
Su Yi is not a fool, and in the game world, there are many people who are very jealous. If he discloses all his information at will, he will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

I have indeed created such a post bar, which will publish videos of some of my own battles, but these are only for learning and to communicate with other gamers.

There is no other meaning, I didn't expect to be repeatedly studied by this guy.

Even having mastered his own routine, it can be seen that this guy not only has analytical skills in memory, but also is quite powerful.

Wind sound!

To describe, this is simply a strange woman.

But no one would have thought that this guy is actually very lonely in the real world.No one will come close at all.

her legs...

Has not been hijacked, but has been in a state of paralysis from the lower half of the body, although sometimes a little better, but it is impossible to stand up.

In the end, she chose to give up.

The daily way of life is to rely on a wheelchair. I think for girls, this way of life is definitely not very accustomed to.

Eyes flickered.

Fengyin raised her lips slightly, and she could see how lonely she was in her inner world.

If she wants to get rid of this world, to get rid of her current situation, she can only indulge in the game world.

until one day!

Fengyin, I have discovered the game Sword Art Online through self-examination. After wearing a helmet, it is close to this illusory, simulated world, and I fell in love with it deeply and could not extricate myself.

Here, Fengyin learned about the whole world and was very curious.

Playing with friends here has made me very popular, and the happy expression can be completely simulated.

In real life, there is a huge contrast.

The blue sky and white clouds here are so real.

But the main thing is.

The degree of simulation of the data is actually the most important.

Fengyin lowered her head slightly and saw her legs, completely restored to their original state under the simulation of the data.

I am extremely happy in my heart, even if this is only in the game world.

"Damn, I will never let you break it."

Fengyin was very angry, especially his expression, and even began to twist a little. In fact, this guy has a rather twisted love for games.

She prefers to be immersed in this world all the time, and does not want to leave. Compared with the real world, you have to make yourself feel more happy, upgrade with friends, and take risks.

This is living.

"Absolutely not allowed!"

At this time, Fengyin had absolutely no way to hide his thoughts and emotions in his inner world, and broke out in front of all the players. In fact, he had been silently enduring the two personality changes that might even appear in his heart.

Totally released today, that's all.

Give all players a blow to the head, completely unexpected.

Fengyin, there is still such an idea and past?

"That's your business. If you choose to escape like this all your life, then what's the difference between you and the dead."

Everyone has their own reasons to live.

Fengyin is the same, but this guy may seem a little unhappy in life compared to other players.

will come here.

Chapter 64

Su Yi was shocked and couldn't believe it, especially at this time.

This guy almost went wild.

"Kill you!"

Su Yi knows that her level is very close to her strength, and her sword skills can make the best judgment on herself, but if she uses and auxiliary skills, this guy may cause a state of confusion, although this is only a A guess, but it will definitely change.

Take a ready-to-attack stance.

"Sword Skill, Half Moon Slash."

This is a continuous skill. Although it is a stab, if it can cause one blow damage to the enemy, it can release a temporary attack, and it can reach thirteen strokes.

If you are lucky, you can get rid of this guy in an instant.

Do your best to deal the highest damage among all players.

Fengyin took into account his speed, so he added all attribute points to the agility level, and in order for the dragon dog to reach the limit, he did not wear any armor, just lightly loaded into battle.

This can cause great damage.

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