusuke. I'm afraid Liuche will decide to save her by herself. I'm going to come to me tonight. Let's find a way to break into the virtual circle."

"Please come back." Ishida Yulong said suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Urahara, you want me to go to the virtual circle with Liuche." Ishida Yulong helped his eyes: "But, now mine can no longer be related to the god of death, if I want to save Inoue, I will one person……"

Ishida Yulong stopped suddenly, as if thinking of something.

Suddenly, he said again: "Mr. Urahara, what did you say just now, the six cars are also alone."

"Yes." Urahara Kisuke said: "The Soul Society is not involved in this matter, and the Masked Corps are also preparing for the decisive battle, so Mr. Liucha intends to be alone in front of the enemy camp."

"Really. That would make a difference."

In the passage of Heiqiang, Liuche Quanxi listened to Ishida Yulong's remarks on the above.

"Why?" After hearing what Ishida Yulong said, Liuche Quanxi asked with some doubts: "Even if the Soul Society doesn't plan to take care of this matter, I can't change the fact that I am a god of death."

"No, you are a masked army, and you have been abandoned by the Soul Society, so you are neither the god of death nor their companion now, so even if you have dealings with you, I will not violate any system."

"That's just a lie."

Ishida Yulong pushed his glasses and continued: "I would rather you say that I caught a loophole in the contract."

"That's why I said it was a lie!"

"You're noisy, which side are you on?"

"I am your enemy."

The Void Night Palace at this time.

The empty and deserted dead room in the remote north corner, where Orihime Inoue was imprisoned. There was only one window with three iron pillars above the room. It was night, and the moonlight leaked straight from the window, floating in the middle. With fine dust, the beam of light is as sharp as a knife.

The part that is not illuminated by moonlight is cold and dark, which is a sharp contrast.

There was only one sofa in the room, and Orihime Inoue stood in the part where the moonlight could shine. Su Yi told her to stay here obediently, but she had nothing to do and was very hungry.

She couldn't help but think of Grimmjow's excited face, laughing and excited as she regained her strength. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to come here, and whether the battle would become more intense because she helped those people heal. ...

Chapter [-] Breaking into the virtual circle

"No, but what I do now has to make them feel that I still have value to use." Inoue Orihime knelt on the ground, clenched her fists on her lap, thinking: "At least when everyone is fighting well. Before getting ready..."

At this time, the three of Liuche Quanxi passed through the passage of Heiqiang and stepped into the virtual circle.

"What's the matter." After landing, Liuche Quanxi looked around, surrounded by tall white walls, "It seems that I ran into a pretty solid building, I always feel that when I mention the virtual circle, I will Reminiscent of a shabby place."

"Lower your voice, Liucha." Ishida Yulong said in Liuche Quanxi's ear: "The sound of the intrusion just now might have been discovered by someone else."

"Is this really a virtual circle?" Without listening to Ishida Yulong's words, Liuche Quanxi walked forward on his own.

"Are you listening, Liuche!"

"I hear you." Liuche Quanxi turned around, "I said you were the loudest."

"Ah, sorry."

"It's easy to do if someone notices it." Liuche Kensai said confidently: "Just grab the guy who is approaching and ask where Orihime Inoue is."

Then he shouted to the four sides: "Hey, if anyone is here, come out quickly..."

"Six cars..."

Liuche Quanxi seemed to think this method was good, so he turned around and said to them, "Don't be in a daze, look for it."

"That's true." Chadu Taihu also nodded, agreeing with Liuche Quanxi's opinion.

"Hey...even Chadu..."

So, Liuche Quanxi and Chadu Taihu shouted loudly as they walked.

"I said you guys, don't you have a little bit of vigilance?"

"It's really long-winded."

"Ishida, calm down."

"I'm calm!" Ishida Yulong knocked on the wall angrily, but accidentally pressed a switch on the wall.

The next moment, since the switch was pressed, starting from the front corner, the floor made of bluestone began to fall.

The three hurried back.

"Ishida, see what you have done." Liuche Quanxi shouted from behind.

"In the end, it's you who's wrong."

"You still want to blame others."

After running for about tens of seconds, a fork appeared ahead.

"What should I do if there is a fork in the road?" Ishida Yulong asked.

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