Then leave.

At this time, after defeating Chadutaihu, Neutra sat on the fallen tree trunk next to him, thinking alone.

"Lord Neutra." A young man with short flaxen hair and a handsome appearance appeared behind him with a black eye patch on the right side of his eye.


"Yes." Desila glanced at Chadu Taihu, who was lying on the ground, and said, "Aren't you going to give him a fatal blow?"

"Does that need to be said?" Neutra said: "Even if I kill thousands of soldiers, who will admit that I am the strongest? The life of the soldiers has no value at all, some are just..."

Neutra stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong with you?" Desra asked.

"That guy Aronillo seems to have liberated the Soul Chopping Blade." Neutra said disdainfully: "The opponent's Reiatsu is not very powerful either."

Chapter [-]: Saar Apollo

"Let's go." Neutra stood up and picked up a weapon with two crescent-shaped blades in the shape of a giant scythe beside him.

"Where are you going?" Desra said from behind.

"I searched for a powerful Reiatsu, and I'm going to kill that guy."

"Wait." At this time, Chadu Taihu, who had already fallen, stood up staggeringly again, "I won't let you move forward."

"Ah?" Neutra turned around and smiled indifferently: "Can you still move?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Chadu Taihu rushed towards Neutra with a punch, but was blocked by Dessla with the Soul Chopping Blade in the middle.

"The fist you hit in this state will never injure Lord Neutra in the slightest."

"Damn..." Chadu Taihu finally exhausted his physical strength and fell down again.

Desra inserted the Soul Chopping Blade into his waist, "Then let's go, Lord Neutra."

When he turned his head, Neutra's crescent-shaped sickle held his throat.

"Who told you to shoot?"

"I'm really sorry." Dessla said tremblingly, "However, the enemy's last blow also contains all of his spiritual power. Oh, if it will cause harm to Lord Neutra..."

"It's impossible for this kind of thing to happen." Neutra said arrogantly: "The guy who can smash my body does not exist between heaven and earth."

Neutra approached the scythe again, and continued in a deep voice: "Don't forget, I am the strongest among the ten blades."

On the other side, Asanjing Renji was still running forward in the long corridor.

At this moment, it suddenly stopped, and Dondchaka, who had been following behind him, also stopped.

"What...what's the matter, Rinji."

"There's a fork in the road."

Dondchaka looked forward, and sure enough, there were two intersections leading in different directions.

"There has never been a fork in the road here." Asanjing Renji said, "Then which way do you go?"

Dondchaka suddenly squeezed to Renji Asanjing's side, and shouted loudly, "What is this, are you trying to scare me? This kind of road doesn't matter which way you go, it's just You're hesitating here, but it's scary."

Before the words were finished, the bluestone slab under their feet suddenly disappeared, and the two fell together.

The pothole under the bluestone slab was quite deep, and it took a long time for the two of them to finally reach the ground.

"How come there is such a big hole, where is this place?" A Sanjing Renji looked around, and the location seemed to be an oversized room.

In short, I couldn't stay here, so Renji Asanjing decided to walk forward.

At this time, a man's slightly harsh laughter came from somewhere in the room, and Asanjing Renji immediately pressed his hand on the hilt of the Soul Chopping Sword.

"It's great, although all kinds of mechanisms have been set up." The voice continued: "But I didn't expect that someone would win the easiest one."

Asanjing Renji frowned and cut.

"Oops, disrespect, should I introduce myself first?" The man's voice seemed to come from the front of the room, "I'll only say it once, I hope your head can remember it."

At this time, a man with eyes and pink hair slowly appeared in the center of the room.

"I am the eighty blade, Saar Apollo."

"Ten Blades." A Sanjing Renji stared at him and said, "So that's the case, you are in charge of managing the broken face, one of those ten people."

At this time, Doncaka's shout came from above. He clearly fell into the trap earlier than Asanjing Renji, but he has not yet fallen into the ground.

The shouting became clearer and clearer, and Renji Asanjing hurriedly stepped aside and wiped away a sweat.

"So dangerous, so dangerous, I was almost crushed by my own people."

But in the next moment, Doncaka just smashed into Renji Asanjing from above.

"It hurts so much." Dondchaka exclaimed aggrievedly, "It hurts so much."

"It's noisy."

"And the inside of the cave is so scary."

"Okay." A Sanjing Renji shouted angrily under him: "Get out of here."

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