The new world, Punk Hazard Island.

"Gion, you are finally back. This is a surprise I prepared for you. Please accept my love!" Chaton Kaji, who is also a candidate for admiral, took out a bunch of bright red roses and handed them to Gion like a magic trick, with a flattering smile on his face.

The surrounding navy has long been accustomed to this, because Kaji has done this for the first time. According to incomplete statistics, Kaji has confessed his true feelings to Gion more than 100 times, but has not received a positive response from Gion so far, and this time is almost the same.

Probably because Kaji looks wretched, hunches his back every day, walks around in wooden clogs, and is unkempt and sloppy. Such a man, any woman who has a little bit of pursuit will not be attracted to him.

Taotu Gion is a famous super beauty in the navy. She is mature, intellectual, and full of charm in every move. She is the dream lover of countless navy, but no one dares to pursue her.

The reason is very simple, that is, Kaji will take the initiative to teach other suitors a lesson. Although he is not stunning in appearance, he is at least a candidate for admiral. Except for the admiral, no one can beat him.

"Kaji, how many times have I said that I don't like you!"

Gion's face immediately darkened, and he impatiently threw the rose handed by Kaji aside.

"But I like you!" "Can't I change the thing you like about me?"

Kaji's face straightened, and he looked at Gion affectionately: "Gion, I like everything about you, your breasts, your big ass, the spider tattoo on your thigh, your sexy red lips, your..."

Gion clenched his fists with gritted teeth, resisting the urge to hit Kaji, but in the end he couldn't help it and punched Kaji in the face.

Kaji flew out and said "Qimoji~" in the air

"Huh~ The world is finally quiet."

Chief Gion breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the side of the Crane Staff: "Isn't the fight over yet?"

The Crane Staff shook his head: "Not yet, they have reached their limit, but no one is willing to fall first. This is a struggle of ideas and wills. If you lose, it's a lifetime."

"By the way, didn't you sign up? How is the situation over there?"

"There are a lot of people who signed up, and there are many well-known swordsmen, such as the flower sword Vista of the Whitebeard Pirates, the pirate supernova White Horse Cavendish, and the dessert star Smoothie of the Big Mom Pirates."

The Crane Staff frowned: "Are they going to get involved too? Wait, you Did you disguise yourself? "

"Of course not. The people at the registration point made it clear that fighting privately would immediately disqualify you. Everyone was very restrained. Many pirates were not afraid of me when they saw me, and even hoped that I would take action."

"Humph, that's right. Black Dragon Leon has put a lot of effort into this famous sword appreciation conference. I'm afraid no swordsman would not be tempted by those prizes."

"Yes, the first prize is 100 million Baileys and the sword of the dragon-slaying warrior Ryuma. Even I am a little tempted. That's the legendary black sword!"

Her Kinpira has been with her for more than 30 years and has killed countless pirates, but it still hasn't transformed into a black sword. You can imagine how precious the black sword is, not to mention that Qiu Shui itself is a big sword.

"Let them do it. Now is the most important moment for the navy. I hope Kuzan can win this duel."

As a dove general, Staff Officer Crane certainly supports Kuzan. In fact, most of the navy generals are doves, and the hawks are a minority, the extremes.

If a vote is used to decide who will be the candidate for the Navy Admiral, Kuzan will win without a doubt, but unfortunately, even with Sengoku, Garp and her endorsement of Kuzan, the World Government still believes that Akainu is the better candidate, so they created this Marshal War, whoever is stronger will be the Navy Admiral.

In her opinion, this is completely nonsense. Yes, the Navy Admiral does need to have a certain strength, but is that important?

Who can be promoted to the position of Navy Admiral is not an admiral? To be able to sit in the position of admiral, the gap in strength is not that big.

What's more, after becoming a Navy Admiral, there are very few opportunities to take action. Just look at Sengoku. He guards Marinford every day and is almost a groundbound spirit of Marinford. What's the use of being strong? It's enough to deter pirates.

Both Aokiji and Akainu have this ability to deter pirates, so it doesn't matter who is stronger or weaker between the two. What's important is who can lead the Navy further.

Akainu is too extreme, or his justice is not understood by most people.

In order to kill Hai

Pirates, he can ignore the people and directly launch indiscriminate attacks, destroying the people and pirates together, simply destroying pirates for the sake of destroying pirates.

But they said that the navy, their mission is to protect the people, unless it is absolutely necessary, they will never adopt Akainu's approach, but this is Akainu's usual approach.

Therefore, most of the navy cannot agree with Akainu's ideas. Once he really becomes the admiral of the navy, how many people are willing to work for him sincerely?

This is what the Tsuru staff is worried about. If people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Only Kuzan can unite most of the navy, not Sakaski.

"If I remember correctly, they have been fighting for 12 days, right? These two are really monsters!"

"Yes! But it will be over soon. Their physical strength has long been exhausted. Now they are fighting with willpower."

Gion picked up the telescope and watched Kuzan and Sakaski staggering and "hugging" each other, punching and kicking each other, and they didn't even have the physical strength to activate their abilities.


Both of them threw their fists at the same time, but both of them missed. They staggered to the ground, lying on the ground, breathing rapidly.

After lying for about 5 minutes, they struggled to get up again. Both of them were bruised and swollen, looking at each other with firm eyes.

Because of the lizard serum, neither of them was seriously injured, and Aokiji did not break his leg, but both of them were not in good condition, and it can be said that they had difficulty standing.

"Sakaski, the navy must not be handed over to you, I will not let the navy be destroyed in your hands!"

"Hehe, only I can lead the navy to eliminate all pirates, you are too cowardly, and I will never tolerate cowardly behavior!"

"This is not cowardly!" "If withdrawing the navy from the New World is not cowardly, what is it? Is the navy afraid of pirates?"

"You won't understand, Sakaski." "Humph, there is no point in talking, come on!"

Sakaski used up the last of his strength, raised the lava fist, and roared towards Kuzan.

Kuzan's fist turned into ice, and he rushed towards Sakaski with a roar.


On the warship, Staff Officer Crane put down the telescope and sighed.

"Sakaski won..."

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