Chapter 44 Premonition, Barrett’s Roar!

Deep Sea Great Prison, LV6, Infinite Hell.

All the prisoners who are held here are monster pirates who have committed too heinous crimes and tried to be erased from history by the government.

Most people on this level of prison are either executed or imprisoned for life. Their deeds, even the newspapers will deliberately hide.

In contrast, this LV6-level infinite hell is also unknown.

“Hey, be careful, this is the bloodline of the world’s most vicious criminals! But don’t go wrong. ”

Inside the LV6 prison, a tall man with horns on his head and poison gas on his face said cautiously.

That is the head of the Great Deep Sea Prison, the director, Magellan.

As the most responsible man in the world, Magellan is worthy of the position of director of the Deep Sea Prison, both in strength and courage.

Also known as the strongest man in hell.

Just received an order from the Navy headquarters, as a prisoner of this public execution, Portcar D Ace is now going to be transferred from the deep sea prison to the naval headquarters.

To this end, the defense of the Deep Sea Prison was raised to the highest level, and even the naval headquarters sent many troops to escort it.

After all, this public execution may have an extremely far-reaching impact on the entire world.

At this time, Ace was also full of black lines and looked tired.

“Huh? Isn’t that the captain of the second team under Whitebeard? ”

“That’s right, that little devil had such achievements at a young age, but he didn’t expect to be caught.”

“Hahaha, does that old guy with Whitebeard also have this day. Well done, Navy! ”

“Seeing his captain being arrested, Whitebeard should be very upset. What will he do to the Navy at this time? What an interesting world, it’s a pity that I can’t go out and see it. ”

“Hey, Magellan, reveal it. What the hell is going on! ”

After seeing this scene, a group of prisoners who were originally dark and dark roared with excitement one by one at this moment.

For those who are either executed or sentenced to life, this kind of escort is one of the few entertainments in this dark hell.

Especially here, many people are legendary pirates who have a feud with Whitebeard, and they will naturally be extremely excited.

“Bastard scoundrels, shut up for me!! Are you looking for death? ”

As if a voice from hell sounded, Magellan’s brows furrowed, and purple venom constantly overflowed from the surface of his body, making a mushroom sound.

Purple venom dripped on the ground, and even directly dripped a large hole in the ground, which made people tremble.

During this time, Magellan was very worried.

After all, Portcar D Ace is no less important than any prisoner.

Seeing Magellan’s anger, the legendary prisoners on the LV6 floor also shut up immediately.

Because if they don’t shut up, what awaits them will be a punishment worse than hell.

Zi la zi la!

With the elevator rising and falling, in the blink of an eye, the person who inherited the world’s most vicious bloodline, Portcar D Ace, came to the land.

“Then, Vice Admiral Squirrel, Portcar D Ace is officially handed over to the Navy by me.”

Looking at the lieutenant general of the headquarters who came to hand over in front of him, Magellan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Ace is handed over to the people at the naval headquarters, his responsibility will be cleaned.

At that time, no matter what happens, it will have nothing to do with yourself.

“Good work, Commissioner Magellan. I will definitely escort the prisoners to Marin Fandor. ”

The squirrel looked solemn, and there were as many as ten warships that came to escort alone.

This is also just in case.

After all, the Deep Sea Great Prison is still a few hours away from Marin Fando, and if Whitebeard gets in the way, he can also have the combat power to resist in the first place.

Looking at the distant warship, Magellan touched his forehead and was surprised to find that it was all sweat.

“Well, I finally sent this plague away. In this case, put away the drawbridge, and seal all exits tightly, leaving no gaps. Don’t leave the handle on those old guys. ”

Magellan said to the jailer on the side.

After all, during this time, he also heard that a guy named Lokes was resurrected.

In the notice given by the government, this guy is very dangerous, and will even make crazy moves that directly attack the world government.

As one of the three major institutions of the world government, the Deep Sea Prison is also likely to become a target of the other side.

Although some do not believe such a statement, after all, no one has ever taken the initiative to attack this deep-sea prison known as the copper wall and iron wall.

However, because it was the order of the highest level of the world government, and it seemed that two big men, Renly the Pluto and the Golden Lion Shiki, had become the crew of Nalox, Magellan had to comply with such an order, although he was a little unhappy in his heart.

“Bulu Bru Bru.”

The emergency phone worm rang, and out of professional instinct, Magellan immediately connected.

“Hannibal, what’s going on again. It’s not a matter of importance, I’m going to rest. ”

“Report… Report to the director, another prisoner on the 6th floor has stormed away! With our strength, some can’t be suppressed! ”

An urgent and trembling voice came from Magellan’s telephone worm, and it was the ghost cry of Deputy Administrator Hannibal.

“Hey, which bastard is it this time. Dragged out for a beating. Magellan sighed with a headache.

After all, the LV6 floor is all imprisoned by some extremely bad criminals, most of them are still incompetent, even if there is a sea lou stone.

As a result, there will also be cases where prisoners riot from time to time. Magellan has long been accustomed to this.

“Yes… It’s Barrett that guy! Help, Director, if we don’t come again, we will be wiped out!” …”

“However, it is better if you don’t come, so that I can be the director.” Oops, get the truth out. ”

Hannibal’s desperate voice came, followed by a piercing roar from the other end of the phone worm.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crackling sound.

Even without the phone worm, Magellan could even hear it.

“Oh, what a headache guy. Since you are so hot-blooded, I have to give you some color. Barrett! ”

Hot venom dripped from his face, like hellish death, Magellan said fiercely.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!) Ask for everything for free! )

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