The new machine is still in use.

"Zhan Guo, the navy's actions in the New World should be reduced. Don't act rashly for the time being. Everything will be decided after the Pacifist is put into use."

Zhan Guo's face lit up: "Has the Pacifist been successfully researched?"

"Of course, it is in the experimental stage now, and I believe it will be put into use soon. By the way, leave a copy of the desperate virus information, and we will arrange for someone to submit it to Dr. Vegapunk."

Zhan Guo's eyes lit up. With Vegapunk's wisdom, maybe he can also develop something similar?

"Wait, after the Saxon War, Kuzan froze some blood samples on the ground. It is speculated that they were left by the Three Calamities and the Flying Six of the Beasts Pirates. Are these helpful?"

The Five Elders took a breath of cold air: "It is useful, of course it is useful. As long as there are blood samples, Vegapunk's research will be smoother. Even if the original Extremis virus cannot be reproduced, a substitute with similar effects can be researched."

"Aokiji did a great job this time." "Yes, if we can research our own Extremis virus, Kuzan will definitely be the number one contributor."

"By the way, do you have blood samples of Golden Lion Shiki and Black Dragon Leon?"

The Five Elders never told Sengoku that after the Pacifists conducted experiments, Vegapunk started new research without stopping, that is, a new type of Pacifists, who also became Seraphim. The key to this research is to copy the ability of the superhuman fruit. Originally, they thought that it would be enough to get some blood samples from the Seven Warlords for research, but the return of the Golden Lion gave them hope again.

The Golden Lion's fruit is of great strategic significance. If it can be copied, the strength of the World Government will be even stronger.

"It seems not."

The Five Elders shook their heads and said nothing more. Then they talked to Sengoku about the bounty, and the conversation ended.

Meanwhile, the first half of the Grand Line.

Yesterday at Cape Twin, the Straw Hat Pirates met Lab, the whale waiting for the Rumba Pirates, and Crocus, the ship doctor of the Roger Pirates. Nami obtained the record pointer. After that, the Straw Hat Pirates went with Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday (Nefert D. Vivi). Their next stop is Whiskey Peak. It's about a day's journey.

Nami bought a newspaper as usual, but just after opening it, Nami screamed.

"Ah? What happened?" "Don't be afraid, Miss Nami, I'll protect you!" "Enemy attack, is it an enemy attack?"

Everyone quickly gathered around and was relieved when they saw that Nami was fine.

"It's okay! Hey, Nami, why are you so startled? I thought we could fight!"

Looking at Luffy's smiling face, Nami couldn't bear to tell Luffy the truth, so she could only make excuses and quietly hide today's newspaper behind her.

At this time, Zoro took the newspaper from Nami's hand, spread it out, and his pupils shook: "Luffy! There is a follow-up to the Red Hair Pirates and the Flying Pirates!"

"What? Let me see, did Shanks and the others win?"

Zoro pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "Luffy, be mentally prepared..."

"What mentally..." The moment he saw the title, Luffy was stunned.

"Only two members of the Red Hair Pirates survived, and the rest were killed... No, this is impossible. Uncle Shanks would not watch his companions die. This must be fake news!"

Usopp seemed to have thought of something, and quickly snatched the newspaper. When he saw Jesus' name on the Red Hair Pirates' death list, he was struck by lightning and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Dad, my dad is dead! Wuu ... "Luffy, are you okay? Cheer up!"

Luffy pushed Nami away in a daze, staggered to his special seat, stared at the sea in the distance with lifeless eyes, and the good times in the windmill village flashed from his mind from time to time. Now, all of this has become a permanent memory.

After a long silence, Luffy suddenly raised his fist and roared at the sea:

"Black Dragon Leon, I will definitely, I will beat you away! Revenge for Lakiru and the others!

! ! "

At this moment, Luffy was already in tears, and he secretly made up his mind that he must enter the New World as soon as possible and defeat the culprit, Black Dragon Leon!

Zoro walked over and patted Luffy on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Luffy, to defeat Black Dragon Leon, we have to become stronger."

"Yeah! You are right, I want to become stronger, and so do you, Zoro. That Golden Lion Shiki is also a swordsman, and he is left to you!"

Zoro's mouth corners slightly raised: "Of course, he can only be my opponent."

Perhaps this is the fearlessness of a newborn calf. At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates did not realize how huge the gap between them and the Flying Pirates was.

"And me, I must become a brave sea warrior and avenge my father! "

On this day, a seed called revenge was buried in Luffy and Usopp's hearts, waiting to take root and sprout. Perhaps even they themselves did not expect that their first encounter with the black dragon Leon would come so soon. Of course, these are all later stories.

In the New World, an unnamed island.

Shanks buried his companions calmly, carved their respective epitaphs with a knife, and Beckman silently filled the soil.

After doing all this, Shanks knelt down and kowtowed to his dead companions.

"I'm sorry! It's me, the captain, who hurt you! I'm so useless!"

"Please believe me, one day, I, Shanks, will come back and complete my revenge on them."

"Everything I lost, I will take it back with my own hands!!!"

Beckman took a deep puff of cigarette, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and said lightly: "Shanks, what should we do next?"

"Find a devil fruit, I want to become stronger. "

After fighting with Leon, Shanks felt that he was not strong enough. Although he and Leon fought back and forth, he was very clear about the gap between him and Leon. What was the difference? The difference was in physical strength.

He had hurt Leon countless times, but he was not affected at all, but he was not like that. Therefore, he had to consider eating a devil fruit to enhance his strength, otherwise he could not compete with Leon.

"Do you want to find a new partner?"

Shanks turned his head and looked at Beckman: "I don't want to lose new partners anymore. The person we are looking for must be strong enough."

"Then let's go, Captain."

The two walked side by side. After the battle on Saxon Island, Beckman became more silent, and Shanks stopped playing around. After this unforgettable failure, they both grew a lot.

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