Chapter 62 Feel the Fear, World!

At the same time, people around the world, who are watching this war, are completely stunned.

Golden lion, Rayleigh, no matter any name, can be called a household name, women and children know.

Of course, whenever ordinary people hear these names, their first reaction is fear, and now these two people appear at the same time, directly causing an uproar in everyone’s hearts.

No one expected that in this Marin Fandor, two legendary pirates who had been hidden for many years would appear again.


“Golden Lion Shiki, Hades Reilly…. In the face of two legends, can we really win? ”

Seeing these two legends appear together, the navies present suddenly fell into self-doubt.

On such a battlefield, any top-level combat power can suddenly determine the direction of the entire war.

What’s more, now two legends have suddenly appeared.

For a time, the morale of the admirals fell to the lowest point.

“It’s just two bad old men, don’t be afraid!! Your target is the white-bearded head, these two, leave it to me. ”

Seeing that morale was a little low, Akainu, who was a general, immediately stood up.

I saw him turn into rolling lava with one fist, and the next moment.

“Canine Red Lotus!!”

In an instant, the lava giant fist transformed into a dog’s head and flew towards Rayleigh and the golden lion in the bay area.

“That’s right… Although there are two legends on the opposite side, we have three great generals! ”

“Yes, attacking Whitebeard is our purpose, as for the two legends, there are great generals, absolutely no problem!”

“Rush, fight off the Whitebeard Pirates, we are, righteous navy!”

Seeing this scene, the morale of the originally depressed navy immediately soared, and one by one rushed towards the white-bearded pirate group as if they had beaten chicken blood.

After all, as Red Inu said, although Rayleigh and the Golden Lion suddenly appeared in the war, in terms of high-end combat power, the navy still did not lose.

No way, as a sea master for many years, the navy’s heritage is too thick.

In addition to the three major generals, the two people of Kapu Sengoku have not yet retired, plus the combat power of the crane, which is also comparable to the general.

Not to mention that there are a bunch of lieutenant generals and general candidates.

However, those who fought chicken blood one by one, but they were all naval soldiers below the middle level, most of the vice admirals and the Kapu Warring States standing on the execution platform, their faces were very solemn.

Because they knew that since the Golden Lion and Renly appeared, it meant that that guy… Definitely will appear.

“What a mad dog.”

Reilly smiled faintly, waved with one hand, and an extra long sword appeared in his hand.

Immediately, a sharp sword qi once again dissolved the lava.

“Hey, Renly, this kid is my opponent, don’t grab it with me!”

On the side, the golden lion held two famous knives, Sakura Ten and Deadwood, and stood in front of Renly, facing the red dog.

“This is the old man’s opponent!” Renly also did not admit defeat and squeezed the golden lion away.

“Nope: This is my opponent! ”

“This is the old man’s….”

Two people, at the moment quarreled again ….

“Ah la la la, this is a global live broadcast, although it is a legendary sea thief, but this look… It’s a bit too much to take justice seriously. ”

The young man on the side was quite speechless, and the next moment, he turned into frost and rushed towards one of them.

Boom, boom, boom!

Several sword qi and frost collided together, quite even-handed.

On the other side, the yellow ape was not idle, he clasped his hands, and the lightsaber sky appeared from the cloud sword and rushed towards the other person.

At the same time, the red dog’s fists turned into lava, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

In this top-level matchup, three-on-two can be said to have an absolute advantage, and Akainu will never let go of this opportunity.

“Meteor Volcano!”

I saw that the red dog pointed his fists at the sky, aiming in the direction of the golden lion and Renly, and the rolling lava instantly flew into the sky, full of dozens of punches.

The meteor volcano is the absolute killing move of the red dog, first turning the two fists into lava, and then launching it into the sky, and then falling.

Each of these lavas will fall like a shooting star, and the power of one punch is enough to destroy a warship.


The picture of falling like a meteor shower does not seem to appear, as if… Destroyed by something.

“General Sakaski, be careful!!”

In the crowd, the sharp-eyed navy found something, and reminded the confused red dog, but the next moment, it was too late.

With a loud bang, a black, muscular blond man descended from the sky, and a high-level domineering fist burst out between the whiskers, directly hitting the defenseless red dog.

In an instant, the entire body of the red dog was flattened, and in an instant, it was directly bombarded into the ground by this huge impact, and his life and death were unknown!

“General Sakaski! This guy is….”

Seeing that the red dog was directly bombarded into the huge pit in the ground, the navy soldiers’ faces turned pale, and then they looked at the man in front of them, and their legs were almost frightened.

“Again…. Another one appeared….”

“This person is…”

“Former crew member of Roger’s Pirates, heir of the Devil, Douglas Barrett!!”

The appearance of another legendary pirate seems to be the last straw that crushed the camel, making these navies, who have already suffered two blows, on the verge of collapse!

Coupled with Barrett’s overlord-colored domineering, there were no less than thousands of navies who directly turned white and fainted!

“Oh, Navy… Will you always only play this kind of inferior tactics of fighting more and less? ”

After beating the red dog into the center of the earth, Barrett was angry.

He was originally delayed by the navy’s use of the human sea tactical demon slaughter order, which led to his final physical exhaustion and was thrown into the deep sea prison.

Wasted precious years of exercise time in life.

Therefore, Barrett hates the Navy’s human sea tactics the most.

When he saw that the red dog was ready to fight more and less, he couldn’t bear it anymore, jumped directly from the thousands of meters in the air, and fiercely taught the red dog a lesson.

“Ba… Barrett!! Damn it… The Deep Sea Prison over there has…”

After seeing Barrett, Sengoku and Karp, who were originally sitting on the execution table, showed even more surprised expressions.

The exaggeration of that expression was even more exaggerated than seeing the golden lion and Renly.

Although in terms of name, Barrett seems to be inferior to the two in front of him.

But both Karp and Sengoku know all too well that Barrett… He is a life prisoner in the deep-sea prison LV6.

The fact that he was able to appear safely in this place, and with the Golden Lion of Rayleigh, shows… The membership of the Rocks Pirates has increased again!

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