The next day.

Leon broke free from Yamato's death entanglement, put on his clothes and walked out of the room. There was a lot to do today. After all, driving away the Red Hair Pirates was just the beginning.

"Boy, this is your bounty." Kaido handed a bounty order to Leon with a smile on his face.

"Let me see..."

This is a photo taken on Saxon Island. In the photo, Leon has a wicked smile on his lips and a confident and arrogant look. He looks like a domineering handsome guy, but no matter how you look at it, he is a villain, not a good guy.

Thank you, Navy, it's hard for you to find such a weird angle from so many handsome photos of me.

"4.8 billion, tsk tsk tsk,] The bounties of Shiki and I combined are over 10 billion, the navy is really spending a lot of money!"

Kaido laughed and said, "Your bounty is higher than mine! However, after becoming a Four Emperor, it is difficult for your bounty to increase. Look at Shiki, his bounty has not increased at all. Although he is not a Four Emperor, the bounty has no meaning to him, it is just a symbol."

"No matter how much it is, no one would be stupid enough to target the Four Emperors anyway."

Kaido nodded, "That's true." Then he changed the subject, "Boy, what do you think of the Red Hair Pirates' territory?"

"Oh? What do you think?"

Kaido stroked his unshaven chin and said with a smile: "You and Shiki are just two people, you can't manage so many territories, right? How about this, you pick a few good places, and leave the rest to me?"

"Don't worry, I won't treat you unfairly, we will split the benefits of each island 30% and 70%!"

Li Ang laughed: "That's too embarrassing! You worked so hard, but you only get 30%?"

"Bullshit! What are you thinking? Of course I get 70%!"

"Hahaha, just kidding, um, let me think about it..."

Li Ang pinched his eyebrows. For now, the territory is really useless to him. Money? It's just a number to him. People? He doesn't need it. Resources? Just use Kaido's.

There is also a most critical problem. There are only two people in the Flying Pirates. They really can't manage so many territories. It's better to let go, so that they can be freer.

"Okay, I'll let Shiki pick a few of the largest and most resource-rich islands as the territory of the Sky Pirates, but these islands will be sent directly to the sky, just like the Floating Islands."

"It's your territory anyway, you can use it however you want, and what about the rest of the territory? Give it all to me?"

"Well, I'll give it all to you, and the profit sharing will be based on your decision."

"Oh, la la la ~ This is what I appreciate most about you, straightforward! That's it, I'll send someone to take over the territory right away, and just tell me which island you like. "

Kaido took a sip of the wine, smacked his lips and said: "There is one more thing. Now that the Red Hair Pirates have been dealt with, what should we do next? Linlin or the old man Whitebeard?"

Leon waved his hand: "We can't rush this. Our every move now will affect the sensitive nerves of the World Government. Therefore, it is best for us not to take too big actions at present, so as not to become the target of public criticism."

Kaido scratched his head. What he said was indeed correct. No matter how much meat you eat, you need time to digest it.

"So, for the next period of time, we should keep a low profile and not make any unnecessary troubles. I have a feeling that the sea will soon become chaotic. That will be our chance."

"In that case, let's talk about Wano Country! Yamato has indeed grown a lot. I think she can replace the idiot Orochi at any time."

"Well, Yamato is ready."

Kaido touched his chin and said in a deep voice: "Then tomorrow, Orochi said he would treat me to a drink. You can go with Yamato then."

Li Ang smiled unkindly. Good guy, a reverse Tiangang version of the Hongmen Banquet, right? I like it. When Yamato takes over Wano Country, he can start looking for the whereabouts of Hades.

The legendary ancient weapon Pluto must be an SSS-level collectible, right?

Strangely enough, Wano Country is really a treasure land. There are too many good things such as seastone mines, famous sword wholesale factories, historical text craftsmen, etc. No wonder Kaido is determined to make it bigger and stronger here.

After leaving Ghost Island, Leon and Shiki chatted for a while, mainly about recruiting people.

"Are you saying that I can find some helpers?"

Leon shook his head: "To be precise, I am going to go out on my own. From now on, you are the captain of the Sky Pirates, and you can find the helpers you want.

, whatever you want to do. "

"What about you?"

Leon grinned and told all his new plans. He couldn't tell Kaido these words for the time being, but he could tell Shiki.

In short, he wanted to set up a new pirate group, the Emperor Pirates. Of course, the name of this pirate group will not be announced to the public for the time being, and it will be officially unveiled when the time is right.

Only the truly strong can join the Emperor Pirates. The current members are Leon, Shiki, Kaido, Yamato, and other members are to be determined. The captain is only Leon, and the others are temporarily equal.

Therefore, Leon will give the position of the captain of the Sky Pirates to Shiki, and let him recruit subordinates and develop power so as to replace the Whitebeard Pirates after the war.

After listening to Leon's plan, Shiki took a breath: "Leon, Rocks is not interested in learning! Think about his fate, right? "

Leon didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this. Rocks? Well, he is indeed very similar to Rocks, but his gameplay is similar to that of a large fleet, which is fundamentally different from the Rocks Pirates.

Besides, Leon has cheats, does Rocks have them?

"Don't worry, I know the reason why the Rocks Pirates disbanded, so if there is another God Valley incident, I will let you go first."

Shiki: Okay, okay, you really learned the essence, didn't you?

"Hahaha, just kidding, don't be so nervous, anyway, you can slowly reorganize the Flying Pirates! But pay attention to identifying personnel, now we are a thorn in the eyes of the navy, maybe they are waiting for you to recruit people!"

Shiki smiled confidently: "Humph, you don't have to worry about this, I can recognize who is a navy in a crowd! ”

It would have been better if he hadn’t said it. As soon as he said this, Leon immediately had a bad feeling. Well, it must be an illusion. Shiki is also an old comrade and should not make such a low-level mistake.

“By the way, let me tell you about the territory…”

Ten minutes later, Shiki merged three quarters of the floating islands into a complete continent, and the remaining quarter was taken away by him as his own territory, allowing it to grow and develop.

Of course, Leon also has his own things to do. The Sea Emperor bond has come to an end for the time being, and it is time to collect a new series of bonds.

For example… The Seven Warlords of the Sea are very good.

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