No matter how you look at it, it looks like you're playing tricks on yourself!

The Golden Emperor kicked his feet on the ground and immediately disappeared in place.

The radiation in that eye was still shooting out continuously, and above the fist, the golden fist was slaughtered towards Bai Jing.

The domineering aura seemed to cover the upper surroundings, and with his control of the golden water, it once again swept through Bai Jing, constantly turning the surrounding matter into liquefaction, making Bai Jing unable to escape.

can let his radiation fall on Bai Jing's body.

Bai Jing's face changed as he looked at the liquefied golden sea water around him.

It is good that he lacks the ability of the Golden Fruit, but he has not yet reached the level of the awakening of the fruit, because he has only been in his hands for a few minutes.

How can it be as long as the Golden Emperor Tezzolo has been in his hands for so long.

But he didn't panic, since Tezzoro was going to play hard with him, then he wasn't afraid much.

"Pirate Bai Jing, have you been hiding

?" "Don't you dare to fight me head-on?" shouted

the Golden Emperor Tezzoro.

The radiation in my eyes kept coming out and had no intention of stopping.

Bai Jing slandered, "Nonsense, I don't run, do you stand there and fight you, am I stupid or are you stupid?"

He gathered the ability of the Golden Fruit again, and used the golden sea water to trap Bai Jing in one place, leaving him immobile for a short time.

And Bai Jing is struggling in this sea water, using the power of the golden fruit to break through the golden sea water that trapped him.

At this time, the golden land Tezzoro suddenly appeared in the sky, and a steady stream of golden water gathered in his hand for 4 weeks, condensing into a pillar of gold.

He shouted, "Golden Divine Punishment!"

and his eyes froze violently.

In his right hand, he lifted the hundreds of golden pillars high and threw them down.

This is Tezzolo's strongest move known, and when used in an awakened state, it clusters several golden pillars into a missile head and fuses a very strong armed color to attack the opponent.

In One Piece, the Lion King rocket launcher used by Luffy in fourth gear was once suppressed.

The terrifying impact, explosiveness, and domineering energy covered it, and smashed down towards Bai Jingmeng.

This blow, if it is carried hard, Bai Jing will definitely not be able to take it, and he will be stunned.

Bai Jing's eyes lit up, knowing that now was not the time to play, it was time to get serious.

Bai Jing said to himself with a smile on his face, "Let's see if your Golden God is strong or my Thunder God is strong."

"If you can be huge, so can I."

Bai Jing's body was filled with endless blue thunder, and the thunder arc was all around him, crackling and restless.

At this moment, the muscles of his body exploded violently, like the Golden Emperor Tezzoro, and the clothes on his upper body were violently burst, revealing the strong tendon flesh.

His hair flew back in a terrifying blue lightning, turning into a circular circle that flashed in two places on his shoulders, bringing his appearance closer to that of a thunderbolt.

Endless thunder and lightning quietly condensed in Bai Jing's hand, and looking at the golden divine punishment made by the Golden Emperor, he was not to be outdone, and shouted

, "200 million volts of thunder!" He released all the "200 million volts of thunder and lightning" in his body, and surrounded all these released thunderbolts around himself, so as to transform into a huge thunder god.

The endless thunder and lightning that were as violent as a sea of thunder filled the entire line of sight in front of him, and he shot towards the golden divine punishment, and the two collided with each other.

Among the 200 million volts, the terrifying high temperature melted the golden pillar of the Golden Divine Law and turned it into golden water and fell to the ground.

And the 200 million volts of thunder and lightning blasted towards the Golden Emperor Tezzolo.

Bai Jing's body moved violently, and the speed defense and attack tenacity of this thunder god form were strengthened, and I don't know how many times, he killed towards the Golden Emperor Tezzoro.

Thunder flashed above the fist.

"Thunder Fist!"

accompanied by 200 million volts Thor.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo once again summoned the surrounding golden water and hurriedly protected it in front of him, trying to block it.

However, under this carelessness, he forgot that gold is a good body that conducts electricity, and the moment the golden water touches the thunderbolt, it quickly conducts electricity and transmits it to the body of Tezzolo in the golden land.

The terrifying voltage made his whole body tingle for a while, and even his blood and heart stagnated in an instant.

Bai Jing didn't keep his hand for this blow, because if he still kept his hand until now, he would be cruel to himself, and he would be too stupid.

He didn't get to the point of killing the Golden Emperor Tezzoro, but he had to be completely subdued.

Golden Emperor Tezzoro's eyes rolled white, and his consciousness suddenly fainted in an instant.

But with his resolute willpower, he immediately came to his senses again.

It's just that I was trapped in the 200 million volts of thunder, unable to move, and screamed in pain in pain.


The big-headed man and Corolla, who were watching from a distance, had a hint of reluctance in their eyes, and they were ready to step forward to help.

At this time, Ace happened to come here, and a major fire fist blocked the two of them.

Bai Jing continued to bully himself, looking at the Golden Emperor indifferently in his eyes and said, "Now that you have lost, do you surrender?"

"Who said I lost

!" "Fight again!" The

Golden Emperor Tezzoro's eyes were unwilling, and a trace of madness flashed on his face.

The endless gold on his body once again emitted violently, which was to squeeze out his potential to break through his own boundaries.

The endless sea of gold around him appeared again and enveloped his body, turning into a large golden giant, 100 meters high and 10 meters wide, as if it was a giant clan.

And the golden land Tezzoro was wrapped inside, waving the huge fist of the golden giant, and killed towards Bai Jing, the speed was extremely fast.

At this moment, Bai Jing's thunder god state seemed a little small compared to the golden giant of this hundred meters.

Bai Jing shook his head slowly, "You have already lost, because of the Thunder Fruit and the Heavenly Krypton Golden Fruit." "

No matter how the Golden Emperor Tezzolo develops the Golden Fruit, even if it is to conjure up a Golden Giant, as long as the Fruit of the White Scene carries a trace of thunder and lightning.

Then when it comes to the body of this golden giant, the whole body conducts electricity, and Taizu Luo will still be harmed.

But people have masochistic tendencies, and Bai Jing satisfies him.

Bai Jing snapped his fingers lightly, and endless dark clouds suddenly appeared above the sky, bursting out with powerful thunder and slashing downward.

Bai Jing shouted, "Ten thousand thunder!"

Using the motto of the ark, the thunder and lightning created by himself were released from the wide range of thunderclouds, which stimulated the electrons in the thunderclouds, and finally the riotous electrons fell to the ground to form countless lightning bolts.

The thunder and lightning in the sky continued to bombard the Golden Emperor's body in unison, and another painful scream came out.


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