The wine bowl in Kaido's hand fell to the ground, and his eyes were as big as copper bells: "You, what did you say?" "I want to be the general of Wano Country! I..." "Wuwuwuwu~" Kaido cried like a tough guy, even if he covered his face, tears flowed from his fingers. "Yamato, you finally grew up and know how to share the pressure for me! Good, good, great, I have been annoyed with Kurozumi Orochi for a long time. Now that you have spoken, I will twist the head of the Orochi off and let you be the general!"

Kaido did what he said, and immediately picked up the mace and prepared to hit Kurozumi Orochi. Yamato immediately stopped him: "Wait a minute!"

"Kaido, I became the general of Wano Country not to help you completely control Wano Country, but to bring a better life to the people of Wano Country!"

Kaido was slightly stunned, and then he was silently furious: "So! You still have to follow your old "I prefer to call it cooperation! What you want is seastone and labor, right? I can give it to you! But not by force!" Kaido stared at Leon for a long time without responding. After a while, he turned his head to look at Leon: "Did you tell her that?" "I just gave her a hint." Kaido took a deep breath and looked at Yamato again: "Wait until we get rid of the Red Hair Pirates, then we can discuss this matter." "Red Hair Pirates?" Yamato remembered that Leon seemed to have told her that if that was the case, this was an opportunity to prove himself to Kaido. "I want to go too!" "You?" Kaido was about to refuse, but then he thought, isn't this what he has always wanted? Apart from anything else, he recognized Yamato's combat power, which was no worse than Beckman next to Shanks, but it was a pity that Yamato had always been against him. "Okay, you'll go with us then. This is settled. You go down first! I still have something to say to Li Ang."

Yamato glanced at Li Ang and turned away.

"Boy, what did you do to Yamato? Why has she changed so much?"

Li Ang waved his hand: "Don't mention it. Do you know how much effort I put into changing her mind? Haven't you noticed that Yamato hasn't mentioned Oden's name until now?"

Pah! Kaido slapped his head. Good guy, it's true! Yamato always talks about Oden, but today he didn't even mention him.

"How did you do it?"

Li Ang laughed: "Don't worry about this, I have my own way. Anyway, Yamato still hates you and thinks you are a bad guy, but she has learned to compromise."

"If she wants to bring a stable life to the people of Wano Country, she must compromise. Otherwise, why should she be submissive and call you father?"

"Tsk! Hate it if you want! As long as you don't go against me, then what is she thinking now?"

Li Ang touched his chin and pondered: "It should be the same as before, becoming the general of Wano Country and bringing peace to the people of Wano Country. The people of Wano can live a better life, but in her own way, not like Kozuki Oden. "

"If she succeeds, the people of Wano will not only be well fed and clothed, but the Beasts Pirates will not lose anything. It can be said to be a win-win situation."

"Oh, lol! I want to kill Orochi now and let Yamato be the general."

"Don't worry about it. The most important thing now is to deal with the Red Hair Pirates. By the way, Kaido, I have become stronger. Come and practice?"

Hearing this, Kaido immediately became energetic and picked up the mace with his backhand: "Come!"

Floating Islands.

Golden Lion Shiki was unhappy as a referee, cursing in his heart. This kid is really a human! He was fighting three prostitutes in the brothel just now. He was interrupted by this kid when he was having fun. He had to come.

Damn it, he, the Golden Lion, has been holding back for twenty years. He finally returned to the peak. Can't he enjoy it?


As soon as Shiki finished speaking, Kaido picked up his mace and shouted: "Scorching Eight Diagrams!"

This move is an upgraded version of Thunderous Eight Diagrams combined with the Desperate Virus. The red mace has a stronger attack power. Even if it can be blocked, the extremely high temperature will burn the enemy. The effect is similar to Akainu's magma.

"Sakura Falling Slash!"

Shua~ A special effect explosion slash was thrown at Kaido. Kaido did not change his face and directly bounced it away, roaring and approaching Leon.


The weapons were exchanged, and neither of them was at a disadvantage.

"Oh, kid, you really have become a lot stronger. Now I can finally have fun! Watch this!


Kaido was very excited. He was originally a battle maniac. Seeing that Leon's strength could actually fight him, his long-dormant blood could not help but boil.


"Great Power·Scorching Flame Bagua!"

Leon slowly turned on the ghost dance state, ready to give Kaido a little wall-hanging shock.


Kaido was a little confused when he saw that his sure-shot attack was directly missed. What was going on? Natural system? No, his move was even entangled with the domineering color domineering, even the natural system had to kneel! Why did this kid ignore it directly?

While Kaido was stunned, Leon rushed to Kaido and threw an uppercut. This punch had both Ryusakura and Domineering color, as well as the high temperature of the desperate virus. Coupled with Leon's strong physique after a year of hard training, I just want to ask you if you are afraid?


Kaido spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt as if his chin was hit by a meteorite. First it hurt, then it went numb, and then his body flew up uncontrollably. The power of this punch made him think of Garp, and it was even more painful than Garp's punch!

Seeing Kaido take off, Leon's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and the Sky-Splitting Blade was activated!

Swish swish swish~

Leon threw out dozens of Sakura Falling Slashes in a row, and for a moment, purple cherry blossoms were flying all over the sky.

"Uh ah ah ah! "

Kaido roared in pain, because of Leon's flying slash, every blow drew blood, and his proud defense seemed to be nothing.

When Kaido fell to the ground, he had more than a dozen wounds deep enough to see the bone, which were more and more unforgettable than the scars left by Oden.

Gurgle Gurgle~

Kaido's body exuded a burning breath, and the magma quickly filled the wounds, which healed in a few breaths. Kaido turned over and stood up, looking at Leon vigilantly.

"What was that just now..." Before he finished speaking, Leon He has already rushed over. His invincibility time is limited. He should do more damage now.

At this moment, Leon was completely crazy. No matter how Kaido fought back, he ignored it all. The only action was to chop the damn Raikiri on Kaido.

Kaido was not stupid. He knew that Leon's current state was a little wrong, but this state would definitely not last too long. Otherwise, he would just surrender directly.

It was a pity that he was too big and could not fly. Leon's physique was almost the same as his. No matter where he hid, Leon could always catch up.

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