Chapter 69 The Navy Headquarters Collapses! (First change) (subscription requested)

Hoo-hoo, hoo~!

The flame with a radius of hundreds of meters directly swallowed Kapu’s body.

The temperature of the flowing blade can be as high as more than 6,000 degrees, even if the flame temperature of the burning fruit in this pirate world is far less than the temperature of this flowing blade.

“This…. How can it be! ”

“Even Navy Hero Karp ..”

“Sengoku, Karp: Have they failed one after another? ”

“The Navy… After all, I still lost! ”

“No. It’s not over yet! That’s the hero Karp… It is impossible to lose! ”

At the same time, this scene spread to every corner of the world through the phone worm, and everyone covered their mouths, completely unable to believe it.

Even some timid people were directly frightened by this scene and fainted.

That is, the two top combat forces of Karp, Warring States, and Navy have joined forces…. And did not bring victory ….

Instead, they were all embarrassed by Lokes.

At this time, Karp, in that flame, is not even clear whether he is alive or dead!

Such an impact, in the hearts of ordinary people in all parts of the world, is tantamount to the collapse of the sky, and all disasters will not recover!

Right now…. The terrifying prestige of Nalox, even young people who have not experienced 40 years ago, will remember this name deeply.

The fear he brings… More than any pirate…


At the same time, at the headquarters of the Navy, tens of thousands of people looked at the hot flames in the sky, and everyone: All held their breath.

Even if he was consumed by the extremely high temperature of the flame, Karp could not lose in the minds of hundreds of thousands of navies.

“Lieutenant General Karp!!”

“Lieutenant General Karp: You okay! ”

“How could something be… Lieutenant General Karp will not lose, right! ”

“Give me a big eye to see clearly, Vice Admiral Karp is a naval hero, how can he lose to a pirate!”

At this time, in the face of the jumping flames, the navy shouted loudly, as if to comfort themselves.

A generation of legendary vice admirals of the Navy, in their hearts … That is synonymous with victory and guarding.

Even the three major generals, even the Marshal of the Warring States, are far inferior to the spiritual significance of Karp in the heart of the Navy.

Available now: The spiritual pillars of the navy are about to collapse.


On the execution table, a surprised expression finally appeared on Lieutenant General Tsuru’s face at this moment.

This veteran, who had always shown himself as a calm image of a great staff officer, could no longer suppress the surprise in his heart when he felt the weak breath in the flames, and the whole person fell.

Hoo-hoo, hoo~!

The flames dancing in mid-air touched everyone’s nerves.

Suddenly, the flame was extinguished: A figure finally appeared, and before everyone could react, the figure in mid-air was like an angel with broken wings, and directly began to fall freely.

“Lieutenant General Karp …. How can it be! ”

“Lieutenant General Karp really lost!”

“Lieutenant General Karp…!”

At this time, the navy is finally seeing clearly, Karp… Lost after all!!

With a bang, he fell to the ground heavily, and at this time, Karp had burns of varying degrees all over his body, and only the ups and downs of the Hun mouth that month proved the fact that the legendary naval hero was still alive.

“That guy Rocks…” With a breath left, Karp looked at the shadow in the sky, and in his heart… It’s complicated.

This guy, really back!

“Lieutenant General Karp… Quick, Medic!! ”

“Hurry up!”

At this time, the dovish generals of the navy, looking flustered, rushed to Karp’s side as quickly as possible.

The other side.

“Hey, hey, frozen imp! Where are you looking!! ”

“Fight with Lao Tzu, you shouldn’t have time, get distracted.”

As if catching a flaw, the golden lion laughed, and the ability of the fluttering fruit was instantly activated.

“Shiwei Ji Roll!”

The entire ground was lifted apart by a huge force, and it slammed into Qingzhi’s body that had not yet had time to elementalize.


“Yellow Ape-kun, you seem… Lost mind. ”

Reilly smiled slightly, and the sharp sword qi slashed through the photon body, and immediately, blood gushed out.


Only the red dog, although he had a momentary distraction at the moment, but against Barrett, he still had some advantages.

It’s just that Barrett, as a physical monster, although he can’t cause too much damage to the red dog, it’s no problem to fight with him for a few more days and nights.

Seeing that the three major generals were in passivity, this continuous blow made the rest of the navy look at the handsome young man in the sky blankly, with a look in their eyes: Full of fear.

“This man…. He is… The devil?! ”

“He’s really the devil!! The devil has appeared! ”

“How come… Justice, it’s impossible to lose, isn’t it! ”

“Yes, we are fighting for justice!”

“But the truth is, Lieutenant General Karp can’t beat the opponent, can we really win?”

At this time, the slightly younger naval soldiers couldn’t believe that the Warring States Karp couldn’t defeat this young man.

This impact made these navies suddenly doubt the world.

Justice, actually lost?

Not only these naval soldiers, but even the hawkish vice admirals and cadres were at a loss at the moment.

Lieutenant General Karp, the man who both of the Sengoku Marshal combined forces could not defeat, they… It’s not even enough to plug your teeth.

Really, do you want to keep fighting?

“Ferferferfer Ferfer… It’s so interesting. Lockes… The scary guy appeared. But… I seem to have heard this name somewhere. ”

At this time, Doflamingo, who had been playing soy sauce, walked out, and the steps that the six relatives did not recognize showed that he was quite excited.

“Pirates are evil, navy is justice? This kind of thing can write as much as he wants!! ”

“The values of imps who do not understand peace and those who do not understand war are different. Those who stand at the apex can rewrite good and evil! ”

“Only this place is neutral! Will justice triumph? Of course, only the winner is righteous! ”

“War… It’s far from over, Ferferfer. ”

With a bang, the transparent steel wire cut through the fragile throat, and in an instant, a member of the white-bearded pirate group died. Doflamingo’s eyes never left Lox.

This guy… Perhaps more worthy of friendship than Kaido.


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