Thinking of this, Ye Tian looked at the yellow ape in mid-air and flew directly over.

“Hard top? This defense…”

“Not kidding.”

“What the hell is this man!!”

Seeing this, the supernova who was preparing to retreat to a safe place saw this scene, and his jaw was scared.

The Battle Peach Pill on the side was about to fall out of his eyes.

I saw that Ye Tian’s blood demon turned into a blood demon that was tens of meters tall was completely unafraid of the yellow ape, and directly rushed towards the light body in midair.

Boom, boom, boom!

The high-density photons bombarded Ye Tian’s body, causing an explosion.

However, this level of explosion, Ye Tian can still endure. After all, incarnating a blood demon also brought a strong defense to his body.

Although it is impossible to be completely uninjured, it can be relieved by a few days of rest.

Soon, Ye Tian flashed to the yellow ape’s side, and on the huge fist, there was a thick and incomparable domineering aura, giving people a sense of domineering.

Then, Ye Tian slammed towards the light body!

“Scary!!” The yellow ape who turned into a photon did not expect that he could actually be approached in this state.

So when he saw Ye Tian’s huge red fist, he was directly startled.

But Ye Tian’s fist was already close at hand, and it was impossible to avoid it.

So, boom!

I saw that the light body in the mid-air was flown abruptly for thousands of meters, until it flew to a small island not far from the Chambord Islands, and stopped.

“The old man was actually sent flying in this state!” Orochimaru’s eyes widened, he only now realized how correct the retreat order Sengoku had given him in the first place.


The yellow ape spat out a large amount of blood, and in his eyes, the flirtatious color was no longer seen.

Instead, there is fear!

I didn’t expect that this guy named Ye Tian D Rocks in front of him was so strong.

Rushing up and swatting himself off with his big move, this way seems simple and rude, but the yellow ape knows that without strong flesh and domineering, it is impossible to do it.

In terms of domineering and strength, this guy is probably already at the same level as the Four Emperors, which is really terrifying!

“Retreat, Orochimaru.” The yellow ape shouted at Orochimaru through the phone.

He has already used up all the strength he has accumulated, and if he fights again, the result is likely to be as Ye Tian said, death!

So the yellow ape who has no face does not care, after all, it is important to save his life.

“Yes.” Zhan Taomaru is very obedient, after all, the person who the yellow ape can’t beat, he is not an opponent.

Subsequently, Zhan Taomaru began to beckon the PX robot to retreat together, but it was good that he didn’t greet him, and he almost died of anger when he said hello.

Because he brought those five PXs, I don’t know when, they were already destroyed by Ye Tian.

“Made.” Orochimaru burst out in a rare way.

I went together this time to test the government’s newly manufactured weapon, PX human weapon.

But I didn’t expect that after a complete soy sauce, all five PXs were destroyed.

This can give Zhan Taomaru a heartache to death, the cost of one PX is very expensive, five units are destroyed at once, even if the navy has deep pockets, it is a little unbearable.

Plus Draco is still dead! Going back this time, I am afraid that what awaits me is dismissal, or even more serious consequences!

Zhan Taomaru’s eyes were full of anger when he looked at Ye Tian.

Despite this, he immediately slipped away the next moment, because he found that Ye Tian saw himself!

However, Ye Tian looked at his eyes as if there was a kind of gratitude.

Well? What’s going on?

Orochimaru didn’t have time to think so much, and immediately slipped away.

“As for? I want to thank you very much. Ye Tian watched Zhan Taomaru run so fast, and he couldn’t help but mumble in his mouth.

Just now, Zhan Taomaru directly contributed 50,000 reputation points to himself, and he originally wanted to thank him, but he didn’t expect the other party to run so fast.

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for defeating the general Yellow Ape! Gain a reputation value of 248.845. ”

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for scaring away Admiral Zhan Momomaru and gaining a reputation value of 51324.”

“Ding~ Congratulations to the host for shocking Trafalgaro and gaining a reputation value of 14513.”

“Ding~Congratulations to the host…”

Looking at the system prompts, Ye Tian’s eyes were full of joy.

In this battle, he almost reaped millions of prestige points, which was really a full harvest.

After all, this big war directly affected the entire Chambordi Islands, and the people on the entire island were contributing their prestige points.

It is a pity that many people have been stunned by their domineering, otherwise this reputation value should increase a lot.

“Hahaha, the yellow ape has been defeated, and the navy will definitely be shocked at this moment.”

Hades Renly, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, finally couldn’t help it at this moment and laughed loudly.

Because he thought of Sengoku and Karp’s angry look.

During the whole process, Ye Tian was suppressing the yellow ape, and when this news was released, the naval headquarters estimated that he could not bear it.

Coupled with the fact that the Draco is dead, the murderer has not yet been found, and the world government will definitely not be able to sit still.

The world will become more and more interesting.

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