The red movie was playing on TV, and Yamato was fascinated by it.

Li Ang originally planned to show Yamato Family Guy or Crispyberry Park to severely destroy Yamato's worldview, but the effect was not very good. Yamato was very resistant, and his worldview not only did not collapse, but became more firm.

There was no way, Li Ang had to change his mind. Since he couldn't destroy your worldview, he would reshape it.

After watching several red-themed movies, Yamato felt itchy in his head, as if he was going to grow a brain.

Why do those people regard the fundamental interests of the people and the nation as above everything else?

Why do those people not fear any difficulties and obstacles and are willing to sacrifice everything to save the country and the people?

Why do those people rely closely on the masses, live and die with the masses, share weal and woe, and work hard?

After thinking for a long time, Yamato still couldn't figure it out, but this spirit infected her. At least she understood what was right and what was wrong. In comparison, her idol Kozuki Oden seemed... How to say it?

First, irresponsible and reckless.

Kozuki Oden is the heir of Wano Country, but he doesn't want to take on the responsibilities brought by this identity. He just wants to go to sea and satisfy his curiosity.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing freedom, but Kozuki Oden is the heir of Wano Country. Behind him, there are tens of thousands of people. Such selfish behavior directly led to the murder of his father and the theft of the country by Kurozumi Orochi. Even knowing that Wano Country has been eroded beyond recognition, he still wants to leave his wife and children in Wano Country, which has led to a series of absurd things.

But he himself never realized that all this was caused by his own hands.

Second, paranoid personal heroism.

Yamato had read Oden's diary, and she knew very well that Kozuki Oden had at least two excellent opportunities to turn the tide and overthrow the rule of Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi, but he did not cherish them once.

The first time, Roger's group sent Kozuki Oden back to Wano Country. At that time, he had already known that Wano Country had undergone tremendous changes, and Rayleigh and others had clearly offered to help, but he declined. He wanted to rely on his own strength to regain control of Wano Country, but everyone knew the result.

The second time, Kaido and Gekko Moriah went to war, and Onigashima was short of troops. Kozuki Oden could have taken this opportunity to unite with the daimyo of Wano Country and raise troops to overthrow Kurozumi Orochi, but what did he do? In order to save several hundred hostages, he danced naked downstairs of the Flower Capital every day, calling it saving the people of Wano Country in his own way.

As for why he didn't ask his good brother, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, for help, Yamato didn't know, and Oden's diary didn't write it.

When watching the movie just now, Yamato remembered a sentence very clearly. It was said by a great man. They are seeds, and the people are the land. When they arrive in a place, they must unite with the people there, take root and bloom among the people.

Kozuki Oden would rather be hated by all the people, but he insisted on using his own way, fighting alone, and dancing for so many years to save a few hundred people.

Third, naive.

Before going out to sea, Kozuki Oden repeatedly lent Orochi the money that Shimotsuki Yasuie gave him to govern Kuri to help him expand his power; Kaido said that he would stay in Wano Country for five years and leave after building a ship, and Kozuki Oden really believed it, and immediately gave up resistance and danced peacefully until his friend Bao Goro was involved and decided to resist. The reason for the resistance was not anger after being deceived, but revenge for his friend Bao Goro...

In short, putting aside the fan filter of Kozuki Oden and talking about the facts, Yamato felt that Kozuki Oden seemed a little stupid, and even felt that Kozuki Oden was the culprit for the reason why Wano Country became what it is now.

Without Kaido, there would be Kai Shao, without Kurozumi Orochi, there would be Kurozumi Orochi, but as long as Kozuki Oden was there, Wano Country would eventually become what it is now.

For a time, Yamato felt a little confused.

Kozuki Oden said in his diary that in 1522, two years later, there will be a world-shattering war. Only the leader in the war can defeat Kaido. Wano Country will also enter a long winter during this period, but after the winter, Wano Country will usher in the founding of the country.

She once believed this very firmly and even worked hard to practice so that she could help the person who could defeat Kaido in the future, but now...

Discard fantasy and prepare for struggle!

In an instant, Yamato's thoughts were sublimated. She raised her fist, turned her head and looked at Leon, and said with a firm look: "Leon! Let's fight! I want to become

Become stronger!"

She figured it out. Kozuki Oden was wrong. There has never been any hero, or everyone is a hero. If you want to establish Wano Country, you must mobilize the people to unite. A spark can start a prairie fire!

Before that, she must become stronger. When she gets out, she will overthrow Kurozumi Orochi first, and then kill Kaido! As for Leon, spare his life and keep him by your side as your wife!

Leon was a little confused. He was watching a movie well. Why did he suddenly go crazy?

"We just finished fighting not long ago. Can I have a good rest?"

"No! Ten thousand years is too long. We must seize the day! ”

Leon: Huh???

Isn’t it, the effect is so good?

No way, a man can’t say no, even if it’s really no, he has to do it!

From then on, the two entered a strange cycle, that is, fighting → eating → watching red movies → double fighting → resting → fighting, and the cycle time also changed from three days at the beginning to four days, five days... ten days.

Ten days is a limit, if it’s more, no one can bear it, even if there is still strength, they have to stop immediately, start to replenish their physical strength and rest.

Time flies, and a year has passed quickly. Both of them have changed a lot.

First of all, Yamato no longer mentions Kozuki Oden, does not think of himself as a man, and will not regard Kozuki Oden as his idol, because he is already a man. Compared with Kozuki Oden, she admires great men more, and she keeps the great man's quotations on her lips every day, and she can say some famous aphorisms that shock Leon from time to time.

If Yamato used to be a powerful fanatic who only wanted to become Kozuki Oden and protect Wano Country, then the current Yamato is a glorious red warrior, and his thoughts have been fully sublimated.

In addition to the change in his thoughts, Yamato's strength has also become stronger. In the day-to-day duels, Yamato fully realized his potential and became a solid Four Emperors-level combat force. Whether it is physique, experience or will, there have been earth-shaking changes, especially will, which even Leon is ashamed of.

For this, Leon only has sincere admiration, although it is a little different from what he expected.

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