The construction of the venue for the Famous Sword Appreciation Conference has been completed, and the security personnel, reception staff, and hosts are all ready and on standby at any time. It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is missing. So, last night, Li Ang waved his hand and officially announced that the registration for the Famous Sword Appreciation Conference was open. If the registration is successful, you can go to the designated place to wait and arrive at the venue before the Famous Sword Appreciation Conference opens. Today's newspaper headlines are all about the revelations of the Famous Sword Appreciation Conference. Registration method, registration qualifications, entrance locations in various sea areas, and various rewards for the Famous Sword Appreciation Conference, etc. The registration method is very simple. Tezoro has arranged reception staff in various sea areas. If you want to register, you can go directly.

There are two types of registration qualifications, one is tourists, who can come if they have money, and the other is swordsmen, who can prove their identity.

The entrance location is different for each sea area. It is very simple for the four seas, just sail to the place marked on the map. It is more troublesome for people on the Grand Line. They must first go to the Seven Waters City and take the sea train to the entrance location directly.

The most eye-catching thing is the reward.

The reward for the famous sword appreciation is very simple, that is, Bailey. As long as the swordsman is willing to provide his famous sword for exhibition on stage, he can get a reward of 500,000 Bailey. The higher the level of the famous sword, the richer the Bailey reward, that is, 500,000 for a good sword, 1 million for a fast sword, 2 million for a large sword, and 5 million for a supreme large sword.

In a word, if you are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly, anyway, it is all paid by Tezoro.

The rewards for the Sword Master Contest are even richer. The first place winner will receive 100 million Bailey + Black Sword Qiu Shui, the second place winner will receive 50 million Bailey + Second Generation Kitetsu, and the third place winner will receive 30 million Bailey + Tian Yu Yu Zhan.

The top ten winners will receive Bailey and famous swords as rewards, but only the top three swords are at the level of large and fast swords, and from the fourth place onwards, they are at the level of fast and good fast swords.

The gradient gap is huge, but this is reality, and only the strong can get better treatment.

This is the revelation in today's newspaper, which can be said to have instantly ignited the passion of the swordsmen.

"Sir Leon, all the registration points I set up around the world are full. According to preliminary calculations, there are more than 10,000 ordinary tourists who want to enter this time. There are fewer swordsmen, only more than 300 in the world, most of whom are unknown swordsmen."

Leon silently calculated, 300 people seems to be quite a lot. Although there is a swordsman profession in the One Piece world, there are very few people who major in swordsmanship. Most people think of themselves as swordsmen with a sword. 300 people are already very good.

"Okay, are there any famous swordsmen who want to sign up?"

"Yes, Gion, the candidate for admiral of the navy; White Horse Cavendish, the supernova of the pirates; Vista, the flower sword of the Whitebeard Pirates; Smoothie, the dessert star of the Big Mom Pirates; Agamzo, known as the crazy swordsman in the West Sea, Nanhai..."

Tezoro called out the names of various famous swordsmen like a dish, but most of them Leon had never even heard of them, so he had to mention Mihawk.

It's all Mihawk's fault. On his way to becoming the world's greatest swordsman, he killed countless sword masters, causing the swordsman circle to lose talent. It was in recent years that Mihawk learned to "raise a tiger to harm oneself", otherwise Zoro would have died in the East China Sea long ago.

Of course, these are all gossips that Leon has heard, but they are very credible. Otherwise, why would Mihawk travel around the world on a coffin every day? Travel?

"Is there any news about Hawkeye Mihawk?"

"Not yet... Wait, just now the registration point over at the park sent news that Hawkeye appeared, and he was followed by a green algae-headed swordsman wrapped in bandages. According to him, it was the pirate hunter Zoro."

"What? Are you sure?"

"That's what my men said. Is there any problem?"

Leon grinned, said no problem, and quickly hung up the phone. Wow, Zoro has already worshipped Hawkeye as his teacher, and even came to participate in his famous sword appreciation conference.

It's a pity that Leon had already gotten gold coins from Zoro, so it's useless for him to come.

In any case, the popularity of the registration site today is enough to prove how successful the publicity effect of the famous sword appreciation conference is. There are more than 20,000 tourists, and there will be more in the future. There are more than 500 swordsmen, and the number will not increase much in the future. After all, this is an event for swordsmen.

Those who wanted to come can't wait. Even Hawkeye signed up on the first day. How could anyone think of signing up before the deadline?

"BOSS, the big mom pirate group's big

Mom got your phone number through Kaido and just called to say she wants to talk to you in detail. "

Leon frowned, Aunt? Want to talk to him?

"Hehe, do you feel a sense of crisis? Give me the phone."

Kalifa put the Den Den Mushi in front of Leon and stood behind him silently to massage his shoulders and back.

"I'm Leon, Aunt, I heard you were looking for me?"

"Mom, Mom~Leon, it's really not easy to contact you."

"If I remember correctly, we don't seem to have much in common, right?"

"Leon, I won't say any more nonsense, let's cooperate!"

Hearing this, Leon was stunned. Hey, that's not right, isn't this his line? Why is Fat Si? Did he go to the wrong set?

"No, Aunt, did I hear it right? You want to cooperate with me? ”

“Stop pretending, kid. I know you have formed an alliance with that bastard Kaido. The Whitebeard Pirates are doomed. Now there are only three of us left in the ocean. If I’m not mistaken, your next target is me, right?”

Leon was silent for a long while. He never expected that Big Mom was so smart that she could guess his next target.

“Pah, pah, pah~”

“Congratulations, you got it right, but it’s a pity there’s no reward.”

“Damn it, I knew it, Leon. The New World is big and can accommodate all three of us. You have such a big appetite, be careful not to burst your stomach.”

Leon chuckled, “Aren’t you here to cooperate with me? You don’t sound like a cooperative attitude, Big Mom.”

The Big Mom on the other end of the phone breathed heavily, and then said, “Leon, we can cooperate, just like your cooperation with Kaido. We can completely unify the New World first, and then discuss how to divide the New World. "

"Hehe, sorry, Auntie, your news is too outdated. Now the Beasts Pirates and I are no longer in a cooperative relationship, but my affiliated pirate group, which means that Kaido is now my subordinate."

"I can obviously unify the New World, why should I divide it?"

Auntie was stunned for a while. When she heard that Kaido was Leon's subordinate, her mind suddenly became a little confused, but then she was filled with endless fear. Fortunately, she called in advance, otherwise if Leon brought people to fight, she would not know how she died!

"Leon, I said, we can cooperate!"

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