The old man was very angry.

"Ace? Hehe, Whitebeard, don't be too greedy."

"I'm not omnipotent. If I remember correctly, Ace was dead before I came. Maybe he's already buried now. If I want to revive Ace, why don't I just revive Roger?"

Whitebeard took a deep breath. It seems that reviving Ace is impossible.

"Okay, the Whitebeard Pirates will be used by you, but what is your purpose? To subvert this world?" Whitebeard added in his heart, just like Rocks in the past?

"Subvert the world? Almost. My goal is to create a new world."

"The power of the World Government is far stronger than you think, even if you have Kaido, Shiki, and me by your side."

Leon chuckled: "Whitebeard, my power is far stronger than you think. I am not the loser that Rocks is."

"I hope so. When can I meet Marco and the others?"

Leon touched his chin and looked at Shiki. Forget it. This guy has been very busy recently. I'd better do it myself.

"Tomorrow I will go to find the Whitebeard remnants. Teach will go with me. As long as Marco and the others agree, I will immediately let Teach open the portal and take you over to reunite with your sons. How about it?"

"It's a deal!"

Whitebeard turned around and left decisively.

"Shiki, you go and get busy too!"

Shiki quickly agreed and caught up with Whitebeard to reminisce about the past. Finally, Whitebeard recovered his memory.

The next day, the New World Sea.

The Whitebeard remnants finally got rid of the pursuit of the navy and could take a break for a while.

Marco made great efforts in the escape process and was the backbone of the Whitebeard remnants. If it weren't for him, many of them would have died.

It can be said that Marco has gained the trust of a small number of people.

Why is it a small number of people? Because this small number of people, without exception, were raised by Whitebeard since childhood. The Whitebeard Pirates are their only home. Without the Whitebeard Pirates, they are nothing.

So, even if Whitebeard's life and death are unknown, they still hope that Marco can regroup and make the Whitebeard Pirates great again.

But others don't think so.

Not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates' affiliates, they joined the Whitebeard Pirates just to seek Whitebeard's protection. After all, when Whitebeard was alive, the Whitebeard Pirates were the undisputed strongest pirate group. As the saying goes, it's good to lean on a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Since you are looking for shelter, why not find the strongest one? Now, Whitebeard's life or death is unknown, but there is a high probability that he was killed. People have left and the tea has been forgotten. There is no need for them to continue to follow the Whitebeard remnants led by Marco. They can just find another backer.

The reason why they did not flee in all directions after the end of the war on the top is that the survival rate is high if they follow the main force, and there are navy ships everywhere. Being alone means death.

"Captain Marco, I think..." "No need to say, I know what you mean."

Marco stood at the bow and said loudly: "Everyone listen, I am very grateful that you can respond to Dad's call and go to rescue Ace together, although we failed."

"But, as Dad said, our future is in the vast ocean, so I will not force you to stay. Those who don't want to stay, run away now before the navy catches up!"

"Marco!" "Captain Marco, what are you talking about? We are all members of the Whitebeard Pirates. How can anyone leave at this time? Huh? Who wants to leave?"

Those who want to leave avoid Diamond Joz's gaze with guilt. Obviously, they have already thought about leaving.

Diamond Joz angrily grabbed the man with the most guilty look: "Didn't you say you would never leave the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Captain Joz, I, I, I..."

"Captain Joz, forget it, let them go!" Marco looked at the others: "Those who want to leave, go! I won't stop you."

"Sorry, Captain Marco, see you at the sea if we're destined to." "I'm very sorry, everyone, but..."

Soon, there were boats sailing away, and the people who left and those who stayed were about 70% and 30%, which means that most people left.

Marco pursed his lips and suppressed the anger in his heart. Although he said he didn't care, it was impossible not to be angry when he saw the "family" who usually called each other brothers and sisters leave one after another, but what could he do?

m Marco took a deep breath: "Those who want to leave,

I have left. The remaining brothers and sisters, I am very grateful that you are willing to stay. "

"Although my father is gone, the Whitebeard Pirates are still one of the strongest pirate groups in the New World. What we have to do is to rebuild the Whitebeard Pirates and let the Whitebeard Pirates return to their original position. I believe that my father's spirit in heaven will be proud of us, right?"

"Yes! ! ! !" "Captain Marco!!!"

However, at this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really lively."

After seeing the person clearly, Marco's eyes fixed: "Black Dragon Leon! What are you doing here?"

"Black Dragon Leon!" "What? Why is he here?" "Black Dragon Leon, you killed my father, we will never let you go!"......

"Be quiet! "

Leon's domineering aura suddenly erupted, and the restless atmosphere suddenly stagnated. Everyone suddenly felt as if their hearts were being grasped and they couldn't breathe.

"Very good, this is a good baby."

Marco gritted his teeth and said: "Black Dragon Leon, are you here to show off your power?"

"No, no, no, I'm here to invite you to become my subordinates."

Diamond Joz roared without hesitation: "Don't dream, you killed your father, and you still want us to become your subordinates?"

"Don't go too far!" "Even if we die, we will never join you!"

Looking at the indignation of the crowd, Leon laughed dumbly.

"Yes, I did kill Whitebeard, but have you ever thought that even if I didn't kill him, he would be killed, not to mention that I resurrected him. "

"Hiss~" Everyone present took a breath of cold air, and the temperature around them dropped by one or two degrees.

Marco immediately broke down and looked at Leon with expectation: "Are you serious?"

Leon said proudly: "Do I have to lie to you?"

"In other words, Dad is still alive?" "Dad! Woohoo!" "Great, Dad is still alive!!!"

Seeing many people crying with joy, Leon had to sigh that the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates was indeed good, at least the feelings for Whitebeard were real.

After all, in all these years, there was only one rebellious son, Teach. If he hadn't really encountered the Dark-Dark Fruit, Teach would really be the most honest son of Whitebeard.

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