Hope to get it done soon.

But I can't forget my life, hurry up, after leaving the game, I ran to this convenience store to work, today will be another sleepless night.

A new round of part-time jobs!

Su Yi said that he just wanted to earn some living expenses and had no lofty ideals.

Sighing slightly, his heart is very clear.

Some things are not as simple as I thought.

There was a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

"Welcome to our store!" Su Yi now has two part-time jobs in total. Although the time is not very long, he will often suffer from severe lack of sleep, not to mention that he has to play games now, which is even more crowded.

But it's not bad, at least you can find a way to relax.

If you talk about the game side, after officially becoming a professional game player, there will definitely be rich rewards, and the job here will also be temporarily resigned.

At this time, the heart finally thought, and made plans for the future, suddenly a man came to this store.

He was dressed very strangely, wearing a black trench coat, which really made people feel a little surprised under such circumstances.

After all, today's weather is really not particularly hot.

Chapter 91 The Mysterious Man's Invitation

In the hot summer, wearing such a more appropriate clothing, it looks like it is particularly sultry.

The presence of the man here is somewhat surprising.

As the saying goes, good customers come first, Chen Mo felt a little strange about this person's appearance, but didn't interrupt to ask more.

And don't want to affect him.

However, this guy didn't choose the food after entering the store, but went directly to the counter.

Su Yi was suddenly a little strange, just when he was about to ask this man.

He spoke suddenly.

"Su Yi, right? I hope you can accept this thing."

The man is very mysterious, and when he speaks, he seems to be deliberate. After adjusting his volume, this guy seems to be a little wary.

It looks unnatural and holds a black card in his hand.

Su Yi was slightly surprised and glanced at this card. Could it be a business card?But just as the man continued to speak.

"Are you a survivor of Sword Art Online?"

That's right, hehe, this card is not a business card at all, but a kind of introduction written by this guy, and it has his name on it.

Su Yi can understand.

"I know you are a survivor. On this weekend night, basically all survivors will gather in the game as long as they receive this kind of notification."

What is this guy doing?

Su Yi was completely out of shape, and he didn't know what this guy wanted to do.

For no reason, he was handed such a card.

This card doesn't look like much, but the writing on it still has such a black paint, which makes people feel very scary and surprising.

Also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It was a bad day to choose, it had to be a weekend, because on that day, I had already made an appointment with Fengyin to go shopping with the two of them.

Isn't this disturbing his own Yaxing?

"I'm so sorry, this guest, I think you must have made a mistake."

If you plan not to admit it, and if you are entangled with this kind of guy, it is very dangerous. Maybe you will allow it in the last thing.

Su Yi has gradually forgotten about this matter, and he does not want to recall it.

If possible, if you want to return to a normal life, it is best to never want to be exposed to the ordinary things in the past.

After hearing this, the man in black flashed a smile and said threateningly.

"It's okay if you don't choose to come, but that won't change the fact that you murdered at all. If I publish all your information on the Internet, what will other people think?"

A blatant threat, this guy was able to get hold of his own information.

After Su Yi heard it, his brows rose slightly. It seemed that this matter was really not as simple as he imagined. The man obviously did it on purpose.

Take this card to yourself!

From the very beginning, he had already thought about how to deal with his rejection.

"Are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening, I'm just warning. I said that you didn't do what I said, so I'm very sorry, I will publish all your information, and I think it will be difficult for you to be here in the future. place, continue to survive!"

Many players in Sword Art Online died, and most of the members of the smiling coffin were in the hands of Su Yi.

In fact, very few people know about this.

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