The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Faced with Whitebeard's question, Leon did not answer, but his actions had already shown his attitude.

The black dragon Leon opened his bloody mouth, and the red hot breath accumulated in the air.

Aokiji's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Everyone stay away from Whitebeard!"

The navy hurriedly dodged, and the three admirals also evacuated the scene to avoid being affected. As a result, a 100-meter "vacuum zone" was formed around Whitebeard. Except for the lying corpse, the only person standing was Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's pride would never allow him to retreat. He turned Tian Congyun, his muscles bulged, and Tian Congyun, shining with a white halo, slashed at the black dragon in the sky with a knife.

Crack, crack, crack~ The space is broken.

"Scorching hot breath!!!"

The sky was dyed red by the huge red breath, and the hot breath that stretched for a thousand meters collided violently with Whitebeard's "Space Breaking Slash".

There was only a loud bang, and a violent explosion broke out in the air, followed by a violent shock wave.

Everyone present had to cover their glasses, otherwise they couldn't even open their eyes.

After the shock wave disappeared, the black dragon had disappeared from the sky, and two figures fell from the sky, one landed and the other landed.

The one who landed was Blackbeard, and the one who didn't land was Leon.

Leon pulled out Raikiri and said with a smile: "You are worthy of being the strongest man in the world. You were so seriously injured that you could actually block my hot breath head-on."

Whitebeard, panting, suddenly inserted Tian Congyun into the ground and stared at Blackbeard next to Leon.

"Teach! What did you do to him?"

Whitebeard saw at a glance that something was wrong with Teach, as if he was controlled.

Leon flew to Teach and patted his face: "You mean him? He is now an unconscious body, and all actions must be directed by me."

Whitebeard's eyes condensed, and he asked loudly: "What did you do to him?"

"What do you care what I did? Anyway, you are not far from death. I will take your head personally!"


A large amount of black matter burst out of Blackbeard's body, swallowing the ground. This move is called dark water, which is equivalent to a small black hole. People or objects touched by the darkness will be sucked down and then compressed and crushed. The range is nearly 300 meters.

Those who are affected by the weaker navy can't get away at all.

At this time, Zhan Guo picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Kill Blackbeard Teach, and never let him leave Marinford alive!"

Through Magellan's report, Zhan Guo understood the importance of Blackbeard to Leon very well. The fact that he can seize the power of other people's devil fruits is enough to make Zhan Guo want to kill him.

If he is alive, Leon's power will grow rapidly, and various abilities will appear, which is very troublesome.

It can be said that since Leon and Blackbeard appeared, his main target is no longer the Whitebeard Pirates, but Black Dragon Leon and Blackbeard Teach.

Especially Teach!

The three admirals looked at Blackbeard and launched an attack without saying a word. Leon would definitely not protect Blackbeard. Anyway, he had already injected him with a shot of the desperate virus, so he would not die, and he would definitely be beaten.

But it doesn't matter. Now Blackbeard is a puppet without consciousness. The effect of the Dark Dark Fruit that amplifies pain can be ignored directly. Just do it.

The three admirals soon fought with Teach, and the fight was inextricable.

The three are all capable people. Facing the Dark Dark Fruit that can seal abilities, they are somewhat restrained.

Aokiji frowned and said, "His ability is very strange. Don't get too close to him."

Although Akainu and Kizaru didn't say anything, they didn't ignore it. Teach is indeed not a fuel-saving lamp. They know this very well.

Back to Leon and Whitebeard, Whitebeard snorted when he heard Leon say he wanted to kill him.

"Little brat, if you want to take my head, then come on!"

Leon chuckled, pulled out Raikiri and threw dozens of flying slashes at Whitebeard. Whitebeard didn't dare to be careless. He waved Tian Congyun to block a few slashes and found that he couldn't block them at all. In the end, he could only use his ability to shatter Leon's flying slashes.

For a while, lightning cherry blossoms flew all over the sky.

Mihawk, who was watching the battle, was enlightened. Judging from the quality of the slashes, Black Dragon Leon was undoubtedly a great swordsman-level opponent, and his slashes were even better than his. For so many years, this level of opponent is only Shanks with healthy arms and now Black Dragon Leon.

He is really looking forward to Ming more and more

Sword Appreciation Conference and duel with Leon.

Back to Leon, after a brief fight with Whitebeard, Leon found that Whitebeard was already at the end of his strength, it seems that he came at the right time.

Leon doesn't care about a fair fight or anything, as long as he can pick up Whitebeard's head, he will be satisfied.

Another cherry fall slash, Whitebeard barely blocked it, gasping for breath, Leon knew it was time to deal with Whitebeard.

Leon waved his hand, and the thunder cherry falling in the air quickly gathered towards Leon, and transformed into countless thunder cherry swords behind Leon, which stunned Mihawk. He has practiced swordsmanship all his life, but he has never seen such a posture.

"Bloom! Thunder Emperor Sword!!!"

The thunder cherry sword formed a huge thunder emperor sword above Leon's head, and the violent purple electric current made a crackling sound and rushed towards the panting Whitebeard.

Whitebeard gritted his teeth, used his last strength to condense a white halo in his right hand, and punched the Thunder Emperor Sword.

Boom boom boom~

The explosions came one after another, accompanied by the clear sound of glass breaking. The Thunder Emperor Sword was exhausted. Whitebeard supported Tian Congyun and half-knelt on the ground. There were potholes around him, and there was no intact ground.

At this time, Leon flew to Whitebeard with Raikiri in his hand and said lightly: "Are you ready to die? Whitebeard!"

The members of the Whitebeard Group who had already brought Luffy and Ace's bodies on board burst into tears when they saw this scene.

Whitebeard was powerless to resist. After taking a deep breath, he supported Tian Congyun and stood up shakily. He smiled and said to Leon: "Little ghost, do you believe in the great secret treasure?"

"I don't believe it."

Whitebeard grinned: "Whether you believe it or not, the great secret treasure is real!!!"

The last sentence resounded throughout the battlefield. Everyone was stunned, and even Zhan Guo cursed.

Leon laughed dumbly and stabbed Whitebeard's heart with a knife.

"Ding, collectible found [Whitebeard Edward Newgate]"

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate]

[Collection level] SSS (5000)

[Bonds] [Legendary Pirate (Colorful) 3/4] [Rocks's Remnants (Colorful) 3/4] [The Strongest Man in the World (Colorful) 1/1] [Father Arrives (Colorful) 1/1]

[Evaluation] The strongest man in the world is ultimately a human with only one heart, and one day he will have to face death.

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