Chapter Eighty-Six The Rocks Pirates: Befall!

“Bastard Navy… Actually playing this kind of inferior means. It seems that only by killing you can you snatch the fruit back. ”

Seeing the low-hanging fruit being snatched away, Ledfield’s already old and terrifying face became even more hideous.

He laughed wickedly, his originally red lips matching his paper-like pale face, as if he had already eaten the vampire fruit.

Immediately, a domineering aura of overlord color instantly filled the entire cemetery.


On the wrinkled palm, the fingers kept turning, looking like a zombie. Immediately, an umbrella sword appeared in his hand.

Boom, boom!

The thick armed color covered the umbrella sword, bursting out a dazzling red sword light, like a hellish chain, which made the group of navies stunned.

It seems that he is obviously too old to be able to do it, and if he is half cut off into the soil, he will be believed.

Such an old man can actually erupt such a terrifying power?

“Ahh What a troublesome old man. People who are already dozens of years old, do they still have this momentum? ”

Qingzhi still looked lazy, but he exuded ice qi and did not dare to snub at all.

This level of overlord color is similar to the momentum exuded by the golden lion in the top war.

Fortunately, he took the vampire fruit, and if he really let this old man eat it… On this sea, there will be an additional promotion whose strength is not lower than any of the top combat powers.

There was no time to rejoice here, and a cold breath instantly came out.

“Ice Age!”

Ka-ho Ka-ho ~

With Qingzhi as the center, a cold qi that was enough to freeze the sea for tens of kilometers into ice came out, collided with the strange red sword light, and actually directly froze the red sword light.

Not only that, the momentum of the ice crystal did not decrease in the slightest, and it struck towards Ledfield’s body.

“What a troublesome ability.”

Ledfield jumped into the air, trying to dodge the ice crystal.

Just now, he still spent a lot of domineering to thaw himself. The same mistake, this sea thief will not make a second mistake.

“Frozen Time Capsule.”

Without giving the other party the slightest chance to breathe, another powerful ice crystal rushed towards Ryder in midair.


Two sword rays of light smashed this ice to pieces, and the red figure flashed in the air, rushing straight towards the green body at a speed imperceptible to the naked eye.

Ryder’s rich combat experience immediately understood that fighting a war of attrition with a fruit ability like Qingzhi was the most troublesome, and he needed to solve the other party quickly.

So the umbrella sword, which was covered with a layer of armed color, stabbed towards the childish body.

Sensing this, the childishness of making elementalization in advance made Ryder pounce.

With a bang, another sharp sword qi cut the young child’s body into dozens of ice crystals, and then began to recover rapidly.

“Hey, you guys, take the fruit and leave quickly… I’ll just hold him down here. ”

Seeing that he could not solve the other party in a short time, Qingzhi immediately changed his strategy.

Once the vampire fruit is obtained by the navy, a top powerhouse can be added to the navy.

If you are bold, you can even give Karp a meal, so that Lieutenant General Karp returns to the peak of the 50-year-old physical state, even Lockes himself, I am afraid that he will be extremely jealous.

In this way, the problem of the shortage of naval combat power was immediately solved.

“Yes! Mr. Kuzan, please be careful. ”

The two vice admirals immediately understood, and with hundreds of navies, they began to run towards the exit of the cemetery.

“Bastards: Want to run? ”

Seeing that the other party actually wanted to escape with the fruit, Ledfield couldn’t care about the youth in front of him, and his figure immediately flew towards the fleeing navy.

“Ahh Ledfield, sorry, your opponent .. It’s me. ”

After returning to his original form, Qingzhi stretched out a hand, and the powerful freezing ability directly froze Ryder’s entire body.

“Hey, you guys, why don’t you go yet.. He’ll be back in a minute. ”

Seeing that it was difficult to freeze the other party again, Qingzhi hurriedly reminded the navy who blocked the exit.

But the next moment, Qingzhi immediately realized that the situation seemed to be wrong.

The navy that was originally blocked at the exit was stunned in place, looking at the sky outside the exit, as if they had encountered something incredible, trembling all over, and could not move a step.

Instantly, outside: At the exit of the cemetery, a familiar voice sounded.

“Hahahahaha.. Captain, this is Sleeping Ancient Town. It’s really a dark and damp town. In this kind of place, it is difficult to really have living vampires. ”

What is this voice?

Without waiting for Qing Zhi to think about it, the navy at the exit was as if it had been slammed by something, snapping, snapping, and fell one by one, and his eyes were white.

Only two lieutenant generals of the headquarters were left trembling: “Mr. Kuzan… Rocks Pirates: Here it comes! ”

PS: Brothers: The grades are so bad that they have to eat dirt. But about to usher in a wave of climax, please subscribe~

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