Chapter 105 Fire, Fire in the Sky! 【Second more subscription】

Ye Tian said with a smile, and suddenly, he released the momentum of his whole body!

In an instant, the mountain roared tsunami! The ground is shaken!

With Ye Tian as the center, a terrifying domineering aura spread out instantly like a shock wave, and at this time, the earth was shattered, and there were cracks like spider nets everywhere, and they were still extending!

In the sky, the vortexes and cracks left by the entanglement with the void just now have been stitched together by the gradually gathered clouds, replaced by a larger vortex, like a black hole!

“This guy… Have you been hiding your strength just now? ”

At this time, the navy on the square was completely dumbfounded.

They did not expect that a person, just by momentum, could cause such destruction!

Peach Rabbit also watched all this in a daze, isn’t this scene the same scene that appeared when he first recruited Boyahan Cook?

Has this man been hiding this strength?

They always thought that the overlord of the sea was because of the strength of its crew, after all, there were Whitebeard, Bigumuam, Kaido and others.

To this day, there are also Golden Lion, Hades Reilly, Barrett and others.

With such a crew, as long as the captain’s strength is not bad, or rather, as long as the captain is not a pig, he can also be a sea hegemon.

But I didn’t expect that the strength of Lokes himself was the real reason why he could be called the overlord of the sea!

“Furfver….. Furfverfer…. Lockes, this guy, is crazier than we thought! Ferfergo…”Doflamingo laughed maniacally, he finally understood Locks’ true purpose now.

He is going to… Destroy the headquarters of the Navy!

Let the Navy, in the first battle of the new world, suffer a devastating fiasco!

Although this scale is not as grand as the top war, this defeat will be more humiliating for the navy than the top war.

Think about it, the Navy headquarters has just carried out the world conscription, and several Qiwu Hai have been added, and the strength can be said to have swelled to the strongest in history!

But so… The first battle of the Navy in the New World, but a pirate destroyed the headquarters of the New Navy!

Once this happens, what face will the Navy have?

Those five old men of the world government must be so angry that they vomit blood.

Lockes This is, killing… I have to be humiliated!!

Thinking of this, Doflamingo’s smile became even more crazy.

“Loks…” Empty looked solemn, he didn’t expect that the momentum of Lokes at this time was even stronger than the feeling he had 40 years ago!!


With this earth-shaking domineering, the flowing blade is like a fire, the huge flame rises, the temperature is so high that it seems to be able to melt anything, and its scope is so large that it can even directly engulf the entire square of the new naval headquarters!

“Lockes: Is that what you’re really for! ”

Seeing this, the void finally reacted, this guy, not at all taking advantage of the Navy to harass, he is thinking, destroy the new naval headquarters!

Just as he did when he was in the war on top!

“Empty… It seems that the power has corrupted you and made you so dull, and now I see my purpose? ”

Hearing this, a wistful smile came from the corner of Ye Tian’s mouth.

Sure enough, the corruption of the world government, even men like Steel Bone Kong, cannot be exempted from its influence.

This time, he will drive the navy out of the new world and let them return to Marin Fandor!

Let the name of Lox resound throughout the world again!

“Fire City, Burn Guo!”

Whew~! Whew~!

Whew~! Whew~!

The flames in the sky instantly erupted from the pitch-black blade body, and almost in the blink of an eye, the scene in front of everyone’s eyes was the same!


Fire in the sky!

Nothing can be seen except fire!

“Rocks… This time, we can’t let you get away with it! With a solemn face and a deep sense of the situation, he fixed his breath and released the domineering energy of his whole body.

“If you succeed again, the position of the general marshal of my three armies should also be vacated.” The air shouted, and suddenly, another domineering aura that shook the world broke out of the cocoon!

The tough aura rushed towards the strange flame like a steel barrier, and for a while, it actually slowed down the speed of the flame!

“Air Marshal!!”

“Yes, we still have Marshal Air present!”

“That’s right… In any case, Roxes could not succeed under the nose of the Air Marshal. ”

Seeing this scene, the desperate navy just now came back to life at this moment!

That’s right… Ku is the general marshal of the three armed forces of the world government.

In terms of position, full strength, and strength, Void is the first person under the undoubted five old stars!

After all, those who can master the military power of the three services do not have much strength, and it is impossible to convince the public.

With such a person, it is impossible for this new naval headquarters to be destroyed by a pirate so easily.

“Is it finally the ability to come out with its turn?”

Seeing this, CP0, who had been deflated, sneered, and immediately stretched out his hands.

The next moment, the originally hot square suddenly became cold, and the sky… The frost and snow of the white crystal crystal kept flying.

Soon, the frost suddenly became bigger, and the temperature in the square of the new naval headquarters suddenly decreased!

“Devil Fruit Ability?”

Looking at the somewhat shrunken flames in front of him, Ye Tian guessed.

In fact, although there is only one ability of the Devil Fruit, there are many fruits of the upper and lower classes.

Just like the childish ice fruit and Monet’s snow fruit, it is obvious that snow fruit and ice fruit have similar uses, but they are not as powerful as ice fruit.

It seems that the CP0 in front of you is also one of the fruits of this superiority and subordination.

“Hahaha, Lox, just waiting for your move.” Seeing that the flame was getting smaller in both scope and momentum, that CP0 laughed, as if the scene of being abused by Ye Tian just now did not exist at all, and there was quite a pleasure of raising his eyebrows.

“I am a Frost Fruit powerhouse, and in order to deal with you after the top war, the World Government specially gave me the Frost Fruit. In order to make your weird flame sword technique invalid! ”

“The world government is a god who has ruled the entire world for 800 years, how can a pirate be worthy of a god!!”

That CP0 was very proud, laughing, and seemed to have reached the peak of his life.

On the side, Sora looked at this CP0 speechlessly, it was a kind of caring eyes for the mentally retarded.

“Oh? Is it? Seeing this, Ye Tian smiled.

If it was Qingzhi here, Ye Tian might feel that there was some reason, but a CP0 was not enough to make this flow of blades like fire and invalid!

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