Chapter 14 Warm-up begins!!


The huge domineering aura was released with Ye Tian as the center, almost rolling up a storm out of thin air, and the luxurious decoration in the auction hall was torn apart little by little in front of Ye Tian’s domineering!

A large amount of debris, flying in the air in the form of a hemispherical shape, like a tornado, is shocking.

With the auction hall as the center, the living creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters outside the auction hall were completely unconscious at this moment.

Among them even include some newcomer pirates with a bounty of nearly 100 million.

“Ye Tian…!”

On the side, the female emperor did not know what happened between the two.

But she was very self-aware and found a safe place to hide.

If he continued to stand near Ye Tian, he would definitely be affected or even accidentally injured.

Seeing this, the corners of Ye Tian’s mouth grinned, really a sensible woman. Know that the man has moved, hide away, and not stand in the way.

“Well… What a terrifying breath! ”

“What the hell happened?”

“Did that guy send it just now?”

“Could it be that the general has arrived? But I didn’t see the warship! ”

At the port, the supernova 11 who were ready to escape from the Chambord Islands at any time also felt the overwhelming domineering at this moment, muttering to the No. 1 area that could not be zoned.

There, something big seems to be happening.

Most of them didn’t know what was happening at the auction floor. I only know that this feeling is as if a fierce beast has broken free from its cage, and the next moment, the bloodthirsty revenge of the beast is about to begin!

“It’s horrible…”

Luo Xin looked at the direction where the aura emanated from it, and he faintly felt in his heart that if he remained in the auction hall now, he would definitely be affected by this aura and unconscious.

Luffy and Kidd, who were on the other boat, were also a little afraid to watch this scene at the moment.

Luffy was okay, after all, he had a lot of nerves.

Kidd broke out in a cold sweat, glad he had withdrawn quickly. If you are involved in a battle of this level, then I am afraid that I will die here.

“Still so domineering!”

Reilly was shocked, subconsciously raised his right hand, and the next moment, a long sword that came from nowhere appeared in his hand.

“I haven’t used a sword for a long time, I’m really excited.”

After getting the sword, Rayleigh’s heart settled a lot. What can I do now in the face of Lockes?

This answer, he has been thinking about for more than 40 years!

With this excitement, Reilly seemed to be much younger, and took the initiative to stab towards Ye Tian in the center of the domineering sword.

“Interesting.” Ye Tian also laughed, resurrected so far, he has not been able to face the top powerhouse of this era, now… That’s the real start of the warm-up!

Look at yourself… To what extent has it been restored.


The silent sword qi and the steely body collided together, and the moment the two powerful attacks touched, it was as if the space was cracked, and all the items in the auction hall had been completely shattered and turned into powder.

In the sky, as if some force was pulling, the clouds began to gather continuously, and then formed a large vortex!

At the same time, cracks on the ground spread along the center where Ye Tian and Renly collided.


The entire building of the auction hall was attacked by this crack and had begun to crumble.

Not only that, the spider’s web-like gap quickly cracked and extended directly outward for hundreds of meters. Along with this, the entire Chambord Islands are shaking!!

“What the hell is going on? Could it be an earthquake? ”

“Is there some monster coming to the Chambord Islands again?”

“I haven’t heard of it! Is it a newcomer? ”

“No kidding, how is it possible, how can newcomers have this degree!”

At this moment, the people of the entire island felt the traces of this fight, no why, just because of the collision of the two, the entire Chambord Islands shook!

Not far from the Chambord Islands, on a warship, a man in a yellow suit was leisurely cutting his nails.

The next moment, the nail clippers in his hand suddenly landed on the ground, and then he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

“Yo, it’s terrifying, I originally set out with a relaxed mood, but now it seems… Alas, it’s too much trouble. ”

The yellow ape shook his head, such a terrifying fight, although tens of kilometers apart, he could still feel the strength of those two forces.

“By the way, Draco’s side, what happened, is there any news.”

Yellow Ape asked one of his soldiers, a little worried.

This power, unsurprisingly, should come from the Chambord Islands, and to this extent, it seems that those Draco will all die.

If that happens, it would be bad.

“Eh… At present, all the navies on the island are missing, and it is completely unclear what happened. ”

A small soldier replied in panic.

Since just now, the navy on the island seems to have all evaporated, and no one has replied at all.

“Yo, things are getting more and more troublesome. No way, speed up and head to the Chambord Islands. Can’t let Mary Joya’s group of Draco look down on the navy. ”


The warship sped up.

The yellow ape’s heart was faintly worried.


Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, above the Chambordi Islands, two figures staggered, and in the air, there was constantly a shock cold light, and every time the cold light flooded, there would be a small shock wave spreading, attracting thousands of meters around no one dared to get close!

Not only that, the buildings within thousands of meters, as if they had been hit by some large nuclear bomb, have all turned into rubble at this moment.

At a glance, there is only a bare flat land.

At this moment, people with better eyesight hiding in the distance can finally see clearly what is happening at the center of this battle.

Not only that, at this moment, Ye Tian’s reputation value was constantly climbing, and now it was close to 200,000!

“Whew… Call… It looks like it’s old, and it’s a little weak. ”

Reilly’s body rose and fell violently, and it was obvious that his physical strength was already a little exhausted.

“It’s you, your strength seems to have regressed a little compared to the peak.” Renly continued to laugh, quite a sense of excitement after the disaster.

In the fight just now, he showed some flaws several times, and although Lox was able to catch it in time, he did not have enough strength to kill himself.

It seems that the other party has not returned to its peak either.

“Is it? But I have to thank you very much. Finally enough. ”

Ye Tian smiled and looked at Reilly’s eyes with a hint of teasing.

His own reputation value exceeded 200,000 just now, and finally… That’s enough!

The sound of the system prompting the lottery sounded, Ye Tian… Directly clicked OK.

Soon, a small yellow gold coin appeared in Ye Tian’s bag.

Although the color was very earthy, that name couldn’t help but make Ye Tian excited.

Then, around Ye Tian, a blue light rose up and rushed straight into the sky.

Around the blue light, there were countless ghost fires entangled, which were grumbling spirits that seemed to come from hell!

“In the end… What’s going on. ”

As soon as the words fell, Renly was stunned all of a sudden.

“How is it possible!”

Reilly looked at Ye Tian, and then his pupils suddenly expanded, and the hand holding the sword almost crushed the hilt.

Because he was surprised to find that Ye Tian’s breath, for some reason, suddenly began to skyrocket!!

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