The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Lucci had just left when Kalifa woke up, as if they had made an appointment.

Seeing the unconscious Bruno and the strange room, her mood instantly sank to the bottom.

"Bruno, Bruno!"

Kalifa slapped Bruno, but Bruno still didn't wake up. It was probably because he was hit hard when he used an iron block to block Luffy's attack.

There was no choice but to get up and look at this strange environment.

In the medieval castle style, there is a huge square dining table in front, and the most eye-catching thing is the metal throne in the back.

"You finally woke up."

Kalifa turned to the source of the voice with caution. It was a sturdy man wearing a blue suit and a black feather coat. Wait, she had seen this face before!

"You are the sea emperor of the New World, Black Dragon Leon!"

Leon smiled slightly, walked slowly to his throne, and crossed his legs: "Since you know me, it will be easy."

"Easy for what? What is your purpose in bringing me here?"

"It has been a day since the Straw Hats defeated you. Spandam has put all the blame on you. You have been removed from the World Government. If nothing unexpected happens, the World Government is now hunting you all over the world."

Kalifa clenched her fists and cursed angrily: "That damn bastard!"

"You are now a group of stray dogs, but I think you are still useful, so I asked Crocodile to bring you from Judicial Island. By the way, Judicial Island has been destroyed by the Demon Killing Order."

Kalifa took a deep breath. Although Leon did not say it clearly, the meaning behind it was already obvious.

Joining Black Dragon Leon is a good choice, but the only thing that puzzled her was how Leon knew them? What is there about them that is worthy of Leon's attention?

Kalifa fell into deep thought. Seeing this, Leon took the initiative to say: "You have no choice. Rob Lucci has chosen to become my subordinate. He is now training on another floating island, striving to take revenge on the Straw Hat Pirates as soon as possible."

"What is your choice, Miss Kalifa?"

Has Rob Lucci joined? Well, since even Rob Lucci has chosen to join, she seems to have no other choice.

"I am willing to be your subordinate, but my fighting power is far inferior to Rob Lucci, and even inferior to Bruno. I really don't know how I can help you."

Leon chuckled: "Don't underestimate yourself, Miss Kalifa. I have too many strong men under my command. Your fighting power is indeed not ranked, but the problem is that I have too many people under my command, and there are all kinds of things that need me to deal with every day."

"I have always wanted to find someone to help me deal with these problems."

Kalifa suddenly realized: "Sir Leon, do you want me to be your secretary?"

"Yes, it is precisely considering that you have become Espar I asked Lao Sha to bring you here because you have been my secretary for 5 years. Otherwise, you might have died on Judicial Island."

At this point, there was no need to hesitate. Kalifa nodded and said, "Sir Leon, I am willing to work for you."

"Ding~ Found the collection [Kalifa]. The collection information is as follows:"


[Collection Level] C (500)

[Bond] [Bond] [CP9 Agent (Silver) 2/9]; [CP0 Agent (Gold) (Not Activated)]

[Evaluation] Long legs, blonde hair, black stockings and glasses, innate secretary body.

System, you are naughty again, but the truth is not rough. Kalifa is indeed a blonde, black hair, black stockings and glasses girl. She also has a capable temperament of a workplace elite. Combined with her appearance, it can be said that she is very good.

"Congratulations on making the right choice. From now on, you can work. Your first task is to find an empty room upstairs as your living room. Take care of your personal affairs first. When you are ready, you can help me with my work."

"Yes, Boss."

Kalifa confidently adjusted her glasses and walked up the stairs in high heels.

Finally, Bruno was left. Leon had not yet decided how to arrange him. After all, he was simply attracted by the ability of the Door-to-Door Fruit. He did not know Bruno at all.

In Leon's view, Bruno was just a devil fruit container. After dealing with Blackbeard, he had plenty of ways to get his fruit.

The same is true for Kurozumi Orochi. It was

Because his devil fruit is good, Leon has kept him all the time, instead of letting Yamato use him to win people's hearts.

After thinking for a long time, Leon took the unconscious Bruno to the Rabbit Well Prison and arranged for him to be a jailer. Before proving his ability, he had to wear the seastone bracelet to prevent him from escaping with his ability.

Floating Dojo.

Kalifa has already figured out the situation here.

There are two permanent residents in the floating dojo, one is the black dragon Leon, and the other is Perona, who calls herself the ghost princess, a "child" with princess syndrome, at least in her opinion.

For some reason, Perona was a little resistant to her arrival, but Kalifa didn't care. Anyway, the person she was going to serve was Leon, not Perona.

"Boss, you're back. I've dealt with my business and I'm ready to work."

Kalifa held a notebook and pen in her hand, and changed her clothes. She wore a black business suit and crystal black silk, which was reflective. She looked brand new.

"You're dressed well. I like it."

Kalifa was about to say that you were sexually harassing her, but when she thought of Black Dragon Leon's identity, she thought about it and let it go. After all, those were habits she developed when she was Espagu's secretary. With a new boss, she naturally had to change her habits.

"As long as you like it, I found it in the warehouse. I should be able to wear it, right?"

"It doesn't matter. The various materials in the warehouse were originally bought for use. Take whatever you like."

Kalifa chuckled, adjusted her black-framed glasses with her hand, and asked tentatively: "BOSS, Bruno..."

"Don't worry about him. I arranged for him to work for me somewhere else."

"Come with me, I'll take you to get your face checked, so that it will be convenient for you to start your work in the future."

Leon hugged Kalifa's waist and took her away from the floating dojo.

Looking at the tiny building on the ground, Kalifa was so scared that her face turned pale. She didn't even care about being shy. She could only hug Leon's waist tightly to avoid accidents.

For some reason, the moment she hugged Leon tightly, Kalifa felt her heartbeat start to speed up, and her eyes became a little blurred. The smell of the BOSS was too good, which made her a little overwhelmed.

This new BOSS, with its powerful strength and handsome appearance, gave her some unrealistic fantasies.

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