Chapter 89 is going to make trouble in the new world! (3rd change) (subscription requested)

This is the first half of the great voyage known as Paradise.

“Ahh Are the results in? ”

On the sea, on the ice that looked like the traces of a bicycle, Qing Zhi sighed.

The sudden force just now directly cut the sea in front of him, and a crack like an abyss appeared, which could not be bridged for a long time, and also blocked his way forward.

In this paradise, the only person who can do this is the same person.

Feeling the sea with the heat in front of you is exactly the same as when the war was overhead. Who is the winner, it goes without saying.

“It’s really scary. Lockes. ”

Qingzhi originally thought that with the strength of Rocks and Ledfield, the battle between the two would have to last for several days and nights, but he didn’t expect to divide the victory and defeat so quickly.

Even though he consumed a lot of Ledfield’s physical strength, he had less than a day to solve the battle… It’s too much to look at.

In a word… The vampire fruit has fallen into the hands of Lox.

Having obtained such a terrifying ability, next, the Rocks Pirates will definitely have a big move.

The next time I appear, it will be more troublesome than I think.

Thinking of this, Qingzhi crossed the sea and accelerated his march.



A small yellow coin appeared in Ye Tian’s hand, since the top war, Ye Tian’s reputation value has reached the point of counting in hundreds of millions, and now the resurrection coin is like a toy, just buy it casually.

A blue light shot straight into the sky, shrouding Ledfield like holy water that could cleanse the soul.

“This is…” Feeling the constant changes in his body, the originally dejected Ryder’s eyes widened, watching the wrinkles on his hands heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, the wound in the body that was almost fatal just now has now slowly healed, the pain has gradually disappeared, and the entire body… It’s completely different from the stiffness and stiffness you had just come out of prison.

Almost subconsciously picked up the umbrella sword, the thick armed color domineering instantly dyed the blood-red umbrella sword pure black, like a supreme black knife.

It’s this feeling, as if you’ve returned to your peak years!

“What’s going on?”

Ryder looked at Lox in surprise, although he didn’t know how this worked, but he was the only one who could do this.

“You lost this time.” Ye Tian didn’t answer his question, this kind of thing was too complicated to explain.

“That’s right…” Although losing meant joining the Rocks Pirates, Ryder’s tone was not only not low, but a little excited.

This power of eternal youth, he has been looking for too long.

“In that case, this: Is it still needed? Taking out that bat fruit phantom beast line, Ye Tian asked.

“No need.” Ryder glanced at it, and immediately turned his head in disgust. Some of them originally asked for a breed like a dog, and now Lu is ugly.

After all, Ryder originally relied on swordsmanship and domineering to break through the sky on this sea, just like people like Rayleigh, Karp, Redhead, and Hawkeye, they didn’t have much pursuit of the Devil Fruit.

If it weren’t for the fact that the vampire fruit could bring people back to youth, he wouldn’t have been so persistent.

Now that it has returned to the peak, the vampire fruit is naturally not needed.

“Welcome to join, Ryder. I didn’t expect to have a day as a partner with you. I am afraid that this kind of thing can only be achieved on the Rocks ship. The smile on Renly’s face was bright.

After decades of hard fighting, for people their age, the original opponent has long become a friend of remembrance.

Seeing another old friend joining, and it was still the least likely one, Renly was naturally very happy.

Except, of course, the Golden Lion guy.

“Hmph, did you restore that old guy so easily? Captain, it’s so boring. You should play with this stinky bastard. The golden lion snorted a little angrily, he was very unhappy with Ryder’s unseen and lonely appearance when he was fighting for supremacy on the sea more than ten years ago.

It was hard to see him so deflated once, and he actually let him recover without laughing.

“Golden Lion: Your mouth still stinks. Although I got on the boat, I was not bound by the rules of so-called partners. Ryder picked up his umbrella sword and pointed it at the golden lion: “I don’t mind using power to shut you up.” ”

“Is it? You have to have that ability, too. “The golden lion shows no weakness.

“It’s true, if you have the strength to vent endlessly, you will stay in the New World to make trouble, which is very restless now.” Ye Tian was a little speechless.

Recruited such a group of lawless, energetic people on board … In the days that followed, there was a lot of trouble.



Two days later, inside the temporary building of the headquarters of the Navy.

The top management of the Navy has all arrived, and only vice admirals are eligible to participate in this meeting, which is also the highest level meeting of the Navy.

“As everyone must know, the resurrection of the Rocks Pirates has brought great turmoil to the world. Now the three major forces of the world have changed so much, the New World, Whitebeard and Redhead have not made any moves, but Kaido and Bigumam have formed an alliance. Coupled with the continuous problems in the Qiwu Sea, our navy must also take action. ”

Looking around, Sengoku opened the topic.

“The first thing to decide is the selection of the world’s big conscription, and we will look for strong people all over the world.” If possible, it will even be directly awarded the position of general, Qingzhi, Yellow Ape, Red Dog, the three of you will not have any opinions. ”

“Oh yo~ whatever.”

“I can do it.”


Three people expressed their views in turn, and the one who answered the fastest was the yellow ape.

Two more generals mean that his workload can be less, the water can be put more, and the salary will not be reduced, and he is simply a winner in life.

Subsequently, the Navy also unanimously approved the proposal.

After all, everyone present had participated in the Top War and knew the horror of Lockes, so this proposal was passed without any waves.

“The next thing is to solve the candidates of the Seven Wuhai, and after the war, there are a total of three Seven Wuhai who were removed, namely Blackbeard, Boyahan Cook, and Haixia Jinping.”

“As a Seven Wuhai, the most important thing is to have catastrophic destructive power and a huge combat power that rivals the country, so: The first candidate is the recently popular pirate, Edward Wibull. Do you have any questions? ”

Before the words fell, there was a loud bang, and the wooden conference room was crushed into powder, and in an instant, a figure “soared” and stood up, attracting everyone’s attention.

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