The explosion was a big mistake, but the explosion was too intense.

"Hey, you got hit!"

Perona laughed wildly and shouted, "Ghost Cluster Bomb!"

The negative ghosts surrounding Leon began to speed up, their pale bodies gradually turned red, and then...boom boom boom boom~

After a series of violent explosions, the ground became bumpy, but Leon still stood there, his body spotless.

"How is it possible! Don't you get hurt?" This is her carefully developed trick!

Leon looked at the big pit on the ground and touched his chin. Hiss~ The power is very good, it seems that Perona is not idle either.

"What else?"

Perona said with an unhappy face: "What's the point? I can't beat you anyway."

"Don't worry about whether it works or not, use it and let me see."

Perona took a deep breath, spread her hands, and summoned hundreds of negative ghosts, dancing wildly in the air.

Leon's eyes lit up immediately. This move was quite impressive and very cool. As we all know, in One Piece, the higher the coolness, the more awesome, and the more expensive the special effects, the more awesome. Perona's move perfectly follows this law.

"Ghost Impact!"

Wuwuwuwu~ Hundred Ghosts Dancing.

The negative ghosts spread rapidly in all directions, forming a ghost zone with a radius of 50 meters. Those in this zone will be passed through by the negative ghosts. If you don't use the Conqueror's Color to wrap your body to block the negative ghosts, you will inevitably enter a negative state and be controlled for three minutes.

Then, Perona quickly flew into the air and shouted: "Ghost Sacrifice!"

"Negative, negative, negative..."

After a burst of negative sounds, the bodies of the negative ghosts gradually turned red, and finally with a bang, hundreds of negative ghosts exploded at the same time, shaking the entire floating island.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the ground looked like it had been bombed by mortars for a day, and there was no intact flat land.

This time, Leon was not surprised, but frightened. According to Perona's original fate, she would not be at this level in two years. She had only practiced for a few days, and even with the help of the desperate virus, the speed of improvement was too exaggerated.

"How did you do it? Did you develop these moves these days?"

Seeing Leon's attitude, Perona was very proud: "Hehe, this princess is a genius!"


"Tell the truth!"

Perona pouted: "It's because of the desperate virus you injected me that day. After having that, my physical strength is enough to support me to release more negative ghosts."

Leon seemed to think of something and asked hurriedly: "Have you ever exercised before?"

"This princess doesn't need to exercise! With the negative ghost, this princess is invincible!" Then Perona whispered: "Except for you, a pervert."

"Hiss~ No wonder." One look at Perona's thin arms and legs shows that she has never trained her physique at all. In addition, she is a physiological woman, and her physique is weaker than that of men.

As we all know, if you want to develop the fruit to the limit, a strong physique is very important, otherwise even if it can be developed to the point of awakening, the body will still be fragile.

For example, Brook has developed his fruit ability very well, and has shown brilliant operations many times, but his physique is hard to describe.

The Desperate Virus can indeed greatly enhance the effect of physical fitness, but that is compared to ordinary people. People like Ski, Kaido and the Three Disasters have not felt this effect at all, because their physiques are already amazing.

But Perona is different. A weak and vulnerable problem girl, she might fall flat on the ground when she walks properly. With the blessing of the Desperate Virus, she is like a tiger with wings. Her physique has directly improved by several levels, and her combat effectiveness has naturally increased sharply.

"Very good, I am very satisfied. What other moves do you have? Use them all for me to see."

"Ah? Do you want more? But I am already very tired." "I said continue!"


Next, Perona showed the extra-large ghost·kamikaze bomb; the mini ghost·ghost bomb and the improved version of the ghost clone.

There is nothing much to say about the first two, they are just variants of the ghost bomb, the only difference is the power.

But the improved version of the ghost clone is amazing. It turns out that the ghost clone is a spirit separated from the body with self-awareness. It can fly freely in the air, penetrate walls, and change its body size. Any physical attack is ineffective. The weakness is that the main body is vulnerable to attack because the soul cannot move.

The improved version of the ghost clone can separate multiple spirits and release negative ghosts at the same time, and the main body

You can also move freely, hide or dodge attacks.

According to Perona, this is an idea that came after learning Observation Haki. Although you haven't mastered Observation Haki yet, it's good to be able to develop an improved version of the ghost clone.

Leon is very satisfied. No exaggeration, no understatement. Now Perona can play with the flying six before her physical strength is exhausted. Among the three disasters, except for Jin who can fly, Quinn and Jack will also be given away for free.

"Okay, very good. Now you have surpassed Gekko Moria. As long as you continue to polish your body, you will be a top-level strong man who can resist one side. Come on!"

Perona complained with a bitter face: "Ah! I don't want to exercise. What if I grow muscles? It's so ugly!"

Leon: "Ah?"

Leon took a deep breath, raised his palm and threatened: "Say it again?"

"No, no, no! I won't practice even if you kill me." When saying this, Perona's eyes were faintly expectant, but soon restrained.

"You! Alas!" Li Ang sighed in disappointment. What a shame! He had to work hard to practice even when he was cheating. He didn't know how much he had to endure.

As a result, Perona wasted her talent in the air battle without knowing it. Could it be that she was infected by Moria, the fat otaku?

There was no other way. Li Ang could only look through the exchange store and found a piece of equipment that was very suitable for Perona, worth 1,000 collection points.

Blessing of the hunting goddess Artemis (antler-shaped pendant): My dear believer, I will give you the strength of a black bear and the agility of an elk. This is a gift from nature! Effect: Obtain the blessing of nature, greatly enhance physical fitness, and in the natural environment, the effect is doubled. PS: The specific effect fluctuates depending on the user's physique.

This equipment can greatly improve Perona's physical fitness and pull her physique to the average level of animal-type ability users. It is not as good as the ancient species, but not worse than the ordinary species. The effect is doubled in natural environments such as forests and grasslands.

Li Ang tried it on himself first, and sure enough, the effect was almost non-existent, so Li Ang had to take off the pendant and hand it to Perona.

"This can greatly strengthen your physique. Since you don't want to exercise, wear it!"

"Just think of it as a reward for your hard work!"

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