Chapter 32: Lao Tzu is a golden lion!

Just when Ye Tian was about to hit the golden lion with his domineering fist, a look of the past suddenly appeared in the golden lion’s eyes.


“Lion Chikiri Valley!!”

Oh, oh, oh, the golden lion’s legs swung quickly, and he used the two famous swords “Sakura Ten” and “Mu Ku” on his legs to unleash a sharp sword qi, which was hundreds of ways.

Every sword qi is enough to chop hundreds of kilometers of land. That sword qi cut through the earth, chopped the island, and also resisted Ye Tian’s fist back.

“Hahahaha, Captain Rocks, although you are my captain, I also respect you! But labor and management have not been living in the family over the years! ”

“Lao Tzu’s era is far from over, because Lao Tzu is a golden lion!”

Stimulated by Ye Tian’s words, the golden lion stood up, and although his face was covered with blood, the brilliance in his eyes seemed to return to the flying governor who competed with Roger’s white-beard more than 20 years ago.

“Hehe, it’s just a kid who can only talk big.” Feeling a slightly painful fist, Ye Tian laughed, and this time the laugh was sincere.

Because just now he felt that the cadre he had relied on, the fearless Shiji, had finally returned.

“Come on, Shiki boy, let me see how much you’ve grown over the years!!”

Saying that, Ye Tian released all the domineering energy in his body! In an instant, with Ye Tian as the center, that domineering aura quickly covered the entire island, floating on the empty island, thousands of fierce beasts were trembling at this moment, shrinking into a ball.

Even in the sea area thousands of meters high, hundreds of sea kings felt this terrifying aura and swam away to escape this terrifying sea.

“Hahahaha, interesting, I haven’t met such an opponent for a long time! Captain, you can’t be easily defeated by Lao Tzu.” ”

After 40 years, once again feeling Naha’s unparalleled domineering, the golden lion no longer shrunk, but felt excited.

Immense excitement.

This feeling…. Long gone!

“Shiki, this bastard.” On the side, Reilly, who had been unable to plug in, also smiled.

Because he knows that 20 years ago that day without fear, one person singled out the naval headquarters, cut off his feet and escaped from prison, the sea thief Golden Lion Shiji, has returned!

“Hahahahaha, Captain, Lao Tzu is going to do it!”

“Lion Wei Gojisho Roll!!” The fluttering fruit ability was activated, and for a while, the golden lion controlled the sea!

With a wave of his hand, the sea thousands of meters below soared into the air, and the endless sea water turned into an impregnable water prison, surrounding this empty island, at the disposal of the golden lion.

“Roar, roar, roar!!”

Manipulating the ruthless sea, the sea gathered into the appearance of nine lions, and raised its head to the sky with an angry roar, like a divine beast bred between heaven and earth, and it was violently “tearing and biting” towards Ye Tian.

“Boy, there is progress! But… It’s still tender!! ”

Looking at this “miracle”-like ability, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Tian’s mouth.

Immediately, he concentrated his breath, and the muscles in his body began to expand, as if turning into steel balloons, and the unparalleled domineering aura completely wrapped Ye Tian.

Between heaven and earth, as if time stood still, the nine lions tore towards Ye Tian, but in an instant, they were torn to pieces by Ye Tian in two strokes!

Even in the sky, a big hole appeared directly!


The endless sea water completely cracked at this moment, turned into a storm, and shook down.


A moment later, the golden lion’s body was startled, his face was pale, and a large puddle of blood spat out from his mouth.

He had exhausted all his strength to be defused by Ye Tian, plus he was seriously injured, he no longer had the slightest strength.

So he couldn’t hold it any longer and finally fell.

“Good performance, improvement.” Ye Tian walked into the fallen golden lion and said with a smile.

Being beaten half to death by himself can still burst out this kind of power, if it is a golden lion in its heyday, it can definitely compete with the yellow ape.

Ye Tian secretly said in his heart.

“Hey, Shiki, you guy, you should have been woken up so badly. I won’t have that naïve dream anymore. Seeing that the battle was over, Renly on the side also walked over.

Seeing the return of his old friend, Rayleigh had mixed feelings at this time, but as soon as he exited, he found that this sarcasm was still suitable for the golden lion.

“Renly, when are you guys…”

Since his gaze was always on Ye Tian’s body, the golden lion noticed that the white-haired old man was actually his nemesis, Renly.

“Haha, don’t mention it, I was abducted on board by your captain.” Reilly smiled lightly.

“Hahahaha, Captain Rocks, but you really have your… Sure enough, when people are old, their bones will also be old. Actually defected to the enemy ship. The golden lion laughed, satirizing Renly to the fullest, and did not feel pain.

“Stop talking, your injury is too serious, come, use this.”

Saying that, Ye Tian took out a yellow coin and threw it to the golden lion.

Then, a blue light flashed, and the golden lion was surprised to find that the pain and fatigue in his body were slowly dissolving at this moment. Not only that, but even the body began to become lighter, as if it had returned to its peak state.

Not only that, the legs that were cut off many years ago have now recovered to normal and grown directly!

“Hahahahaha, Captain Rocks, it’s still the same as the original, omnipotent.”

Looking at this scene, the golden lion was stunned.

Although no foot can be replaced by two famous knives, foreign objects always do not have real leg dexterity.

But now his feet have recovered as before, and now he is afraid that he has returned to his peak state more than 20 years ago!

Although I don’t know what the principle is, it seems that it is not impossible that my captain can be resurrected with a young appearance after 40 years of death, and restore his legs.

Thinking of this, the golden lion regained his vitality, and he jumped up, and his originally swollen face had returned to normal.

After some activities, he was more flexible than his usual heyday, so he couldn’t help but laugh.

This was purchased by Ye Tian just after spending 1 million reputation value. Although it was very expensive, it almost hollowed out the prestige value that Ye Tian collected in the Chambord Land.

However, I did not expect that in addition to restoring the physical state to the peak, the resurrection coin could even heal this kind of broken hands and feet.

I think it is also, after all, the effect of the resurrection coin is that all the state is restored to perfection, and it makes sense that the self-severed feet can grow.

This is equivalent to his own 1 million reputation in exchange for a loyal and peak golden lion, which is definitely a transaction that only makes no loss!!

Ye Tian said with surprise in his heart.

“Rocks… You guy, this thing doesn’t mean that there is mine. Renly was envious when he saw it.

As early as in the battle between him and Ye Tian, Reilly discovered that Ye Tian’s body suddenly recovered to its peak after using that yellow coin that didn’t know what to do.

And he promised to restore himself to his peak form. But I didn’t expect to cheapen the golden lion kid first, which is a pity.

“What’s the hurry, this thing will be there later.” Ye Tian smiled faintly, and then looked at the golden lion.

“Come on, Shiki, although 40 years have passed, you are absolutely indispensable to realize my ideals! Get on my boat! Join me again and turn the world upside down! ”

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!) )

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