"What is this?"

Leon stretched out his right hand, and under Kaido's gaze, it quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye and emitted rolling heat waves. With a light wave, Leon "cut off" the metal product beside him.

The word "cut off" may not be accurate, but the visual effect is indeed so. When the ultra-high temperature emitted by Leon's hand approaches the metal product, the metal product heats up rapidly and turns red. A slight cutting force can cut it off.

This move surprised Kaido: "Wait, aren't you a user with abilities like me? How could it be... that thing?"

Leon nodded: "Yes, it's called the Desperate Virus. It can greatly enhance human functions, give people strong physical fitness, and obtain a healing factor to repair or reshape their damaged bodies."

"In addition, it gives the user abilities similar to magma fruits, allowing the whole body to emit high temperatures comparable to magma without harming itself, greatly enhancing its own attack power."

Kaido touched his chin with interest, pointed at the Desperate Virus and asked the question in his heart: "Did the wound on the head and legs of that old thing Shiki grow from it?"

"Of course, I just said that the regeneration ability given by the Desperate Virus is stronger than that of animal-type ability users! No, it is stronger than the mythical beasts. Mr. Kaido, you must have completed the fruit awakening, then let me ask you!"

"If someone cuts off your arm, can your self-healing ability allow you to grow a new hand?"

Kaido opened his mouth wide, but couldn't speak for a long time, that's right! He does have a strong self-healing ability, but he will also get hurt and leave scars. Just look at the X-shaped wound on his abdomen, which was left by Kozuki Oden.

From this, it can be seen that his self-healing ability is very strong, but it is far from the point of regenerating a broken limb.

"No." Kaido admitted it openly.

Li Ang grinned: "You will be able to do it soon. As long as we form an alliance and become strategic partners, I will naturally not hide such a rare item."

"Think about it! At your level, it is very difficult to improve your strength further. Once you get the desperate virus, your strength will immediately become stronger."

"The desperate virus will definitely make your name as the strongest creature on land, sea and air more worthy of its name!"

Looking at the desperate virus close at hand, Kaido was moved. In fact, he had been moved for a long time.

At the beginning, when Leon said he wanted to cooperate with him, he was moved. Just kidding, a Shiki who returned to the peak would be enough, but considering the relationship between Shiki and Leon, Kaido felt that he still had to be cautious, at least to take the initiative in the cooperation.

But when the Extremis virus came out, he really couldn't hold it.

If he could give one of his subordinates one of this kind of thing, he couldn't imagine how strong the Beasts Pirates would be!

"One is not enough, I need more!" Kaido clenched his fist with one hand. At this moment, Kaido looked very much like Xu Jinjiang.

In this regard, Leon did not make any promises. One Extremis virus serum costs 200 collection points. It is not expensive, but the Beasts Pirates have so many people! Not counting the one in his hand, his current collection points can be exchanged for a total of 4.

It is already stretched to give Kaido and the Three Disasters, not to mention the Flying Six (currently only five people) and the Barbarian Tyrant.

"The production of the Extremis virus is not high. I can only guarantee that the high-end combat forces of the Beasts Pirates can have the Extremis virus serum, but I can't guarantee it for others."

Kaido frowned and calculated in his mind. He needed 9 for himself, the Three Calamities, and the Flying Five. Well, one more for Yamato, 10.

"10 copies, I need ten copies of the Extremis virus, no less."

10 copies of the Extremis virus, 2,000 collection points. If we can successfully form an alliance with Kaido, the gold coins that Kaido exploded by himself will be enough to offset the losses. This deal is a sure win.

Of course, Leon still looked embarrassed on the surface.

"Okay, 10 copies of the Extremis virus, even if it is my sincerity, but cooperation is mutual. I paid for the Extremis virus, so what can you give me?"

Kaido laughed and said, "What do you want?"

Leon's eyes condensed, and he finally got to the point. What he wanted was very simple, the Beasts Pirates, he wanted the entire Beasts Pirates to be used by him!

Not only the Beasts Pirates, but also Wano Country!

Of course, these are Leon's ultimate goals. At this stage, Leon only needs to become an ally with Kaido.

"The Flying Pirates and the Beasts Pirates should become a strategic partner.

"Partners!" After careful consideration, Leon said something that puzzled Kaido.

"What do you mean?"

Leon said lightly: "The interests are deeply bound, and we advance and retreat together."

To give a simple example, Leon needs to destroy a country, and the Beasts Pirates, as a strategic partner, must contribute manpower to assist Leon in achieving his goal, and the same is true for the Beasts Pirates.

If one party is in crisis, the other party must also lend a hand to overcome the crisis together.

And the premise of all this is the binding of interests. Leon firmly believes that only with common interests can there be common goals.

"Common interests, common goals..." Kaido silently muttered these two keywords, and gradually realized in his heart.

No wonder Leon said at the beginning that he wanted to create a new world, which coincides with his philosophy.

This world is boring, and it is best to destroy it. He has always wanted to launch a "world's top war" to achieve his goals and change the world.

It is for this reason that he will form a team of capable people Legion, constantly recruiting soldiers and strengthening the strength of the pirate group.

Leon's goal is to create a new world, and his goal is to destroy the old world. The two are not in conflict, but just a matter of order.

From this point of view, they have a common goal, so what is the common interest?

Of course it is strength!

Leon and Shiki the Golden Lion's combat power are not discussed for the time being. What he values ​​most is the additional enhancement of the desperate virus.

Leon is the producer of the desperate virus (Kaido believes), and the Beasts Pirates are the consumers of the desperate virus. Under the combination of production and sales, the strength of the Beasts Pirates will only become stronger and stronger, so that he has the strength and confidence to launch the world's top war.

What he needs is the desperate virus, so what does Leon need?

After thinking about it, Kaido asked a key question: "If I want more desperate viruses, what do I need to pay?"

"Strange things! All kinds of strange things. "

Leon thought of a reasonable explanation for his collection system, that is, the strange objects have a special energy, and he can enhance his strength by absorbing this energy.

At this time, Kaido suddenly realized why this guy dared to take a huge risk to break into Marijoa. It turned out to be because of the treasure!

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