The world government? Celestial Dragons?

Hancock's face changed. The years of being a slave were her lingering nightmare, and the slave mark on her back was a shame that accompanied her throughout her life.

Ask yourself, does she want revenge? Of course she did. In the years after she escaped, she thought about revenge more than once, but she didn't dare.

The power of the world government is too strong. The navy all over the sea is a hurdle that cannot be crossed, not to mention the millions of people behind her.

By the way, the reason why she became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and what people call a lackey of the World Government, was to protect her country from harassment by the navy. This was a compromise made out of helplessness....

The man in front of her was the mastermind of the attack on Marijoa. She admired his courage, but she didn't want to drag her country into the abyss.

After thinking for a long time, Hancock shook her head and refused.

"No, I can't do this."

"Don't dare or don't want to?"

Hancock's tone stagnated, and she pursed her lower lips and said, "Don't dare."

Leon chuckled and walked to the window on the edge of the bathroom. Looking at the palace nearby and the town in the distance, he sighed slightly: "Yes, you are the queen of a country..."

After a long silence, Leon turned his head and looked at Hancock: "I have established a new pirate group called the Emperor Pirates. I came here this time to invite you to join my pirate group."

Hancock frowned: "Aren't you the captain of the Sky Pirates?"

"The Sky Pirates are already a subordinate pirate group of the Emperor Pirates. Shiki is the first crew member of the Emperor Pirates, and you are the second."

"Sorry, I said..." "Do you hate the Celestial Dragons?"

Hancock clenched his fists, hatred in his eyes: "Of course."

"Then join me and become my subordinate. In three years at most, we will challenge the World Government and establish a new world order."

"And you, just need to contribute your strength!"

Hancock asked puzzledly: "Why me?"

"Because we have a common goal. I have always believed that only like-minded people can change the world when they unite together."

"What's more, the Emperor Pirates is currently just an underground organization. Except for the members, outsiders don't know the existence of the Emperor Pirates at all. You don't have to worry about joining me and implicate the people. On the contrary, joining me can save your country."

"What do you mean by this?"

Leon's mouth corners slightly raised, and began to explain the interests to Hancock.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are special powers and qualifications given to seven pirates by the World Government. They are not a group. They are all independent and are equivalent to powerful thugs summoned by the World Government.

Although they are called the government's lackeys, the fact is completely the opposite. Once the government catches the opportunity, the Shichibukai will be eliminated by the government. In other words, the relationship between the Shichibukai and the World Government is very fragile. After the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the Shichibukai one after another, this system has long been in name only.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant Hancock is to give up the position of Shichibukai, what is coming will still come. Once the position of Shichibukai is lost, Amazon Lily will become the target of the Navy.

"Are you so sure that the Shichibukai system will be abolished?"

Leon said confidently: "Of course, the World Government has long wanted to abolish the Shichibukai system, but there has been no suitable reason. At most two years, the Shichibukai system will come to an end. Therefore, as the King of Amazon Lily, you must make plans in advance."

"Golden Lion Shiki, the user of the Float-Float Fruit, can make any island float in the air. No matter how powerful the Navy is, can it attack an island in the sky?"

"Of course, if you don't like floating in the air, Mr. Shiki can also move Amazon Lily to a place with rich resources, such as If I am stationed around the New World, not only will your safety be guaranteed, but your people will also be able to live a prosperous life. "

"So, only by joining me can your country be spared; only by joining me can you personally avenge the Celestial Dragons; only by joining me can you..."

Before Leon finished speaking, Hancock interrupted: "Stop talking, I am willing to join the Emperor Pirates."

The reason why she agreed to Leon was mainly to avenge the Celestial Dragons, because of Leon's attack on Mary Joa, she believed that the Black Dragon Leon had the ability and motivation, so only by following him, she could hope to complete the revenge on the Celestial Dragons.

The revenge of the people, anyway, she doesn't need to give up her status as a Shichibukai and declare war on the World Government immediately.

As for leaving a way out for her country, there are reasons in this regard, but not many.


"Very good, congratulations on making the right choice. From now on, you are a member of the Emperor Pirates. This is the Den Den Mushi dedicated to the Emperor Pirates. All our communication depends on this."

Since Hancock was covering the thunder with one hand and blocking the triangle with the other, Leon had to put the Den Den Mushi aside and exchanged for three copies of the Desperate Virus.

"Hancock, these are my gifts. I believe you will like them."

Hancock looked at the syringe in Li Ang's hand with some doubts: "This is..."

"Desperate virus, a kind of virus that can... In other words, it can eliminate the hoof of the Sky Dragon on your back and let you wash away the mark of shame forever."

Hancock's eyes suddenly lit up: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You interrupted me."

Hancock's face froze: "Then, how should I use it?"

Li Ang picked up a tube of Desperate virus and directly stabbed it into Hancock's left arm.

A minute later, Hancock's body began to react, and an orange-red light emanated from her body. Hancock felt warm, and then the mark on her back was slightly itchy.

Is it effective? Hancock's face was happy, and she stretched out her arm to touch her back. When she found that the mark was really gone, she was suddenly ecstatic.

It's gone, it's really gone. That mark of shame has really disappeared. I don't have to worry about others discovering my past.

For a moment, Hancock's eyes were filled with hot tears. The heavy mountain that was pressing on her heart and making her breathless finally disappeared. These were tears of relief.

"Ding~ I found the collection [The World's Most Beautiful Woman·Boya Hancock]. The collection information is as follows:"

[The World's Most Beautiful Woman·Boya Hancock]

[Collection Level] SSS (5000)

[Bonds] [Seven Warlords of the Sea (Colorful) 1/7]; [The Most Beautiful Woman in the Country (Colorful) 1/1]

[Evaluation] Once you take off her disguise, you will find that she is a woman who is extremely simple in her feelings.

Wow! As expected of the world's most beautiful woman, she is actually an SSS-level collection. I really came here for the right reason!

"The [Alluring Beauty] bond has been activated, do you want to receive the reward?"


"Congratulations on obtaining [Making a Combat with a Commander]: When fighting a woman, ignore her 50% defense."

Le Ang: Okay, okay, you're a pirate, right?

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