The next day, at 10 a.m., Marijoa.

Leon and Shiki floated over Marijoa, looking down at the luxurious city at their feet.

Today was the day Shiki announced to the world the return of the Golden Lion, and the day Leon made a grand appearance. The victims were naturally the Celestial Dragons.

The World Government was doomed, and if they didn't step on it now, when would they?

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you. The World Government is far from as simple as you think. Once you start, there is no turning back."

Leon grinned: "I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

The World Government is just Im, the Five Elders, the Knights of God, the Admirals of the Navy... Well, the lineup is really awesome, but he is not going to fight the World Government to the death. If he can't beat him, he will run away. Anyway, he just wants to make a name for himself and grab some good things from the Celestial Dragons.

Destroying towns or killing a few navy to show off your strength is too low. If you want to play, play big and do it in one step.

Kill the Celestial Dragons.

"Huh! What a daring guy." Shiqi's eyes were full of admiration. It must be said that Leon's fearless look is quite to his taste.

"I'll go first. If we fight later, don't blame me for not having time to save you!"

Shiki swooped down and rushed straight to Marijoa. He was a little impatient.

After lying dormant for 20 years, the world almost forgot about him. Now, it's time to let the people of the world know that he, the Golden Lion Shiki, is back!

"Lion Power Earth Scroll!!!"

Under the control of the Floating Fruit, the ground of Marijoa began to roll and wriggle, and finally turned into five lion heads made of mud and buildings, roaring and rushing towards the central Marijoa Square.


The five lions collided with each other, and Marijoa was shocked. Countless slaves and Celestial Dragon lackeys died in this attack, including the Celestial Dragons.

Woo~ Woo~ Woo

The harsh warning sounded throughout Marijoa, and even the Five Elders were alarmed.

"Who is it? Who is so bold?"

"Damn, someone attacked Marijoa, notify the navy!"

Marinford, Marshal's Office

Bulu Bulu Bulu~

"I'm Sengoku, what are your instructions?" "Someone attacked Marijoa, and half of Marijoa has been destroyed. Send someone to support!"

"What! I'll send someone right away!"

Cold sweat dripped down Sengoku's forehead, and his heart was pounding. Who was so bold as to attack Marijoa? The Revolutionary Army? Impossible, they don't have the ability. The Four Emperors? Impossible, the movements of each of them are under the control of the Navy, and once they are dispatched, he will get the news immediately.

Sengoku's mind was a mess, but now was not the time to think about these things. The most important thing now was to send someone to support Marijoa.

"Kizaru, I'm Sengoku, you go to support Marijoa right now..."

Kizaru is the fastest, he is simply a chosen worker. Whenever this happens, the first person that Sengoku thinks of is Kizaru.

But one Kizaru is not enough. It just so happens that Garp, Akainu, and Aokiji are all at the headquarters, so they can go to Marijoa to support immediately.

A few minutes later, dozens of warships rushed to the Red Earth Continent and lined up to the port of Marijoa.


After destroying half of Marijoa, Shiki did not move, because he knew that too much is as bad as too little. If he continued, he would not be able to turn back. The World Government was not a joke.

His goal had been achieved. The next step was to wait for the navy to come and let them know that it was him who did it.


A golden light flashed, and Kizaru instantly appeared in front of Shiki.

"Oh~ It's so scary. It turned out to be the legendary pirate Shiki, the Golden Lion. No wonder Sengoku urged him so urgently. By the way, didn't you cut off your legs when you escaped from the Impel Down?"

"Hahahaha~ Thanks to that kid, I have returned to the peak! I am stronger now than I was back then!"

Kizaru tilted his head to look at Leon not far from Shiki, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had no impression of this face. Is he Shiki's son? No, he doesn't look like him at all. Is he a new subordinate?

"So, you just grew legs and you can't wait to cause trouble for the World Government?"

"No! This is just a small interest. Also, you are not worthy of asking Garp and Sengoku to come and fight me!"

Kizaru pouted; "It will probably take some time for Mr. Garp and Marshal Sengoku to come over.

Before that... Yasakani no Magatama."

Ding Ding Ding~ Shiki held Sakura Ju and Moku, easily deflected Kizaru's attack, and swept two flying slashes at Kizaru, but missed.

Kizaru patted his heart with lingering fear: "What a monster! He is so old, but he is still so powerful."

"Humph! Since Garp and Sengoku haven't come yet, I will play with you!"

Shiki exuded an orange-red light like magma, and the temperature around him rose rapidly, making Kizaru feel that Akainu was coming, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second, Sakura Ju and Moku in Shiki's hands turned red, and then ignited flames, emitting a scorching breath.

"Scorching Lion Chikiri! "

Double swords danced wildly, Shiki swung out dozens of red flying slashes in a row, forming a dense sword net, covering Kizaru in it.

Kizaru widened his eyes and quickly used the Eight-foot Mirror to escape.

Swish, swish, swish~

The scorching flying slash landed on Marijoa, leaving dozens of nearly a kilometer-long gullies. The buildings that were slashed were also ignited by the flying slashes, and a raging fire was set on fire. For a time, Marijoa was filled with smoke.

Kizaru, who had dodged around, froze. Shiki's current strength was no less than any of the Four Emperors. In fact, his threat was greater than that of the other Four Emperors.

He had no base, no fixed place to live, and strong mobility. If he was really targeted by this guy, it would be very troublesome.

Now he finally understood why Shiki could compete with the Pirate King Roger, and even forced him into a desperate situation. This kind of strength was too terrifying.

"Old man, you play slowly, I'm going to kill a few Celestial Dragons for fun. "After Leon greeted him, he landed on Marijoa like a cannonball and walked straight to the place with the most bodyguards. Killing the Celestial Dragons was just an excuse.

Leon's real purpose was to raid the Celestial Dragons' hometown. The Celestial Dragons plundered the people's wealth all over the world, so there must be some good things! It's not too much to brush some collection points, right?

When Kizaru heard this, he hurried to stop Leon, but was stopped by Shiki.

"Our battle is not over yet! Where do you want to go?"

Kizaru looked solemn: "What's your relationship with that guy?"

This made Shiki silent. After a long time, he reluctantly replied: "For some reasons, I am working for him now."

Nani! Kizaru was shocked. Shiki, the golden lion, would actually work for a young man. Is he dreaming?

"Are you kidding?" Kizaru looked at Shiki with a strange expression, and Shiki was a little annoyed.

"Stop talking nonsense! Burning Lion·Chopping Wave! ”

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