Different appearances appear in different time periods. Today is sunny, and it may rain tomorrow.

But in the main city, the weather is basically sunny all the year round.

It may be because such a feeling can attract more popularity, so such a slanted setting was produced when it was manufactured.

"Get up soon, Su Yi, you stinky boy, when are you going to sleep!"

Gently rubbed his eyes, looking particularly sleepy.

"It's already dawn?"

Su Yi slowly got up and came downstairs. This guy may be the latest, because in his eyes, there are already several players from the guild, standing here in neat gear, just waiting for the captain's order. down, you can leave at any time.

"Slow, Su Yi."

The captain lowered his voice slightly, and there was some anger in his eyes.

Su Yi shuddered, he was used to being free, so he had not adapted to the living state of this trade union.

It seems a little embarrassing, the captain did not expect to be so fierce?

"Su Yi, I'll forget it this time. After all, he sees you as a new member. You may not understand some of the rules, but you don't think you should make any mistakes next time."


Su Yi answered loudly, and was very serious, and quickly went upstairs to put on his equipment, and then joined the Brave Guild.

"Are you all ready?"


There are not many members, but they all seem very confident, and the guys like Sunshine seem to be looking forward to the future.

"Where we're going now is the labyrinth area, about the 65th floor."

"That's all we have to do today, collect some materials and give it to our boss when we come back."

"Are you responsible for collecting materials?"

Su Yi whispered softly at this time, the existence of this guild is actually different from others. They are specially responsible for collecting this kind of material and then selling it.

"Let's go!"

The captain's voice is extremely loud, and his voice is particularly loud, and the total value is full of vigor every day, which is why the Brave Guild was established.

65 floors!

After Su Yi heard this word, he was a little surprised.

After all, the level of these guys is around [-]. The more eager they are to collect materials, the more dangerous they are.

A variety of equipment must be carried.

"Captain, before we set off, we must at least prepare some basic equipment and various recovery blood bottles."

Su Yi's eyes immediately became serious. Every time this guy was at such a critical time, it would seem like a different person.

Because he knows the horror of these monsters, he will know how to cherish his own life even more.

Everyone was surprised.

Because Su Yi showed a very excited state.

"Anyway...be sure to be fully prepared."

The captain was also a little stunned, but this guy really did not say anything wrong, and these things must be handled well.

"You can rest assured."

"There will be no problem."

"Besides, we remember these materials on this business trip. That place is not a labyrinth area. Although there may be some monsters, there are so many of us, plus a master like you who supports the entire guild battle for us."

"Definitely no problem."

Yesterday, Su Yi revealed his level unintentionally.

Everyone looked quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, this stinky boy hides quite deeply.

Everyone was kept in the dark.

Su Yi sighed softly, maybe he was really too worried.

After sorting out his emotions a little, Su Yi decided not to think too much about it. ...

Chapter 16 Reserve Power

The team is ready at this time, and has purchased the most basic recovery potion.

Su Yi seemed a little too nervous.

After all, the level of these guys is not particularly high.

It is not that simple to survive in the labyrinth area on the 65th floor. The monsters here are extremely ferocious. Even in this way of group attack, you must be more careful.

His brows rose slightly as he looked at these guys.

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