"Of course I do! My shame is that I didn't have the chance to fight you who did your best!" At this time, Dorudoni, who originally had only two whirlwinds, added four out of thin air: "Compared to this, the others are not No shame, boy!"

"I understand." Liuche Quanxi put Nilu on the ground and said softly, "Nilu, back off a little, don't worry, I won't let any Reiatsu run behind me."

Liuche Quanxi slowly took out his mask, and said to Dorudoni in an emotionless tone: "Sorry, what I can show you is only a moment."


"Really." When the mask appeared on the west face of Liuchequan, the entire room was enveloped by a huge Reiki.

Dorudoni felt this Reiatsu, and let out a strange laugh: "It's great, this Reiatsu is amazing! To be able to fight against such a formidable opponent makes me so emotional, Reaper! Come on, now Just come with me to discuss how to do your best."

But the actual situation was not what he thought. The next moment, the fist light that erupted from Liuche Quanxi's fist turned into a blade and suddenly attacked.

In an instant, it penetrated the chest of Dorudoni, who was waiting for the battle, and blood burst out, and the outcome was decided.

"I should have said it, only for a moment." Liuche Quanxi took off his mask.

The brilliance in Dorudoni's eyes gradually dimmed, and then he fell down.

"No regrets..."  …

Chapter [-]: Burial of the Troops

Dorudoni, who was already in a coma, suddenly felt water droplets on his face.

When she opened her eyes, she found that Nilu was lying on top of her, spitting on her face.

"Don't!" Dorudoni was so frightened that he kicked his limbs and shouted, pointing at Nilu, "What, what are you doing, you bastard!"

"I'm pouring saliva on your face." Nilu said as a matter of course with saliva in her mouth.

"I know this kind of thing myself! I'm asking why you put saliva on my face!"

"It's so noisy." Liuche Quanxi said helplessly from the side: "What are you arguing about, Italian sandwich."

"I'm in Dorudoni! What the hell, that's a delicious-sounding name."

Liuche Quanxi patted Nilu on the head and explained, "Although this guy's saliva is very weak, it also has a certain healing ability, right, Nilu."

"That's right, so that's all it needs to be." Nilu suddenly put her hand into her mouth and spit out another wave of saliva...

"What are you doing!" Dorudoni exclaimed in shock.

"I told you it was saliva."

"This is saliva, it's obviously vomiting."

Nilu approached Doludoni again and said with a smile, "Just squeeze the little thing in your throat...you'll drool a lot."

"That's why it's vomiting! Also, ladies are not allowed to say pinch... such vulgar words!"

"Not good...I'm going to vomit."


After calming down, Dorudoni lay on the ground and finally said, "I lost, I lost completely."

"My body is full of strength, and my heart is full of will to win, and I am sure that I can fight back anytime I am attacked. I am not careless, but I failed to see... You are very strong, Reaper."

"It doesn't matter." Liuche Quanxi said softly.

"My generation wanted to return to the Ten Blades. The Ten Blades are the loyal subordinates of Aizen-sama, and Aizen-sama just regards the Ten Blades as a tool for battle."

Liuche Quanxi turned his head and stared at him quietly, without speaking.

"I know this very well, but as long as you have experienced being condescending once, you will never forget the scenery you overlook. Such a height is so refreshing that you can't extricate yourself. You will be recognized by Aizen-sama again, and you may be able to return to the Ten Blades, so I kept urging you to blur, and this idea has not changed now."

Dorudoni suddenly pulled out the Soul Chopping Blade, stood up, and laughed.

"You guy."

"What's so surprising, even if you don't even understand the situation and help the enemy to heal, it means that you should have made up your mind that I will fight back, that's right."

"Stop!" Liuche Quanxi shouted, "You haven't recovered enough to move."

"Determination can overcome pain, God of Death!" Dorudoni said loudly: "As long as the will to fight is restored, physical pain is nothing, you are too naive, that's why I will say you Like chocolate! Death!"

In the next collision, Liuche Quanxi directly cut off Dorudoni's Soul Chopping Blade.

Glancing back at Dorudoni, Liuchequan ran west to the other end of the corridor.

Watching Liuche Quanxi leave, a smile appeared on the corner of Dorudoni's mouth, and then dozens of broken faces wearing skull masks appeared in the room.

"Welcome to everyone in the corps," said Dorudoni.

The broken face of the skull mask at the head said, "There is an order on it to pursue the wounded intruder."

"Who ordered it?"

"No comment."

"You want to pass here, right?" Dorudoni said word by word.

"Your sword has already been broken before entering the state of liberating the sword." The skull headed at the head pulled out the Soul Chopping Sword at his waist and said, "You can't fight against us with a body like yours."

"The mouth is so powerful, little devils." Dorudoni burst out suddenly.

It's great to be able to catch up, Reaper... At that time, if I hadn't attacked again, you should still be here now, Reaper... My power has waned, I think you can defeat me even if you don't become virtual. , but you still blurt out for me, even if you know that it will consume your physical strength.

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