
"I'm here!" After speaking, Nilu suddenly jumped over, took away the Soul Chopping Sabre of Liuche Quanxi, which she didn't want to guard against, and ran out to the other end: "Start tracking peekaboo indefinitely."

"Hey you!"

Nilu shouted excitedly as she ran, "Catch me, and beat me until I cry."

"This guy." Liuche Quanxi finally couldn't help chasing after him.

Seeing that Liuche Quanxi was chasing out like Nilu, Dondchaka and Peixue also followed closely behind Liuche Quanxi.


"This is the infinite tracking peekaboo, let you experience it!"

Seeing the three people chasing each other on the white sand, Ishida Yulong felt extremely helpless.

"Really, Liuche was taken away from the Soul Chopping Sword so easily."

"He probably wants to play, infinitely track peekaboo..."

Just when the two were in a daze, the giant cute caterpillar that was originally following Nilu suddenly emerged from the mud and smashed the two with its head.

Then they both started running, the caterpillar chasing after...

"Why even we..."

"I want to ask too!"

Then six people and a giant cute caterpillar started chasing each other on the white sand...

"Newbies come to join Di."

"This is the essence of infinitely tracking hide-and-seek." Peixue said while running: "The more people there are, the more fun it will be. The essence is like guessing fists."

"The more people there are, the more fun it is!" Liuche Quanxi shouted, "Although this is not the case!"

After running for a while, Nilu suddenly tripped over a branch in front of her and fell to the ground. Looking at the people who were rushing towards him one after another, Liuche Quanxi hurriedly took a step and carried Nilu away to prevent them from accidentally stepping on it. .

Sure enough, except for Ishida Yulong and Chadu Taihu, the other three were tripped to the ground, and the huge body of the caterpillar immediately smashed on Dondchaka and Peixue.

"It's so dangerous." Liuche Quanxi put Nilu down: "Hey, can you stand up?"

Helping Nilu pat the dust off her body, Nilu opened her eyes wide and looked at Liuche Quanxi and asked, "Did you save me?"

"Of course." Liuche Quanxi said while helping her beat the dust: "If you go down there, you will be crushed, and there will be nowhere to be injured."

"Yes……" ……

Chapter [-] Reinforcements

"Yeah, that's great." Glancing at Nilu, Liuche Quanxi picked up the Soul Chopping Saber that fell on the ground, stood up and said to her, "We're in a hurry, goodbye."

Then follow Ishida Yulong and the others, and continue to walk in the direction of Xuye Palace.

"Do you want to run away?" But before she got far, Nilu suddenly shouted from behind, "Do you want to run away like this?"

"What?" Liuche Quanxi turned around, looked at Nilu's cute face that was about to cry, sighed, and said, "We are in a hurry, how can we play with you."

After holding back for a long time, Nilu finally covered her face and cried.

"That's too much. People still want to play together. If that's the case, it's better to kill us."

"What the hell is this...what's going on?"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the sky.

"Then let the old man kill you."

The sand on the ground also became uneasy, and Ishida Yulong immediately prepared for battle.

"Something is coming."

Before he finished speaking, an incomparably tall and broken face rose from the sand. The whole body was made of sand, with only a pair of eyes exposed above.

His appearance made Nilu speechless in fright.

"What's that guy?" Liuche Quanxi asked, looking at the huge guy rising from the sand.

"The caretaker of Baisha, Lord Lunugangka!" Nilu shouted.

Lunugangka made a voice and said: "Just now, there was another announcement of the intruder from the Void Night Palace, but I didn't expect that garbage bugs like you would get through with the intruder. It is unforgivable, so I will send you to wait. Let’s turn into the sand of this desert together.”

"It's not...it's not like that." Nilu waved her hands hastily below.

"Back off." Liuche Quanxi stood in front of you Nilu at this time, "This is not a joke, I'm on, monster."

The next moment, a wave of light emitted from the blade of the Soul Chopping Saber, directly cutting Lunugangka into two pieces.

"Ah" Nilu shouted dancing from the back: "He shot, it was too sudden, sneak attack, shameless."

"It's long-winded." Liuche Quanxi put the Soul Chopping Blade on his shoulder and turned around and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm saving you anyway. Besides, I cut it from the front, so it's not a sneak attack."

However, Lunugangka, who had been cut in two from the head, slowly closed again.

"There is no remorse for the sneak attack, the intruder is even more unforgivable."

"I didn't say it, it wasn't a sneak attack! Why did it return to its original state?" Liuche Quanxi pointed at Lunugangka and asked Nilu, "What is that?"

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