In Fairy Dance, the degree of data simulation is very high, including basic food supplements for sleep, and the damage suffered in battle, all of which can be as real as reality.

Consciousness may also disappear at will, but as long as it is relieved for a while, it can be successfully resurrected.

Su Yi saw Wei Wei lying on the ground and shook her head gently.

I really did not expect that she was so afraid of the sky.

And there is no way to get rid of this vertigo.


Sighing deeply, he came to Weiwei's side and picked up Xi's body.

"It looks like I have to spend the night in this place tonight."

The collection area is at the top of this mountain range, but there is a lot of ice and snow there, and even a fire dragon can't easily reach that height, so the next step is to climb on your own.

But the key point is that Wei Wei is now on the ground again.

Su Yi had to temporarily change the plan and decided to wait for the blizzard to weaken a little this evening before setting off.

"Fire Dragon, take me to a quieter place."

Her body is very weak, and the surrounding temperature is extremely cold. If it goes on like this, let alone collecting new materials, the two of them will most likely freeze to death in this place.

It was freezing cold, snowflakes fell, and the surroundings were covered with white snow.

There is no bottom, and this is the highest part of the mountain range. If it slips down unintentionally, there will only be a dead end. Fortunately, Su Yi knows the fire dragon.


Late at night, with the stars hanging in the sky, Su Yi sat beside the bonfire, looked up at the sky, and suddenly remembered what happened in the past.

That was the place where I first met this fire dragon, and it was also here, but at that time there were high cliffs nearby, and now it has been revised to become flat ground.

Looking around, I always feel that this change is quite big.

Compared with the previous words, the fire dragon has been greatly dismissed. Now his scope of activities is not limited to this flat ground, and he can fly at will, including the entire mountain range.

"This should be considered an Easter egg!"

Said lightly, there are actually many easter eggs in the game world, and the existence of the flying dragon is not like an NPC or a monster in a maze area, so it can only be regarded as an easter egg.

And Su Yi was very lucky. He met this guy twice, and every time he was able to get great help, so he still expressed gratitude in his inner world for this fire dragon.

purr purr!

This huge fire dragon raised a bonfire in the west, then lay down beside him, and snored directly.

The way the dragon is asleep is actually quite cute.

It curled up like a kitten.

Climb on this place.

But when Weiwei slowly opened her eyes, she found that she had come to a relatively unfamiliar place, her head was extremely painful, and she felt like it was swelling and splitting.

Just now, I don't know what happened.

"Ah, dragon!"

Suddenly, he screamed, because after he woke up slightly, he touched his back with his hands, but accidentally bumped into something similar to leather armor.

She had a bad premonition, and then turned back gently, only to see a huge monster sleeping behind her, and this guy was still snoring, the most important thing was its eyes.

Although it is closed, it seems to be staring at herself, which is extremely terrifying. Girls themselves have a natural sense of fear for this kind of monster that is huge and looks like a lizard.

"I hate dragons the most!"

He jumped up in fright and hid behind Su Yi.

Don't dare to speak loudly.

"Su Yi, what the hell is going on with this guy? Why is he here!"

Weiwei's whole body trembled a little, next time this reptile really has no immunity at all.

"It saved us!"

Su Yi had a relaxed look on his face, without any fear at all.

He explained softly, saying that this fire dragon would not have any aggressiveness, and hoped not to appear so nervous.

And Weiwei is really scared, and has been hiding behind Su Yi, such as the very arrogant self at the beginning, forming a very sharp contrast.

"In this place, there is basically no monster that dares to threaten her..."

Thinking of myself at this time, my face suddenly turned red.

feel shy.

Well, can Su Yi keep these guys away?

Su Yi nodded lightly and agreed, so he took Weiwei to the back of the fire dragon.

Chapter 109 Spend the night together

It's relatively quiet here, and under the influence of the flames, the place has melted away.

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