For them, military orders are like mountains, and they don't need to know what their superiors want to do, just obey the orders.

Su Yi was very satisfied with this attitude. He didn't say much at the moment. He looked to one side for a moment, and then his body moved, and he flew through the air and approached the island directly.

Because of the angle of view, his movements are invisible to the rest of the soldiers except for the soldiers on his own ship.

The island of O'Hara is very small, and it is slightly larger than the G-0 branch. In the center of the island is a towering tree, and the town of residents is also built around this tree.

Therefore, there were not many people on the coast except near the port. Su Yi quietly logged in, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Eye of the Eagle!"

Viewing from a high angle, Su Yi looked like a cheating game player, opened the full map, locked Spandain's troops on the map, and followed slowly.

Without a word, the intelligence troops quickly arrived at the library.

Spanda kicked the door rudely and shouted loudly: "Come here, block this place, and no one is allowed to run away."

His order was issued, and the two lieutenants accompanying him immediately followed suit. More than a hundred navies quickly moved into action and surrounded the library, making it airtight.

"Lord Officer, I'm Kuroha, the librarian, what's the matter with your sudden arrival?"

At this time, a gray-haired old man walked out of the library and used his body to stop Spandain at the door.

"You are the speaker here, very good, I represent the world government, and I will conduct a strict search on this island! Get out of your way," Spandain said arrogantly, then pushed the old man away and stepped forward. Walked in, "Search for me, find all suspicious things!"

"You, wait, you can't do this!" The old man staggered, slammed into the door, and followed in excitedly.

This scene all fell into Su Yi's eyes.

He hid behind a branch of the Tree of Omniscience, out of sight of the army.

"Sure enough, he didn't come to negotiate, what is he going to do? This posture seems to be looking for something? Is there something threatening the World Government? Yes, after all, it has been studied for many years, and it seems that he is preparing to take key things. Confiscated, and then the Demon Slaying Order will be launched.”

In fact, what happened to O'Hara, the world government won't care too much, it must be these archaeologists who have some top secrets that will lead to death.

Otherwise, O'Hara is not the only one in the world who is studying the history of this aspect, so why is it happening to them now?

However, having said that, it is still very inhuman to do this, and Su Yi is a little bit blind.

"Huh?" Suddenly, there was a commotion in his ear, and then he looked down to the right.

There, a little girl was running, on the tree of omniscience, at a height of [-] to [-] meters above the ground, and the road was very narrow, which was a very dangerous behavior.

Not only that, but behind the little girl, two soldiers were chasing her.

"Don't run, little sister!"

The little girl looked very nervous and full of fear. She was barefoot and didn't dare to stop at all.

Su Yi's eyes quickly locked on the little girl, and after taking a closer look, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"Robin? What a coincidence."

The little girl is very delicate, with delicate and white skin, red and black pupils, and long hair, but she is dressed in rags, without even a pair of shoes, and bare feet, it can be seen that life is not good.

"I told you to stop running, didn't you hear me!"

The soldiers chasing behind him were very angry. The little girl was so agile and familiar with this place that even the soldiers who exercised every day could not catch up.

Immediately, one of them raised the gun angrily.

"Run again, I'm shooting!" he shouted with flickering eyes, of course, he didn't do it like that, it was just intimidating.

However, the little girl jumped in shock, slipped her feet, exclaimed, and fell from the tree of omniscience.

"This bastard! I remember you!" Su Yi was very angry, his eyes condensed, and an invisible domineering radiated out, covering the two soldiers.

In an instant, the two of them were shocked, and they rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, without even exclaiming.

At the same time, Su Yi moved, jumped from a height, and reached out to grab the little girl who fell.


In Robin's eyes, the world is half gray and half white.

Abandoned by her mother, she could only stay with relatives, but because of her peculiar powers, she was regarded as a ferocious beast, and she was ostracized and disliked.

She loves history and passed the doctoral examination not long ago.

She was happy and felt that the world had suddenly turned completely white.

But what happened today made her uneasy.

She should have returned home obediently, but the unease prompted her to want to understand what happened, and what she saw shocked her young heart.

She didn't know the Navy before, but now, she hates it, hates it.

The navy tried to catch her, she ran as fast as she could, and then fell from the tree of omniscience.

"Maybe it will die..." The young Robin closed his eyes and was shocked.

However, she did not feel the pain of her body breaking, but a warm embrace.

Robin opened his eyes and saw a handsome big brother.

"Robin?" Su Yi hugged the little girl and quickly left the alert range. At the same time, he said with a smile, "Be careful next time, the Navy is not a good person."

Chapter [-] Lolita Development Plan

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