The material of the historical text is unknown, but it is undeniable that it is extremely strong and almost indestructible.

Even Kaido only knocked off some debris. It is possible to smash it with a stick, otherwise the World Government would have thrown it away long ago.

"Ahem, kid, yesterday you and Yamato..."

Leon: "Haven't I asked this question before?"

Kaido scratched his head: "Ah, yes, yes, that, look around and see if there's anything else you need, just tell me, take whatever you like!"

"No, I just need to absorb the treasure aura, items without treasure aura have no value to me, by the way, I'm going to go to Kuri to find someone."


"A swordsmith, I heard he forged a lot of famous swords, so, you know."

Kaido waved his hand: "You can go anywhere, I'm going back to drink."


Kuri, when it comes to this place, you can't avoid the good man Kozuki Oden, but you can still avoid it if you want, anyway, he's dead.

There are six towns here, namely Toyama, Oden Castle, Boro Town, Jianlou Village, Bakasa Village, and Date Port.

Tenguyama Hitotsu, the alias of Kozuki Sukiyaki, lives in Bakasa Village, and has an apprentice, Xiaoyu.

Li Ang, floating in the air, looked down at this simple little village. This place is really poor. There is not even an adult in sight. There is only a cute little Lolita.

"Hey, kid, come here!"

Xiaoyu, who was about to go home, turned back immediately and looked at Li Ang's unfamiliar face with a very alert expression. The master said that outsiders are bad people everywhere. As long as you meet a stranger, you must be cautious, but this big brother looks so good, he should not be a bad person, right?

"My daughter Heitanyu, who are you?"

Looking at the cute little Lolita in front of him, Li Ang suddenly felt good: "My name is Li Ang, I am a traveler passing by, I want to ask for a glass of water, can I?"

"Oh! So that's the case! I thought you were a bad guy! Well, in that case, come with me! There is water at my home."

Haha, children are easy to deceive, I am an out-and-out bad guy!

"Thank you, Xiaoyu, can I call you that?"

Xiaoyu showed a bright smile, her eyes curved into a crescent: "Yes! Everyone calls me that."

Xiaoyu's home is not far away, just two steps away, it is a very ordinary house, there are a lot of bamboos piled outside, and some woven bamboo hats, and there are many dolls inside, which look quite delicate.

"This is my home, wait a minute, I'll get you some water."

After Xiaoyu left, Li Ang turned his head and looked at the corner: "No need to hide, come out!"

Tengushan Feiche, who was hiding in the corner, felt a jolt in his heart. Was he discovered? Damn, he knew this guy was not simple.

"Hmph! You can fool my apprentice, but you can't fool me. Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"Yan Mo, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, in your hands, right!"

Tengushan Fei Che's body trembled, and he said in disbelief: "How did you know? Who are you?"

"You don't need to care who I am. I just want to appreciate these two knives. I promise that no one will be hurt, and I will give you a generous reward."

Tengushan Fei Che roared unceremoniously: "Don't dream, these two knives already have owners. Without the owner's permission, I will not give them to anyone."

"Hey! Master, you are here! It's just right for me to introduce you. This is Brother Li Ang. He is a traveler." Xiaoyu ran to Li Ang with a kettle and tiptoed to hand the kettle to Li Ang.

Li Ang grinned at Tengushan Feiche and leaned over to take the kettle Xiaoyu handed him: "Thank you, Xiaoyu, as a thank you, take these things and eat them!"

Xiaoyu looked at the barbecue that was almost as big as her and swallowed her saliva. It smelled so good and she wanted to eat it.

Gurgle gurgle~ At this time, her stomach was also hungry, and she couldn't help feeling a little shy and embarrassed.

"Take it and eat it! I have something to confirm with your master."

"Ah? Oh!" Xiaoyu walked into the room in a daze holding the barbecue. Although she was ignorant, she also felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

After Xiaoyu left, Tengushan Feiche said in a deep voice: "You go back! I won't give you Yan Mo and Tian Yu Yu Zhan."

Li Ang shook his head: "Forget it, for Xiaoyu's sake, I'm too lazy to bother with you. Let me appreciate Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Yan Mo, and I can

Let you appreciate this knife. "

Leon took out the Raikiri from the system space and slowly pulled it out of the scabbard. With the sizzling sound of electricity and the blue-purple arc, Tengushan Feiche widened his eyes and his breathing became extremely heavy.

"That, that, that, that is... Raikiri?"

"You have good eyes. This knife is Raikiri."

Tengushan Feiche rushed to Leon in front of him, staring at the Raikiri in Leon's hand. Because he was wearing a mask, Leon could not see his expression, but he was sure that he must be very excited at this time.

"Yes, it is it, I think it is it. This is the masterpiece of the famous swordsmith Gu Che in Wano Country. About 200 years ago, Wano Country encountered a thunderstorm. "

"The forging room of the swordsmith Gu Che was bombarded by lightning. When the thunderstorm dissipated, Gu Che found a blade blank with blue-purple current surging when he was cleaning the forging room. Gu Che felt that this was a gift from God. ”

“Then he spent all his money, using the best materials to fuse with this blade, and spent 49 days to create this masterpiece. It is said that at the moment of forging, thunder and lightning struck the blade. ”

“Gu Che picked up the knife and slashed it towards the sky. Not only did he cut off the thunder and lightning, but also the thunderclouds were split apart, so he named it Raikiri. ”

Tengushan Feiche laughed like a pervert: "Raikiri has been lost for more than 100 years. I didn't expect that I would have the honor to see it. ”

Looking at Tengushan Feiche's tears, Li Ang said he couldn't understand. Isn't it just an S-level collection? Is it that serious? Wait, this plot seems to have been seen somewhere...

“Young man, wait a minute! "

Tenguyama Feiche turned and ran away. About three minutes later, he came back, holding two swords in his hands, one with a white scabbard and the other with a purple scabbard.

"Young man, this sword is called Tianyuyuzan, which is a famous sword that is known as "even the sky can be cut down" and is ranked among the 21st great swords."

"This sword is called Yanma, made by Shimotsuki Kozaburo, known as "the sword that can destroy even hell", and is ranked among the 21st great swords. This sword will release the user's "Ryu Sakura" without authorization. Ordinary people will usually be sucked out of their domineering and die when using it, but if used well, it is a very powerful sword."

"I am willing to exchange these two swords for the Raikiri in your hand."

Li Ang snorted coldly: "Don't be delusional, Raikiri is the twelfth supreme great sword. Your two swords combined are not as good as mine. Do you think I'm stupid!"

"By the way, give me these two swords!"

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