The fruit was picked up and the fruit was picked up.

Leon smiled and pointed at Teach and said, "Thanks to him, I can get these fruits."

Kaido seemed to have thought of something and slapped his head fiercely: "I know, I said why you didn't show up during the war, you went to Impel Down to buy goods, right?"

Kaido only then knew why Leon had asked Shiki where Impel Down was before, it turned out to be to get the abilities of those prisoners.

But this is not right! Did Leon know in advance that Blackbeard would attack Impel Down, or was it a coincidence?

Forget it, Kaido was too lazy to think so much, this kid has always been mysterious, got two mythical beasts for free, what else is he not satisfied with?

"Ah, the fruit is really good, but unfortunately, both the Three Calamities and the Flying Six already have devil fruits." Kaido shook his head with regret.

Leon shrugged, indicating that he was powerless. In fact, he had a way to change their abilities, that is, to kill them and then revive them, but unfortunately the price was too high and he couldn't afford it.

"Maybe there will be a way in the future. Keep these two fruits first. By the way, tell the people in Rabbit Well Prison to bring up Kurozumi Orochi and a jailer named Bruno."

Kaido's eyes lit up: "Do you want to get Kurozumi Orochi's fruit?"

Good boy, no wonder Kurozumi Orochi has been kept alive. It turns out that he kept it for this purpose. Yes, the fruit is too wasted on Kurozumi Orochi. He regretted it more than once.

"I'll get them here right away."

Kalifa, who had been listening for a long time, shook her head slightly. She said that the boss didn't accept Bruno as his subordinate. It turned out that he didn't dislike his incompetence, but wanted to get his Menmen Fruit.

Kalifa wanted to plead for Bruno, but she knew very well what kind of man Leon was, so she decisively shut her mouth and didn't express any opinions.

"Hahaha, Whitebeard, how did you become Leon's subordinate? Have you figured it out?"

Whitebeard turned his head to look at Shiki who suddenly broke in, and said coldly: "It's none of your business."

"Huh? Leon, what did you do to Whitebeard? He wasn't like this before?"

"The original Whitebeard is dead. I resurrected him. He has temporarily lost his memory. I guess he will recover in a few days."

Shiki swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but think of the devil contract he signed with Leon. This kid's methods are far more than he imagined. He even came up with resurrection. It's too scary.

"What about this guy?"

"Him! His name is Teach, he is a puppet, his ability is..."

After listening to Leon's introduction, Ski took a breath: "So, you killed all the prisoners on the sixth floor and got their devil fruits?"

"Yes, their existence at least proves that these fruits have good potential."

"Then there is no need to kill them, right? After all, they are also good combat forces, it would be a pity to kill them."

Leon said lightly: "You seem to be a little too nosy, here, this is for you. ”

“Expansion Fruit, Island-Island Fruit, Wine-Wine Fruit, Fusion Fruit, I won’t introduce the specific effects. You just happen to lack powerful subordinates, so you can use these to reward loyal and potential subordinates!”

“The Beasts Pirates are an animal army, so you can create a superman army!”

Shiki grinned and accepted the four devil fruits with a smile: “It’s just what I want. Although it’s a bit of a waste to give them to those trash, it’s better to have them than not.”

The few of them chatted for a while and discussed the division of Whitebeard’s territory. The topic naturally turned to the Big Mom Pirates.

“The people of the Charlotte family are very arrogant recently. When are you going to deal with Big Mom?”

Kaido didn’t care on the surface, but he actually pricked up his ears to listen to what Leon was going to do.

“Hiss~ This, it’s hard to say...” Leon touched his chin. Big Mom was really not in a hurry about his recent famous sword appreciation conference.

"Let's do this. After the famous sword appreciation meeting is over, I'll see what Big Mom has to say. If she knows what's good for her, everything will be fine. If she doesn't, don't blame me for being rude."

Kaido was about to say something when Leon made the decision: "It's settled!"

At this time, Jin came with Kurozumi Orochi and Bruno.

"Boss Kaido, Boss Leon, I've brought the person you want."

Leon stood up from his seat and walked towards Bruno with a smile: "Untie his shackles.

. "

Jin nodded silently, and endured the discomfort to untie the shackles containing seastone on Bruno's body.

"Teach, show everyone!"

Teach immediately stretched out his dark right hand, used the gravitational vortex to suck the unconscious Bruno into his hand, and twisted Bruno's neck with his other hand. Kalifa, who was standing beside him, trembled in her heart and pursed her lips tightly.

Then, Teach began his performance. Whether it was Shiki, Kaido or Jin, they all stared at him intently, wanting to see how Teach did it.

A minute later, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Teach handed the brand new Door Door Fruit to Leon. It was not bad, it was an S-level collection, and 1,000 collection points were obtained.


Shiki said excitedly: "This black fat man can really take out other people's devil fruits. So, as long as we want, we can form a team of capable people at any time? ”

“Oh, lolo, lolo~ Hunting people with special abilities, obtaining their fruits, and strengthening our own subordinates, it won’t be long before we can form an invincible army that will make even the navy retreat!”

“That’s right, from now on, we will have whatever abilities we want!” After saying that, Leon threw the Door Door Fruit to Teach. This space-type fruit has a strong ability to save lives and can greatly enhance Teach’s mobility.

“Eat it!” “Are you crazy!” “No! "

Kaido and Shiki hurriedly stopped him. On the sea, everyone knew that a person could only eat one devil fruit. The consequences of greed were very serious.

If an ordinary person ate two devil fruits, he would definitely die. Even as strong as Kaido, he would feel uncomfortable all over after eating one more devil fruit. He would be weak for a long time before he could recover. He would not die, but he would not be able to gain new abilities, and the devil fruit would be wasted.

When he was captured by the navy before, the navy had used this trick before, but they never used it again after they found that this trick would not only fail to kill Kaido but also waste the devil fruit.

Teach ate the Door Door Fruit without changing his expression. His body did not react at all. After getting familiar with the ability, he pulled the air in front of him and opened a door in public.

Inside the door was the scene of the top of the floating dojo. As long as Teach wanted, he could reach the top of the mountain through this door at any time.

"How is this possible!!!"

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