He didn't dare to speak loudly, and he didn't dare to intervene in matters at home.

Feng Yin actually had a hard time.

So I kept running away.

"Damn, this kid actually made it to the second level, really amazing."

At this time, Su Yi frowned. He knew that in the same way, he would definitely not be able to break through the NPC character of the second level. This guy was faster than himself, so he could only break through.

But the character of the second level is not the sword technique used.


That's right!

Dance of the Fairies has been completely revised.Now there's something magical, especially for gamers.

Compared with pure swordsmanship, such multi-elements will definitely attract more players, after all, it can meet the needs of many players.

The game market also needs to improve, you can not ignore the magic.

In fact, many players have such a kind of magic plot.

Coupled with this kind of realistic role-playing, players will be addicted to it and even unable to extricate themselves, so the popularity has skyrocketed.

Su Yi felt a little embarrassed now, after all, he rarely dealt with magic, and this might be the first time.

The NPC said quickly.

"Magic skills, all things return to the ancestors."

Immediately afterwards, the body began to change, and even the ground seemed to be similar to an ice sculpture. At this time, the surrounding air quickly dropped several degrees and became colder and colder.

I go……

So cold!Especially next to Su Yi, the temperature here is basically able to freeze the water in an instant, and this guy is controlling his mobility.

Getting slower and slower!

I'll go, what's the situation.Su Yi's face was full of shock, and his body even began to shake, and there was absolutely no way to believe it.

This is impossible!


The stiffness of the body has already appeared, and it is still deepening. In this state, let alone defeating the guy in front of him, he knows that he will freeze into an ice sculpture.

It's freezing cold!

"Damn, it's not like I haven't been in contact with magic, otherwise I'll definitely kill you!"

Can't help but complain, Su Yi's expression is very solemn, because now his thighs are completely frozen.

Going like this, it would definitely be a loss.

I don't want to die here.

Su Yi is in a very bad state...

And this magical power is very powerful, and it is gradually eroding his body.

However, at this time, it was unknown who suddenly threw a sword.

"Su Yi, come on, let these guys see your strength."

Roaring loudly, Fengyin stood aside and threw a sword.

Accurate hit.

Su Yi hurriedly turned his head around and caught it with one hand, directly cutting the ice cube that froze his thigh.

The speed is very fast, and at this moment, these ice cubes are broken, and the people around are surprised. They didn't expect that there is such a way.

Because under normal circumstances the game you are limited.

There is simply no way for people outside to provide weapons.

"It turns out that it can be done!"

Because people imagined it like this according to the settings of the game, so no one was throwing weapons at this place.

But it doesn't say that you can't do this.

So Fengyin is actually just a fluke, a mistake.

However, his luck was quite good. He successfully passed the second level, but the third level was even more difficult.

The eyes are flickering!

"what happened?"

Su Yi stood on the spot without any movement, but this NPC did not take the initiative to attack, which made people feel a little confused.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move!

Actually this is just the best way.

However, if it is deadlocked like this, it will definitely not work, because there is a time limit in this game. Once it is exceeded, it will lose the so-called meaning.

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