Chapter 16 Rayleigh, get on my ship!

“With the character of the little imp with the white beard, it is impossible for him to sit idly by, and what will happen next will exceed the expectations of the whole world.”

Speaking of this, Ye Tian glanced at Lei Li, and saw that the other party also had a solemn expression.

As one of the top powerhouses of this era, it is natural to have a sense of smell of the trend of the times.

Just like the red-haired Shanks, when Ace went to capture Blackbeard, Shanks immediately knew that he had to persuade Whitebeard to stop Ace, otherwise, this era would be stormy.

As the redhead expected, Ace was defeated by Blackbeard and publicly executed after being thrown into the Deep Sea Prison.

Whitebeard was rescued by the whole regiment, and the final result was that Whitebeard was killed in battle, Ace was killed, and the navy won a complete victory. Subsequently, the power of the four emperors collapsed, and Blackbeard took the opportunity to ascend to the throne, completely opening version 2.0 of the era of sea thieves.

That’s what big people are capable of.

Renly of the same level naturally has such an ability.

“That’s right, with what I know about Whitebeard, he will definitely have the whole group rescue Ace. However, I heard that he now seems to be in poor health, with tubes inserted every day and countless drugs to stay alive. ”

Reilly also lamented.

If Rocks is the overlord of the previous era, then the relationship between him and Whitebeard is a peer of the same era.

After all, the two are about the same age, and the pirate groups on both sides often fight and fight incomprehensibly.

In wars large and small, friendships between men are the easiest to forge and the most unbreakable.

“So, how? Do you want to join me, take the future war as a starting point, and then turn the whole world upside down. ”

Ye Tian suddenly threw an olive branch to Reilly.

“This…” Hearing this, Rayleigh paused for a moment, as if stiffening.

This sentence is so familiar, but hearing it again is still so exciting.

But Renly hesitated.

Myself… I have also experienced mountains, and together with my partners, I have stood at the top of the world, and I have also had infinite scenery.

But with Roger’s death, everything collapsed, and the loneliness of falling from the mountain was even more sad.

Today, I am over 70 years old and just want to live a stable life after retirement.

Trouble the world again? Maybe there is a heart, but it can’t be moved.

“Forty years ago, in the Valley of the Gods, you stopped me and rescued Draco. But 40 years on, has the world ever changed for the better as you think? ”

Seeing that Lei Li hesitated, Ye Tian was not in a hurry.

Although the other party is his own junior, after all, it is the right hand of One Piece, known as the legend of Hades. Such big people often have their own arrogance, and it is impossible to join you casually because of their strength, let alone be recruited by themselves with just a few words.

If Hades was really such a person, Ye Tian would not be at ease.

“22 years ago, Roger’s little ghost died, and a sentence before his death made today’s pirate team several times larger. But the person Roger had to wait for, but he never waited. ”

“Renly, I think you should know what it means for me to come back this time.”

“This time, I must fulfill my long-cherished wish 40 years ago, the world is far from being controlled by a bunch of waste.”

“I’m going to rewrite the ending 40 years ago with my own hands.”

Sentence after sentence, Ye Tian’s every word hit Lei Li’s heart accurately.

As Ye Tian said, in the Valley of the Gods incident 40 years ago, the Roger Pirates and Karp fought for their lives to finally protect the group of Draco and their slaves located in the Valley of the Gods.

But now, the Draco are more extravagant and unscrupulous than ever.

Sometimes this result will also make Renly confused whether he did the right thing in the battle of the Valley of the Gods 40 years ago.

But all this with the death of his own captain, Gal D. Roger, 22 years ago, all of this ambition was buried deep in Rayleigh’s heart.

Since then, coming to the Chambord Islands, living in seclusion, drinking, gambling, and teasing the two girls has gradually corrupted himself and made himself stop thinking about those things.

But today, when he heard Ye Tian personally say this, the young heart in Renly’s heart, which had been silent for 22 years, seemed to be burning again.

Fall out of the world, perhaps… Really could do it again!


“I’m 70. Even if you have a young heart, you can’t resist time. Reilly said with a wry smile, subconsciously wanting to touch his wine jug, only to remember that it was already empty.

No matter how strong a person is, he can’t resist the passage of time, although his body and bones are still tough, but who can predict that such a day can last for a few years?

You know, the whitebeard of the same era, at this moment, has a pipe inserted in his body, and he can be regarded as a person who has been half-cut into the soil.

The ambition to change the world belongs to young people after all.

Seeing this, Ye Tian was not distressed, he knew that although the current Hades was physically old, that heart was far from old.

And… The other party has loosened somewhat, what is lacking is just an opportunity.

“Didn’t I tell you? The world, far from what you understand, there are many things that you simply do not know about. ”

Ye Tian smiled and said the last sentence.

Hearing this, Lei Li was stunned, and then looked at Ye Tian sharply, and there was fire in his eyes!

That’s right, the overlord of the sea 40 years ago is now standing in front of him with a young face.

By age, Locksk is older than himself. But now? Younger than himself, his strength has also returned to his peak.

This world, as Ye Tian said, is huge!

Such things can happen, so it is not impossible to get yourself back to the top and make a big fuss about the world again!

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