Chapter 95 Annihilation of Whitebeard Battle, Begin! 【Fourth, ask for subscription】

“This… Is this true? ”

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers on the thirty warships all widened their eyes.

This has not yet moved to the G1 base of the New World, and directly began to eliminate the Four Emperors? That’s too fast.

However, the people who were amazed were all ordinary navies, and the cadres above the vice admiral level were almost all indifferent.

This matter was discussed early in the morning.

After the navy got the two generals, Fuji Tiger Green Bull, there was already a plan.

After all, the matter of relocating the base is now known to the whole world, and everyone is knowing that the navy’s entry into the new world is a big move, and the target must be one of the four emperors.

But no one would have thought that the navy would directly attack the four emperors before the migration was completed!

After all, at this time, the whole world will think that the Navy is at the stage of preparation, and it will not strike if it is not prepared. In this case, it is the time when the Four Emperors are most distracted, and it is also the best opportunity to eliminate the Four Emperors.

Now, the Navy is pouring out to save the mistakes of the war on top.

“Yo~ Whitebeard, such a terrible enemy, is it true?” The yellow ape sighed.

“Ah, la-la, this time must be successful.”

“Whitebeard, this funeral will definitely make up for you.”

On the five warships, the five generals with different personalities who were named rubbed their fists and moved towards the goal of the new world under the leadership of the Warring States.



New world, somewhere in the sea.

On the huge whale-headed pirate ship, the carnival of the previous days had already converged and became solemn and peaceful.

As early as the first day of receiving the news of the Navy’s migration, the Whitebeard Pirates had closed the banquet and began to prepare for the changes in the new world.

Not only Whitebeard, but the rest of the three sea emperors, were also prepared.

It’s just that no one thought that the new base was just a front for the navy, and their real goal was to take down the Four Emperors first.

And most importantly, they are already in action!

At this time, the Moby Dick had more than three lookouts on the deck in four directions, east, west, south and north. This is also the highest alert level of the Moby Dick.

It didn’t take long.

“Report~! Old.. Daddy, at ten o’clock, discover 2 warships of the Navy! ”

After discovering this anomaly, the lookout in the west shouted.

“Huh? Surveillance ships sent by the Navy again? Moving so fast? The captain of the third team, Jotz, shook his head, he did not expect that the navy would send a surveillance ship before it reached the G1 base, which was too fast.

“Daddy, do you want to sink them.” The captain of the second team, Portcar D. Ace, lit up the flame in his hand and was eager to try.

Since Ace was rescued, he understood everyone’s sincerity, so he would take the initiative to ask for help if anything happened.

Before Ace finished speaking, the voice of the southern lookout sounded again.

“Old… Dad! At five o’clock, discover 3 warships of the Navy! ”

“Old… Dad! At seven o’clock, discover 4 warships of the Navy! ”

“Old… Dad! At twelve o’clock, discover 3 warships of the Navy! ”

At this time, the lookouts in the four directions of east, west, south and north made a sound at the same time, causing a riot on the crew of the white-bearded pirate group.

“Huh? What the hell is going on? See the person above? ”

Seeing that the development of the situation seemed to be beyond his expectations, Marko quickly asked.

“Didn’t… Too far away to see! The lookout’s voice trembled a little.

He vaguely felt that there was a pressing momentum on every warship.

After all, they have seen too many surveillance ships of the Navy, but this is the first time that more than ten warships have been sent at once.

If you don’t get it right, something big is going to happen.

“Daddy: What are we going to do? Panicked for a moment, Marko looked at the whitebeard in the center of the deck.

After all, how does he think, these warships do not look like they were sent to monitor.

After all, this battle is too big.

But to say that it is to fight? It is also unlikely, a dozen warships want to deal with a regiment of four emperors, too naïve.

“Sengoku: Yours truly! It’s worthy of being a wise general. ”

Hearing this, the white-bearded man who had been closing his eyes in the center of the deck suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, a powerful aura emanated, causing the clouds in the sky directly above to continuously gather, forming a huge vortex.

It seems that this naval migration to the G1 base is a complete pretense, and while everyone is paying attention to this, the navy directly attacked it.

“Goo la la, little ones, it seems that we have all been deceived! Take up arms and get ready to fight! ”

With so many warships dispatched at once, there is only one possibility, and that is to come to war.

But there are only more than a dozen warships, and it is obvious that the Navy must have invested in high-end combat power, otherwise it would not be possible to produce only such a few warships.

When Whitebeard thought of this, the lookouts in each of the four directions also happened almost simultaneously.

“Report! On the warship in the direction of ten o’clock in the west, the figure of the red dog was found! ”

“Report! Yellow apes were found on warships in the direction of nine o’clock!!! ”

“Report! Childish was found on the warship in the direction of three o’clock!! ”

“Report! Dad… Found on the warship … The figure of the Sengoku! ”

“Report! Dad… Fujitora found on the warship!! ”

“Report! …”

A series of trembling sounds sounded, as if sounding the death knell of the new century.

“Goo la la, Warring States, this time it’s really a pouring out!”

Hearing this, Whitebeard laughed twice, stood up from the throne on the deck, and ripped off all the medical tubes that had been stuck in his body with both hands.

“Daddy: Your body!! Seeing this, Marko hurriedly persuaded.

“Marko, are these pipes plugged in to arouse the sympathy of the enemy?” Whitebeard glared angrily, and the big beaked knife in his hand smashed heavily to the ground.

In that air, there seemed to be a crack visible to the naked eye, and then: The rift spread, stirring up a huge tsunami.

With the Moby Dick as the center, the tsunami hundreds of meters high surged in four directions, and the target was the coming navy.

Suddenly, a voice resounded in the sea.


In just an instant, the temperature seemed to plummet by tens of degrees, making people feel like falling into an ice cave. The waves that were thousands of meters wide were instantly turned into ice crystals and frozen in the air!

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